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Asgaard Tech Deals


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Asgaard Tech Deals


To Sign up for Asgaard Tech Deals, please complete our Tech Form here : Asgaard Tech Sign-up

All Asgaard Tech Deals are traditional 1x1s. 3 Million for 100 Tech.

Asgaard Tech Code of Conduct:

By performing Tech Deals with Asgaard you agree to our simple set of rules.

  • As a nation you will always complete your tech deals, all tech deals are 3 million for 100 tech unless otherwise noted. Failure to pay up can result in military measures taken upon your nation if a valid reason is not given. We're not beasts, just tell us you'll be away for a few days so we know. Keeping communication is key to avoiding tech deal issues. Any deal that is defaulted is subject to reparations in the form of 50 extra tech given to an Asgaard nation is agreed upon by your nation and Asgaard.
  • If you have problems with a tech deal, contact one of Lonewolfe2015, Gambona or Ard Ri Monagle via in-game private messages so we may handle your queries.
  • Remain calm and collected during tech deals, under no circumstances will we tolerate abusive private messages.
  • All tech dealings will be handled via in-game mechanics and messages, irc may also be used from time to time. Asgaard's channel is #Asgaard.
  • When doing deals, you agree to use proper labeling, examples include "Tech Deal 3mil/100 Tech" or "50 of 100 Tech" for instance.
  • Experience is required, you may not participate until you've been cleared for deals by our staff.

Thank you, we look forward to doing business with you ... though it goes very much against our Norse instinct to loot and pillage :P

Edited by Ard Ri Monagle
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