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Kyivan Rus' Military status


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Kyivan Rus' Army under command of Field Marshall Alla Vasylyna Nataliya

  • Army Group East - 595.000 troops and 1300 tanks under command of Field Marshal Kyrylo Pylyp Denys
    • 10th Mechanized Army - 90.000 soldiers, 400 Tanks
    • 11th Army - 140.000 troops
    • 12th Army - 120.000 troops
    • 13th Army - 135.000 troops
    • 14th Reserve Army - 50.000 troops
    • 4th Panzer Korps - 60.000 troops, 900 Tanks

    [*]Army Group West - 550.000 troops and 2200 tanks under command of Field Marshal Mykhailo Adam Yuriy

    • 20th Panzer Korps - 60.000 troops, 900 Tanks
    • 21th Army - 120.000 troops
    • 22th Army - 140.000 troops
    • 23th Mechanized Army - 90.000 soldiers, 400 Tanks
    • 24th Panzer Korps - 60.000 troops, 900 Tanks
    • 25th Reserve Army - 50.000 troops

    [*]Army Group Middle- 340.000 troops and 1300 tanks under command of Field Marshal Ivan Roman Oleksander

    • 1st Mechanized Army - 90.000 soldiers, 400 Tanks
    • 2nd Army - 140.000 troops
    • 3th Reserve Army - 50.000 troops
    • 4th Panzer Korps - 60.000 troops, 900 Tanks

Kyivan Rus' Airforce under command of Air Marshall Taras Sofiya Larysa

  • 1st Fighter Wing - 20 squadrons of 24 fighter planes each under command of Oxana Larysa Fedir
  • 2nd Fighter Wing - 20 squadrons of 24 fighter planes each under command of Kostyantyn Petro Roman
  • 3th Transport Wing - 20 squadrons of 24 transport planes each under command of Yuriy Pylyp Taras
  • 4th Wing - 20 squadrons of 24 planes each under command of Denys Vyacheslav Anton
  • 5th Bomber Wing - 25 squadrons of 24 bombers each under command of Vasyl Kyrylo Volodymyr

Edited by Sitethief
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Premier Symon Vasylivich Navoda and Field Marshall Alla Vasylyna Nataliya were discussing battle plans regarding the Spanish Colonial Conflict. Both agreed that sending more troops would be counter productive, and they still had to watch their back, to the east the Caucasian were an always present danger.

Symon was drinking his espresso from a huge mug, he liked strong coffee to keep him going through the day. He studied the map while a bit of coffee was caught in his big mustache. Alla was chewing on a pencil while he was also studying the map of Europe. His almost bald head was a big contrast with his young looking face. He was the youngest commander of the Kyivan forces ever. Though he was known to be a theoretics pur sang, he left the practical stuff to his stunningly beautiful red haired assistant Yulia Natanich Yushchenko.

"Yulia, we have been asked by our allies to get ourselves Monaco, but we have a logistical problem. We're out of trains, as they are all transporting our troops to an already crowded Valencia..... Our puny Antonov An-8's won't do much to transport a viable army.....

"Alla, is there no naval transport available?" Asked Symon while taking another large sip. "What? You want us two transport troops in row boats? We have no navy, and no easy route to get into the Mediterranean without passing enemy terrain. No we have to approach Monaco by land. Good thing the damn country is rather small, we can whip up some 35.000 troops and hope the enemy doesn't notice they are still carrying WWII era weapons. I hate the guy who decided to send all our new weapons and tanks to Valencia. And to what use?"

Yulia was studying the Kyivan part of the map, noticing the rather large airport just outside of Kyiv. "Say Alla, do you still know Boris? You know, the CEO of Kyiv AeroFlot, he still owes me a big favor. Let me give him a ring to see what I can arrange here." That said she turned her head and her beautiful red hair followed suite. It was clearly aimed at Alla, who was of course totally oblivious to any flirting, but Symon did notice it, and how!

"Hey Boris dear, its Yulia, hows life? Ah, I get it, say, could we invite you for a drink at the Defense ministry?" She winked at Symon and Alla. "Yeah, we have vodka here." So, its really easy to get to speak Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, but actually get him to do something might take some persuasion. Now I'll go find us some vodka, you guys go set up yourself at the saloon please. And remember, Boris doesn't like to start his meetings all serious. So be prepared"

Alla looked at Symon, who was staring at Yulia's behind. "Do you know what she meant with that? I mean, I like drink now and then, but when Boris starts drinking I better switch to water." Symon sighed "You know Alla, sometimes you are such a dork, but thats okay, we like you like that. Come, lets go setup a game of pool."

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A muffled noise woke up Alla, he slowly opened his eyes. The light hitting his retina felt like a needle stuck into his skull. He moved a bit around and felt something under his back, it was vibrating. He tried to reach behind his back with one arm but had to shift his weight around a bit. Then his brain slowly started to realize that shifting weights not a good move, but it was doused by copious amounts of liquor and now fast enough to warn its owner. And so Alla landed on the floor with a loud thump , the sound of an annoying ringtone was immediately bothering his ears. When he tried to pull his face of the high carpet, trying to spew out some of the carpet fiber that had gotten in his mouth, he realized he was looking straight into a human face. Not more then 15 centimeter away, sleeping angelically with one thumb in her mouth, lied Yulia. This sight made him laugh uncontrollably for about 5 minutes until he was fully awake, as far as you can be fully awake with a hangover stretching to the Black Sea and back.

"Alla speaking" "Marshal Mykhailo, whats going on back there in Kyiv? Why are my troops in the air half way through Europe?" Alla looked at his phone in disbelieve, as if the device was to blame. "Euh, I just woke up, can I get back to you on that in 30 minutes?" Alla looked down and suddenly noticed why it was so chilling around his privates, he wasn't wearing any pants "Are you sick Alla? You never sleep later then 7?" Alla locked the phone between his ear and shoulder and tried to find his pants, but the resulting diagonal view wasn't really helping his search, or his stomach for that matter. "No, no, I'm alright, we just had a long night." He immediately wondered who he meant with 'we', he was alone right? And at that same moment he tripped over Yulia, launching his phone right into the face of Boris, who had just walked into the room with four plates of Bacon & Eggs on a tray.

Alla landed on the couch, his face covered in bacon and eggs, and a tray with four breakfasts on his lap. "Hello Boris, what the $%&@ are you doing here?" Was the only thing Alla's brain could utter.......

OOC: I will post more later this evening.

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