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The Waves of War crash upon Michuraza


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Takeo stood at the podium, having finished his speech to Etania - the people were ready. They cried for the blood of the Michurazans, they wanted them dead, and they would do whatever it cost, to make it so. "I thank you, for your support. I will bring the rebellious state of Michuraza back under our control, so that DET can become the state that it was always meant to be!"

The crowd roared, bloodthirstily, as Takeo left the stage. The plan was going into action, and Michuraza was finally going to come to an end.


5:35 AM:

The remains of the F-1 Shadow Air Fleet (10 Squadrons) took to the skies, with older but still workable F-22 Raptor Air Fleet (10 Squadrons). An additional 20 squadrons of Tupolev Tu-160 Bombers rose with them. If any foreigner were to ask, they would be in the sky for 'aerial practice combat'.

5:55 AM:

The air fleet of over 280 aircraft approached the edge of Michurazan airspace. Flying at higher altitudes, they would be nearly invisible to the primitive Michurazan Radar Stations.

6:00 AM:

No less than 30 cruise missiles opened up out of the Home Island Silos, speeding towards Michuraza. The Kingdom of Cochin Military Base was targeted by 5 HE-Cruise Missles and 5 FAB Cruise Missiles, to ensure that there would be problems to deal with after the initial impact. The rest of the missiles, 10 FAB and 10 HE missiles, were shot at various military outposts, and at key anti-aircraft installations, to soften up the defense.

6:05 AM:

The 140 Tupolev Tu-160s entered the Michurazan Airspace, and began their bombing runs over Michuraza, carpet bombing them. Airstrips across Michuraza were the primary targets, with military compounds, viewed from the Etanian Satellite, being the next choice. Five F-1 Shadow Squadrons flew closer to the ground, each individually releasing their eight 100kg bomb payloads on government infrastructure, before heading back up to defend the Tupolevs. The other five squadrons, armed with two long range missiles and two 500kg bombs, attacked the Cochin Military Base, and other military outposts.

Upon running out of ammo, they continued strafing the targets with their 25mm autocannons before picking up altitude and returning to cover the Tupolevs.

6:20 AM:

The 16 massive cargo ships, each carrying 10,000 soldiers, and 10 Type 90 MBTs left Etanian ports, heading towards Michuraza. Elite Samurai Brigade special forces were parachuted into Michuraza, to cause general ruckus until the invasionary force arrived. The 2,000 SB deployed in Michuraza were to storm the Capitol, and attempt to take the Puppet Government by Force.

6:45 AM:

The Tupolevs had expended the last of their payloads, and began the flight back to the Home Islands, having suffered two squadron losses. The F-1 and F-22s were to stay behind, and ensure air superiority over the Michurazans. With most of the Michurazan Airforce grounded, the F-1s were free to strafe ground troops, while the F-22s stayed high up, ready to assist at a moments notice should any aircraft attack.

7:00 AM:

The 16 cargo ships landed, unloading their 160,000 soldiers and 160 MBTs. Fierce fighting raged on the beaches, as the Michurazans attempted to repel the larger Etanian forces. The odds were in favor of the Etanians and ERROR #455-BD24

ERROR #455-BD24

ERROR #455-BD24

ERROR #455-BD24

ERROR #455-BD24

"Dammit," muttered Takeo, closing his terminal. The specs weren't good enough to handle the battle simulation. He'd have to radio to someone to give him some better components, before he tried it once more.

"Dammit," he muttered again.

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OOC:Im guessing this was a battle simulation because my AA's would shot those plain's down and my military wouldn't sit by and let you do as you please.

OOC, obviously was because he states its a simulator.

Not to mention bio knows how to RP war style, he would ahve given you a chance to respond

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OOC: That was superb, Bio!! For a moment I almost thought I was at war with a nationless entity!! :D Very interesting simulation. And to be honest the measure of attack that you would have launched against my garrison would mean that the single Battalion would duffer 80+% losses and then I would have to utterly destroy your nation, :(

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OOC: That was superb, Bio!! For a moment I almost thought I was at war with a nationless entity!! :D Very interesting simulation. And to be honest the measure of attack that you would have launched against my garrison would mean that the single Battalion would duffer 80+% losses and then I would have to utterly destroy your nation, :(

OOC: It wasn't really a fair attack, tbh. :P

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OOC: It wasn't really a fair attack, tbh. :P

OOC: Fair or not you had tactical surprise going for you and with a single battalion in Michuraza I would not be able to defend against the first attack anyway! The survival rate of my Battalion would not depend on any defenses, but rather purely on Darwinian principles. The shock and awe tactic would work perfectly if Michuraza was unallied, but a wanton attack targeting my garrison would cause me to launch total war against you, I could claim the 80% casualty as a very valid casus belli. Over all an excellent plan but too optimistic if you counted on me being annihilated in the war too, which would truly need a Pan-Asiatic war. :D

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