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Vauleyo-Buryatia rings in the New Year

Imperator Azenquor

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BCNA:Vauleyo-Buryatia rings in the New Year


“Tens of thousands of Vauleyo-Buryatian citizens are gathering in the city of Petrograd to celebrate the coming New Year, tonight. Streets throughout the city have been temporarily diverted to ease traffic flow toward the main squares and the National Sports Stadium, but there is traffic nonetheless. There are two main celebrations being held tonight to ring in the new year, the first celebration is a free celebration in the Zhukov Square, and the second is a B$100 per ticket event being held at the National Sports Stadium.


-Fireworks show from Zhukov Square

Citizens gathered in Zhukov Square have been treated to a spectacular fireworks display and a military parade, ahead of a concert to begin after the countdown at midnight. Unlike previous military parades, which focused mostly on the sheer number and technological capability of the Vauleyo-Buryatian forces, the New Year’s parade was simply a display of the Specials Units and did not include any kind of military hardware.


-Specials Unit parades through the Square

In addition to the fireworks display, a troupe of dancers from the Buryatian Cultural Troupe performed several traditional cultural dances for the crowd in the National Sports Stadium.


-Buryatian Cultural Troupe

Another key event that occurred in Zhukov Square a few moments ago was the unveiling, by President Anyatevich, of a statue dedicated to the late President Zhukov. President Zhukov made his mark as being the first President of post-Communist Vaule, and for leading the country valiantly through difficult and uncertain times. The statue of the late President was commissioned by an act of Parliament, and was completed less than a month ago specially for the New Year Celebrations.


-Zhukov Statue unveiled

After the statue was unveiled, thousands of people carrying candles entered the Square from the North entrance and marched up to the statue, honoring a decades old tradition in the country. President Anyatevich and his family, are expected to head to the National Sports Stadium for the Countdown, then on to the Royal Palace for the State Dinner and Royal Celebrations to be held at 2:00am tomorrow morning. BCNA has been given unprecedented access to report from both the stadium, and the Palace. We will do our best to keep you informed of the developments.

For our viewers here and at home and everyone watching at home and abroad, we at BCNA wish you a very Happy New Year!”-Reporter

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BCNA: President speaks

“We now go live to the National Sports Stadium, where President Anyatevich is giving his first annual New Year’s speech. The President’s speech was simultaneously broadcast to those in Zhukov Square, and to everyone across the nation.”-Reporter

***National Sports Stadium***

The large crowd inside the stadium cheers as President Anyatevich steps up to the podium. As the noise in the stadium dies down, the cameras focus in on the President, and the national flag fluttering behind him.

“Friends, Comrades, Vauleyo-Buryatians,

In the past year, we faced many challenges as a nation. We were faced with political, economic and military obstacles that seriously challenged our ability as a nation. With hard work and dedication, we have yet again overcome these obstacles. We have faced internal and external hardships, but through our common unity we have persevered.

We have forged a unity between the Vauleyan and Buryatian nations, despite decades of division and conflict. Our national unity was forged in the most potent of furnaces, tempered in combat, and polished with honor. The unity of the two nations has created a single, indivisible Vauleyo-Buryatian nation.

Let us pause to reflect upon our successes and our failures, but let us also look ahead to the New Year. Let us look ahead to new opportunities, new chances, new hopes, new experiences and a new beginning. Let us honor the past, and work to build a better future. Let us start the New Year afresh.

Let us continue to work towards a better nation for all citizens and let us strengthen our nation, both in military might and in the strength of its unity. Tonight, let us celebrate a new beginning.

Let us celebrate our history. Let us celebrate our people. Let us celebrate our culture. Let us celebrate our achievements. Let us celebrate new opportunities. Let us celebrate the dawn of a new year.

May God bless you, and may God bless Vauleyo-Buryatia, from Novaya Zemlya to Kolyma, from Aldan to East Ingushetia!

I thank you”-President Anyatevich

The crowd cheers loudly as President Anyatevich steps down from the podium. As the applause dies down, the Vauleyo-Buryatian National Anthem plays. As the anthem ends, thousands of schoolchildren carrying brightly colored cards run out into the stadium forming the national flag.

A gong sounds in the stadium, and the children begin flipping their cards on cue, forming the 60 second countdown to the New Year.








Suddenly the entire night sky is lit up by

as the New Year begins. At exactly 12:01, all bars across Vauleyo-Buryatia begin serving vodka for free to all patrons over the drinking age. The Police and security forces increase their presence in the capital.
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