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Tropico News Today

Agostinho Neto

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Welcome on TNT Radio! This is your radio host, Juanito, with explooosive news!

El General appearance on the balcony of his presidential palace was an official endorsement and expression of solidarity to the Capitalist faction. El General's councilman has further confirmed the official endorsement of the El General on Economic Growth policies. El General has been apparently influenced by the majority of the citizens who expressed concerns over the backward economy of the island.

Indeed, El General has been reported to be in the process of signing various Trade Agreements and Foreign Aid Agreements with governments from all over the world, to expedite the assimilation of Tropico into the vision of a “Tropico, Paradise Island”. El General has indeed published a book on its Tropico Island manifesto entitled “Banana Republic? No thanks, we like Ananas”. El Consejero, El General's advisor, is a co-author of this book.

Political faction elites including those among the Militarists and Intellectuals, have apparently cooperated to endorse the new policies.

El General openly endorses the construction of factories and banks, alluding to his government having an alleged mandate to transform Tropico substantively into an off-shore paradise by implementing the recommendations of the book “Banana Republic? No thank, we like Ananas”. There is therefore clearly a working association between El General and the political factions of the island, except Communists, Environmentalists and Religious, to implement and execute the capitalist agenda of the book entitled “Banana Republic? No thanks, we like Ananas”, whether Bananas like it or not.

The aim of this endorsement would be to guarantee a rich, safe, democr.. i mean just and prosperous Tropico.

I have plenty of news to report about happiness and the status of our economy! But the military kidnapped Josè...


Josè, Juanito's Llama

So here's some music, the Anthem of Tropico!

Edited by El General
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Welcome on TNT radio! The news El General wants you to hear! This is Juanito, your favourite (and only) radio host!

Good news in matters of Foreign Policy! Uncle Mudd is helping Tropico to improve transportation infrastructure essential for the community’s well-being and growth, the construction of the Harbor and the Foreign Ministry! Yeah that's right Tropicans, an harbor! You remember what happened the last time a freighter came to pay us a visit?


“El General is working with Tahoe to help Tropico achieve real progress on shared goals that will improve quality of life and trade,” said El Consejero. “It is vital that Tropico maintains and improves transportation options.” Tropico invested $3.000.000 Tahoe Dollars to build a new harbour and a road to the community. The new facility replaces... sand, and has been built in deeper water to better ensure safe navigation.

“Tropico is experiencing population growth,” said El Consejero “An important aspect of El General’s commitment to improving... today we reached 2000 citizens! But i miss the time we all knew to each other... We recognize that infrastructure development is key to supporting the Tropican economy!.”

Edited by El General
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Take cover! You are on TNT! The exploooosive network! And this is Juanito, your radio host!

Apparently El General earned his fame as a maverick stalinist who would work with the most illiberal factions to tackle the country's problems.

But to experience an El General rally in recent days is to be reminded of the island's deeply polarized electorate. The argument that El General is a closet socialist has taken hold among some of the supporters of the Intellectuals (those who pretent to know everyerything just because they can read and write) who erupt into loud applause when their leader offers his antidote to El Presidente's plan to pave the way for social reforms.

"We have a clear choice," said Pedro Gonzales, leader of the Intellectuals. "Do we want to give our country to El Presidente's socialism?" the answer is: Sure we do! El Presidente is always right! Even when he is wrong..

Even in Oviedo, a picturesque island occupied by a herd of anarcho-insurrectionalist crocodiles that residents described as politically moderate, the deeply divided nature of the country was on display. "He is the most liberal and generous leader of the Caribbean!; it shouldn't surprise you that his goal is to redistribute money! STOP CHEWING MY FOOT YOU MOTH*BEEP* F*BEEP*ER" said a resident in the process of being eaten by a crocodile.


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Hello Tropicans, welcome on TNT radio! This your favourite radio host, Juanito, with explooosive news!

Today Crocodillian officials said that Tropican troops are occupying part of a disputed island of Nueva Oviedo along the two "nations" border, stirring concerns about an escalation in tensions between Tropicans and Crocodiles. The Crocodillian government spokesman El Croc confirmed tropican troops had seized the town of Oviedo on the island of Nueva Oviedo. El Croc said he chaired a meeting of the national Security Council today to discuss the incident.


"The council views the Tropican move as a violation of Oviedo's sovereignty and urges Tropico to withdraw its troops from the island and bring down the Tropican flag they raised above it," El Croc said. The Island of Nueva Oviedo is located about 4 miles north from Tropico. It has estimated reserves of 10.000 cigars. El Croc said that the Crocodillian government summoned the Tropican ambassador in Oviedo and submitted a letter of protest. El General announced the use of a terrifying weapon imported from Australia: Kangaroos.. ah no! Sorry, i mean Steve Irwin!.


Tropican and Crocodillian officials have frequently tussled over territory in the atoll, and brief incursions aren't uncommon.

Edited by El General
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