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Spying, killing, blowing up stuff, and deleting important files is bad, m'kay?


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Great Lakes States Government's enraged demand

Yesterday, one of our military bases was attacked. A fuel depot and utility building was destroyed, 24 people were injured, and ten were killed. We had caught a spy who was behind that attack that attempted to use it as a distraction so he can steal our military files, corrupting our servers and database in the process when the servers were under maintenance. The spy was sent by Yuktobania's government.

Total cost of damages:

Building damages: $2.1 million+servers damages and corruption:$4.5 million+corrupted database and files:$9.69 billion=$10,196,100,000 worth of damages.

We demand an explanation, reparations, and an apology from Yuktobania.

(OOC: Link to the spy RPing: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=76296 :OOC)



GLS will be moved to DEFCON 3 from 5. Prepare the military for invasion of Yuktobania if things goes south:

65,000 soldiers

1,150 M1 Abrams tanks

240 Demolisher tanks

3,050 M2 Bradley IFV

1,500 Panzerhaubitze 2000

MIM-104 Patriot: 4,450

3,500 AH-64 Apache

3,000 CH-47F Chinook

900 UH-60 Black Hawk

1/2 squadron of KC-10 Extender

15 squadrons of F-22

5 squadrons of F-35A

5 squadrons of F-35C

1/2 squadron of B-2 Spirit

4 squadrons of A400M (Can not be carried on ships due to their massive size. Fly them to the designated location instead.)

2 aircraft carriers

2 battleships

2 anti-aircraft frigates

1 cruiser

enough cargo ships to transport supplies, equipment, and all of the ground forces

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"So instead of contacting the government about it, you go right to ultimatums. Things certainly have changed since the ime of my presidency. Especially if you didn't have back-up files to replace the information lost."

~Benjamin Wallace, Duke of Perth

"I have personally met the Prime Mininister of Yuktobania. I do not believe she could have been the one to order this."

~Daniel Jackson, Duke of Adelaide

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"So instead of contacting the government about it, you go right to ultimatums. Things certainly have changed since the ime of my presidency. Especially if you didn't have back-up files to replace the information lost."

~Benjamin Wallace, Duke of Perth

"I have personally met the Prime Mininister of Yuktobania. I do not believe she could have been the one to order this."

~Daniel Jackson, Duke of Adelaide

Our backup files were lost when our server decided to try to automatically reroute the data to another one that was still under software maintenance, which didn't turn out well. We aren't going to invade Yuktobania though, unless if they decided to refuse the reparation or discuss the issue with us.

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Our backup files were lost when our server decided to try to automatically reroute the data to another one that was still under software maintenance, which didn't turn out well. We aren't going to invade Yuktobania though, unless if they decided to refuse the reparation or discuss the issue with us.

"There are such things as private diplomatic channels..."

~Anthony Harlem

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"There are such things as private diplomatic channels..."

~Anthony Harlem

Good point.


Classified message to Yuktobania:

I think you already know the issue. The spy we caught claimed he was sent by your Deputy Prime Mininster, Dimitri Petrenko. We could send the spy's ID to you if you wanted to know who is the spy.

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OOC: I just got back. Finally something interesting.


Dear GLS Government Command,

I have just recieved word that one of ur spies have been detained and has caused various damages to your nations military infrastructure. As of right now, my government officials are cracking down on the YKGB, our security agency (OOC: not yet CIA), and are putting to justice a number of spies implicated in the matter.

To avoid any potential bloodshed, I wish to discuss the issue further with your government officials at the earliest convience.

-Catherine Reznov

Prime Minister of Yuktobania

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Classified reply:

We have your spy in our prison right now, awaiting for a criminal trial that we plan on putting him in. I can attend a meeting to resolve this issue.

From GLS President Frank Swater

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Alright, I will see you ASAP.

12 Hours Later,

A Tu-144 landed in New City's International Airport. Catherine stepped out of the plane with 2 armed guards. She was not in a happy mood, instead it was actually more so grim business.

An armored car escorted by two police cars was parking on the tarmac with President Frank Swater standing next to the car, waiting for her.

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OOC: I hope it doesn't involve giving you $10B IG.

Catherine and her guard walked up to the GLS President and extended her hand. "Good afternoon, Mr. Swater, I rather have this grim business taken care of ASAP with the minimal amount of bloodshed.

OOC: Nah.



"Same here. There is enough room for your guards too." he replied as he opened the car's door for her.

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Catherine and her guard entered the vehicle and closed the door behind her. "So tell me what this spy has done to this country."

"Well, Alexandr Isakov did manged to break into New City Eastern Military Base. He killed several people and wounded even more by shooting and blowing up the fuel depot while trying to access the computer room so he can download our military and research files. When we caught him, we interrogated him and discovered he was taking orders from Dimitri Petrenko and claimed that the files were meant to allow your deputy prime minister to take over your nation. We weren't sure if he was actually telling the truth on the last part, but do you want to visit Alexandr Isakov?" Swater asked as he pulled out his laptop and and clicked "play" on the screen.

The laptop then begin to show the recorded video tapes of Alexandr Isakov planting a bomb onto a fuel tank, shooting two soldiers while crossing the main road, entering the office building from the back while alarms sounded in the distance, pressing something in his hands behind his back while talking to a soldier followed by a loud roar and vibration, entering a room and shooting someone in the room, and then ended with two soldiers dragging him out of the room, asleep from the tranquilizer darts.

The second set of videos showed the recorded tapes of the interrogation.

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As Catherine was watching the video, she winced over the fact that a spy did all this damage.

After watching she said, "I think he may be telling the truth, despite what you believe. The Yuktobanian spy organization only takes orders from me or the vice minister. Dimitri has been playing against me ever since the major budget cuts to the nation's military, but I never would have thought he'd go this far."

After a few moments of silence, Catherine then said, "Still, I must do what's right to ensure peace between our two nations, right?"

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As Catherine was watching the video, she winced over the fact that a spy did all this damage.

After watching she said, "I think he may be telling the truth, despite what you believe. The Yuktobanian spy organization only takes orders from me or the vice minister. Dimitri has been playing against me ever since the major budget cuts to the nation's military, but I never would have thought he'd go this far."

After a few moments of silence, Catherine then said, "Still, I must do what's right to ensure peace between our two nations, right?"

"Yes. I might able to help defuse some of the anger from my nation's citizens, but I know they will demand you to turn over Dimitri to our justice system for punishment, including Alex. If that doesn't happen, then they would either demand the massive reparation or war since sabotaging other nations is considered an act of war to many people. If I don't do anything, then the media would cream me and that is every democratic government's nightmare." Swater replied.

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"I don't blame you on that Mr. Swater." Catherine said, "If the Deputy Minister has nothing to fear, then he should not be afraid to answer to your justice system. As for Alex, you may do with him as you please."

The guards started to get a bit nervous, if Dimitri does try to answer for his crimes, it would surely mean the end for them.

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"I don't blame you on that Mr. Swater." Catherine said, "If the Deputy Minister has nothing to fear, then he should not be afraid to answer to your justice system. As for Alex, you may do with him as you please."

The guards started to get a bit nervous, if Dimitri does try to answer for his crimes, it would surely mean the end for them.

"What if he refuses arrest?" Swater asked.

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"I think there might be additional evidences that showed that Dimitri actually sent the orders to Alex since an interrogation video isn't going to cut it. Other than that, I don't think there is anything else that we need to talk about." Swater replied.

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I believe we could share whatever files that the YKGB used for the past two days of the operation. Though it will require that it will be investigated under joint investigation.

OOC: Do you want me to do the deed or do you?

OOC: Sure, you can.


IC: "I am fine with a joint investigation. You can prosecute Dimitri for attempting to overthrow you and then we can prosecute him for ordering to steal our files."

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OOC: Okay....*deep breath* here we go.

IC: "Alright, now that that is settled, we will still pay the reparations and this whole issue should boil over, correct?" Catherine Reznov said. The guards, convinced that the Prime Minister is going to sell out their employer, took off safety on their weapons without anyone noticing.

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OOC: Okay....*deep breath* here we go.

IC: "Alright, now that that is settled, we will still pay the reparations and this whole issue should boil over, correct?" Catherine Reznov said. The guards, convinced that the Prime Minister is going to sell out their employer, took off safety on their weapons without anyone noticing.

"Nah, I think my nation's citizens would rather demand the courts to cram the $10 billion reparation into Dimitri's and Alex's face when they find out who was behind the attack."


Meanwhile, at the Department of Homeland Security:

"AND YOU SAY TWO POLICE CARS ARE ENOUGH TO PROTECT OUR PRESIDENT?!" a supervisor roared. "Yeah, too many escorts and possible terrorists would switch to something more lethal than a rocket launcher which the car the president inside can survive to an artillery gun. I think you remember what happened to previous government officials before the TUO-GLS war, right? Artillery strikes often completely decimated the escorts, followed by armor piercing missiles."

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