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Land effect on population


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Does anyone knows anything about land effect on population? I mean there seems to be some breakpoints like one I noticed when I reached 1000 miles total land which I had a population burst.

I was curios that does it depends on population per mile or just the total land level?

and when you lose some resources and you land modifier drops does it have a negative effect?

I'd appreciate if someone has a point.

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Land (no matter how you get it, purchased, from growth or from modifiers), contributes to your base citizen count. It's 0.2 citizen/mile or 0.5 if you have an Agriculture Development Program.

Note that this is the base count, so on top of that, you have the population modifiers: tech, government position, resources, etc.

But land has indirect effects also.

For example, when your land:infra ration is below 1:2 you get an environment penalty and this hurts your citizen count. This probably explains why getting 1000 miles of land made such a change in your case.

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Thanks man!

You're absolutely right! I was at 2000 level of infra and I was just below 1000 miles land, after I purchased some land I got that burst.

So, in this way population per mile ratio doesn't matter unless it doesn't get you happiness penalty, am I right?

By the way, I noticed that when I dismiss some soldiers before I collect the tax, I have an increase in my population which gets me more money! Do you know how this is going? I mean is there a formula? any minimums or maximums?

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You lose a point of environment (and hence some happiness and population count) if your effective soldier count (not the real number of soldiers) is more than 60% of your population. I always dismiss down to a bit under that limit before collecting taxes.

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You lose a point of environment (and hence some happiness and population count) if your effective soldier count (not the real number of soldiers) is more than 60% of your population. I always dismiss down to a bit under that limit before collecting taxes.

Well, there is also a direct tie between soldiers and your citizen population. For every X soldiers you have or purchase, your citizen population is reduced by Y. The amount of Y is going to depend on the size nation; larger nations being affected more than smaller ones. For example I bought 1000 soldiers and it reduced my citizen population by 28 citizens. So you'd regain more population if you were dismissing down to the minimum necessary to keep you out of anarchy than just dropping under the 60% limit.

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