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The Lillian

Sarah Tintagyl

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I have someone here that would like to meet your daughter, Melissa. As soon as you can, I will see her in the throne room.


Anthony was a little taken aback at this message. Who on earth...?

He sighed, seriously considering pretending he hadn't received the message--except for the fact that they were both in the palace, and that would be too obvious.

He called the home in Alice Springs and left a message.

Melissa arrived the following day, stopping in to see what her father had wanted. He showed the message to her, and asked a passing servant to escort her to the throne room.

..."Of course Your Grace." Said the maid as she walked past the quarters of the Grand Duke. "I believe Her Majesty has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of your daughter. Miss Harlem if you would please follow me, Her Highness is in the throne room now." The main took the lead as she led Melissa from the West Wing of the Royal Palace towards the Grand Hall in the center and from there it would be another five to ten minute walk up to the massive throne room on the upper floors of the palace. Lillia Palace, was for all intensive purposes still going under massive construction and would be under construction for the greater part of the decade, however builders had made ground since the formation of the Queendom to provide Hannah and her government a suitable and if not breathtaking living quarters that put the architects that designed Solidor Manor to shame.

Great glass arched windows lined the halls that the maid led Melissa down as the afternoon sun, shinning in all its glory, filled the palace with natural sunlight that bounced splendidly off the marble floors. From the Great Hall, they ascended a massive staircase leading to the top floors of the castle, wherein the throne room was built in a great circular room with glass windows offering an awe-inspiring view of the city of Darwin and the Golden Capital that it was slowly becoming. As they reached the entrance to the throne room, the maid bowed at the two Royal Guards standing outside of the door, both of them prior SWORD agents from Promised Land, redirected under the personal command of the Queen.

"Gentlemen, this is Melissa Harlem, daughter of the Grand Duke here for an audience with Her Royal Highness."

"Yes, she may proceed."

The guards opened the large doors that led down a large hallway to the circular area at the end where Hannah was seated on a large throne, the designs that spiraled up into the air. Beside her stood another woman, a tall blonde woman with the same piercing green eyes, but with much tanner skin, this woman was dressed in a white frock coat with black pants and wore a rapier at her side. As Melissa continued down the hall, she would eventually reach the throne itself, where Hannah sat, slightly above her from a small staircase. The Queen stood, long flowing white robes draped around her body as she walked towards the young girl.

"Melissa Harlem. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance again. As I am sure, you are curious as to why you have been summoned to an audience. But it is to offer you something, the chance to serve Australia and her Queen more than you have in the past. We have been watching you, not only myself, but the Duchess of Brisbane has also commented on your natural ability at the martial arts and so forth. Therefore, I would like you to hear my proposal for you to join the Lillian Guard."

Hannah paused for a moment to let her take in the proposal before continuing. "This is Commander Valeria Sangral. She is the Lillian Commander and in addition to myself and Lady Sarah believes you to be a great addition to a sisterhood that goes back to the birth of the Commonwealth itself."

"You would also be the first Promised Lander to join our Order." Said Valeria after the Queen had finished. "It is a very noble issue for an lady in the Commonwealth or now the Queendom to be selected for such an honor and we only even suggest this to people that are of the highest intelligence and in the best physical shape. Should you accept this offer, we will welcome you with open arms to training and hopefully your in statement in the guard. But it is entirely your choice."

Hannah smiled as she returned to her throne and sat down. "Please honor us with your acceptance Miss Harlem. Embrace a tradition that has gone back years and is still years in the making."

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Anthony stared curiously after the retreating maid and his daughter. She glanced back once with a questioning loom, but he shrugged his shoulders. She would have to find out by following the maid.

Melissa, while she had never lacked basic comforts and necessities, and a few small luxuries, had never really been surrounded by such obvious wealth. She knew her father was wealthy, but he had never made a show of it. Neither had the prior government of Promised Land.

So this was an entirely new experience--even while still under construction, the Palace was quite a marvel, and as they went through the Grand Hall, she stopped for a moment to simply take it in, and imagine what it would be like once completed. But she couldn't dally for long--the maid was looking back anxiously, so Melissa hurried to catch up. No more stops, though she still couldn't help taking in as much of her surroundings as possible.

Though she was bursting with questions, she knew the maid probably wasn't the best person to ask to get the answers she wanted, so she was completely silent as they ascended the staircase.

At the entrance to the throne room, she stopped once more, not only because they had to tell the guards who they were...but she thought she recognized one of them. The faint sign of recognition the guard had displayed on hearing the name was another peice of the puzzle. Just as they passed by with permission to enter, it clicked. One of them had been her father's bodyguard at one point.

Her eyes were drawn, for a moment, to the windows. Such a spectacular view might be worth the expense, she thought, but she could be sure that that was not why she was here, and so she fixed her attention firmly on the Queen and the woman standing next to her. Though she did not recognize the latter, she recognized the uniform--A Lillian Guard. She tilted her head and stared curiously. Was this why she was here?

It seemed Melissa was about to find out. She only just remembered to show the proper respect to the Queen before the woman had reached her.

"Melissa Harlem. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance again. As I am sure, you are curious as to why you have been summoned to an audience. But it is to offer you something, the chance to serve Australia and her Queen more than you have in the past. We have been watching you, not only myself, but the Duchess of Brisbane has also commented on your natural ability at the martial arts and so forth. Therefore, I would like you to hear my proposal for you to join the Lillian Guard."

Even suspecting it had something to do with the Lillians, her eyes widened in shock. When their two great nations had merged, she had been surprised then, but it had made sense. So too did this--but she had never expected to be one of those invited to join--much less the first. "S-Sarah told you about m-me?" She winced internally at the stuttering. 'Get ahold of yourself, girl,' she berated herself.

"This is Commander Valeria Sangral. She is the Lillian Commander and in addition to myself and Lady Sarah believes you to be a great addition to a sisterhood that goes back to the birth of the Commonwealth itself."

Silently, Melissa nodded to show she understood, still not trusting herself to speak, and she inclined her head in respect to Valeria as the Commander began speaking.

"You would also be the first Promised Lander to join our Order." Yes, that had occured to her.

"It is a very noble issue for an lady in the Commonwealth or now the Queendom to be selected for such an honor and we only even suggest this to people that are of the highest intelligence and in the best physical shape. Should you accept this offer, we will welcome you with open arms to training and hopefully your in statement in the guard. But it is entirely your choice."

The shock had now begun to fade. Not completely, but enough that she could gather her thoughts and seriously consider the offer even as the Queen returned to her throne.

"Please honor us with your acceptance Miss Harlem. Embrace a tradition that has gone back years and is still years in the making."

Glancing back and forth between the two woment, Melissa was still thinking furiously. But in the end, she nodded, and a broad grin apeared. First bowing from the waist, she looked Valeria in the eye and nodded. As she spoke, there was no hint of the earlier shock. At least her voice, if not her nerves, was calm and steady. "I would be honored to accept this invitation."

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"I would be honored to accept this invitation."

So say that both Hannah and Valeria weren't nervous asking this question to the young woman would be an understatement. When Sarah had conversed at length about the young girls adept abilities, they had both hoped that she would accept. The problem was simply that while it was a true honor for any woman to be asked to join the Lillians, many turned them down as well. It was an entirely new life style, an entirely new everything and one that required a very detailed and very intense training. But Sarah had assured them that this was a girl that could do it and do it well.

Hannah smiled and stood up from her throne once more walking down to Melissa and placed her hands on her shoulders. "You do this country a great honor and many will be forever in your debt. I wish you luck, this is where heroines go to be born." The Queen kissed her lightly on the forehead before turning to Valeria. "She's all yours Commander Sangral."

Valeria was a tall woman with a constant look of rash egoism on her face. She hated flamboyance and only believed it to be a sign of weakness and only if you could defend it, could you deserve it. She had pink lips with just a thin amount of frost on them and if Melissa was paying slight attention, just parallel to her hair, running down her neck was a light colored tattoo of a withered rose. "Thank you Your Majesty, I'm sure Miss Harlem here will not disappoint the state."

"Lest we all be proven wrong Lady Valeria."

"Indeed." Valeria turned back from the Queen with a bow and nodded to Melissa. "This way Melissa, if you would follow me please."

They stepped out once again into the hall leading back towards the staircase. "Lady Sarah and Her Majesty both tell me that you are quite the martial arts fighter Miss Harlem and that's good. I am, very happy that you decided to accept this offer. Though I will warn you now, that this will not be even remotely close to a walk in the park. The Lillian Guard has always been the last line of defense between whether the Commonwealth or this Queendom and chaos. Therefore, it is not simply enough to give you a white coat and a rapier. In one week I expect your arrival at Fort Victoria about one hundred miles north west of Brisbane, it is the Lillian Boot Camp if you will. There you will be trained in our various arts of war, diplomacy, culture, and the like. You are not going there strictly to become a warrior or a woman of battle, you are going there to become a true servant of the Queen and the Australian Queendom as we all are. Once you arrive you will be assigned to the proper barracks and squadron with a few of the other girls who have been selected to enter into the Guard." Valeria stuck out her hand. "I wish you luck and I would suggest telling your father. Whether he is against this or not, there is no greater destiny for a father's daughter." With that the Commander bowed her head slightly and turned walking down another wing of the palace. Leaving Melissa alone a week before she had to report for active training.

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Melissa breathed deeply. She wasn't as confident about the decision as she made herself appear to be, but she knew that if she did not take the opportunity to at least try, she would regret it more than in any other situation where she accepted and somehow failed.

The smile she directed at the Queen betrayed no hint of the hesitation she felt, even as Her Majesty approached once again.

"You do this country a great honor and many will be forever in your debt. I wish you luck, this is where heroines go to be born."

"I don't do this for the glory, Your Majesty," Melissa whispered quietly, for Hannah's ears alone. "I do this in hopes that I can serve this new nation in the best way I can."

"She's all yours Commander Sangral."

Melissa studied the woman who would, if things turned out for the best, ultimately become her commanding officer. When Vlaeria turned her head to speak to the Queen, Melissa noted the tattoo. She was curious, but now was not the time for questions. Not yet. She watched silently as the Commander and the Queen conversed for a few moments, following when she was told to, and listening attentively as she made the situation quite clear.

"I understand it won't be easy, Commander. Is there anything I need or am permitted to bring with me to the camp?"

She took Valeria's hand when it was offered. The commander would note that her hand was not dainty or soft, but calloused. This was not a girl afraid of hard work.

"I wish you luck and I would suggest telling your father. Whether he is against this or not, there is no greater destiny for a father's daughter."

Melissa nodded, staring evenly into the Commander's face. Just as the woman was turning to walk away, Melissa remembered the earlier question. "Oh, Commander, if it's not too personal a question...where'd you get that tattoo? I rather like it."


Once she had finished her conversation with the Queen and the Commander, Melissa hurried as quickly as possible without being undignified, back to her father's office. She had a difficult time discerning what, if any, thoughts he had about this.

At least until he stood and wrapped his arms in around her. "I'm nervous, as any parent would be to see their child join the military. But this is your decision, and I support you in it."

As he released her from the tight embrace, he offered a watery smile. "Your mother would have been so proud."

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"I understand it won't be easy, Commander. Is there anything I need or am permitted to bring with me to the camp?"

"No, just bring your wits with you Melissa. We are stocked to provide everything else you need. However, personal items of nostalgia, so long as they are not massive. Pictures, charms, and the like those are okay. I would appreciate it and I'm sure the commander of Fort Victoria would appreciate it as well if you didn't bring with you your entire life story. You are a soldier and therefore you don't have the same lifestyle as a civilian, try to go easy on that then."

Slowly Valeria turned beginning to walk away when Melissa's voice rang again. "Oh, Commander, if it's not too personal a question...where'd you get that tattoo? I rather like it."

Valeria turned and smiled. She pulled back her hair and pulled down her collar slightly, letting the entire withered bud and the stem show. From what Melissa would be able to see, the top of the stem, covered in thorns, each with a light drop of blood on the end. "It represents a life of service to Lady Tintagyl and now to Her Highness and that even in death I promise to be as powerful and as deadly as I am in life. The thorns, well I'm sure you can guess." Valeria fixed the coat and let go of her hair, letting her long blonde strains fall past her shoulders. "I look forward to seeing you at Fort Victoria, Melissa, very much so."


"The Grand Duke's Daughter?! You must be kidding me Valeria, there's no way I can reall-"

"She's not a brat Zephyrine. If anything there's a lot of potential apparently. Plus after the attack on Brisbane, its been ages since we've gotten someone who already knows how to fight."

"I'm not worried about that Val, I'm worry that we're committing the child of a government official, how is she supposed to function outside?"

Valeria laughed. "Like a soldier Zephyrine, like you and I would function. Don't let up on her cause she's an aristocrat, everyone is equal, don't go rough on her either."

"You have my word Commander Sangral."

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"No, just bring your wits with you Melissa. We are stocked to provide everything else you need. However, personal items of nostalgia, so long as they are not massive. Pictures, charms, and the like those are okay. I would appreciate it and I'm sure the commander of Fort Victoria would appreciate it as well if you didn't bring with you your entire life story. You are a soldier and therefore you don't have the same lifestyle as a civilian, try to go easy on that then."

"Yes, Ma'am. I won't bring my entire life story. Just half of it," she joked. She chuckled a little to ensure Valeria knew she was only joking.

When the commander revealed the rest of the tattoo, she studied it intently.

"It represents a life of service to Lady Tintagyl and now to Her Highness and that even in death I promise to be as powerful and as deadly as I am in life. The thorns, well I'm sure you can guess."

Melissa nodded. "Yes, it's not difficult to figure."

"I look forward to seeing you at Fort Victoria, Melissa, very much so."

"Thank you, Commander. I will do my best not to let anyone down." She bowed her head again, then turned down the stairs herself to tell her father the news.

'Least of all, Sarah and Father.'


***One Week Later***

Melissa stared upward one more time at the overcast sky. As she had been told, she brought nothing with her but the clothes on her back, and a small locket that contained a picture of her parents, hung by a tiny, gold-colored chain around her neck. The chain was all that was visible, the locket itself underneath her shirt.

She wasn't sure how to go about this, so she simply stepped forward again and greeted the first person she saw. "Hello...I'm told this is where I need to report for training in the Lillian Guard?"

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Fort Victoria was located on a line of long rolling hills, which in the distance would descend into the vast expanses of the Australian outback. The fort however, reflected the image and through of the Hanseatic lifestyle, cultured and a little bit of excess. It was a complex surrounded by a large stone wall, on the outside gardens were cultivated, while trees and shrubs lined the dirt pathway leading up to the fort's gate. It had been a dark day all morning, one of those days where it would rain from noon until midnight, but the gloominess of the day only brought out the texture of the stone making up the complex. Melissa would be able to see beyond the walls at tiled roofs, with large two story buildings that had long bay windows in the Austrian and Finnish design, much like an old monastery that would be found in Vienna or Helsinki. As she approached the gate one Lillian guard, a woman of small stature with short black hair walked out to greet her.

"Your business here civilian?"

"Hello...I'm told this is where I need to report for training in the Lillian Guard?"

The girl did look familiar to the guard. "One moment." She nodded and walked back to her guard house and shuffled through a few papers, finally coming across Melissa's. Walking back out, she looked at the girl up and down in slight approval. "Yes, the Captain Ourais alerted that you would be showing up Miss Harlem. We're honored to have the Grand Duke's daughter joining us." She took out a pocket watch from her white uniform and a grimace crossed her face. "Though you're the last of the new recruits, so I would suggest reporting to the barracks as soon as you can. Drill begins tonight for you freshies."

The guard returned to the gatehouse and opened the wooden gate for Melissa. "The barracks is at the opposite end of the fort, next to the Command Post. Make yourself comfortable."

Inside the fort, the architecture was easily seen as from a Renaissance style, mainly for its beauty. Long vines of ivy grew along the building and a marble fountain with the Goddess Nike sat in the center. From this fountain the buildings spiraled outward. Directly to the back of the fort was the Command Post, on its left, the barracks, moving in a clockwise motion, there was a rifle range, the fencing school, the gate of the fort, the library, conservatory, that also had a small green house attached and the Command Post again. Surprisingly though, there was not a soul on the ground of the fort at the moment. When she eventually entered the barracks however, she would be greeted by a large crowd of women ranging from eighteen to seemingly their mid thirties, some in full Lillian wear while others were still in civilian clothes. The rooms were lined with beds and living quarters, which at the beginning of the room were pleasantly spaced out. Melissa was continuously ordered to the back of the building, through rooms, until she came to a tightly spaced room already full with about twenty girls about her age and one empty bed between two others. The last one in the room, which had to be hers.

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While she waited for confirmation from the guard, Melissa took in her surroundings, the same way she had at the palace, though with less awe for the grandeur, and more admiration for a beautiful, more natural setting. The greenery that surrounded the pathway to the gate was an excellent addtion to that.

"Yes, the Captain Ourais alerted that you would be showing up Miss Harlem. We're honored to have the Grand Duke's daughter joining us."

Melissa's attention snapped back to the guard when the woman re-appeared, and she quietly thanked her as she stepped through the gate. "Thank you. Though I would prefer not to have it advertised who my father is. If people wonder, they can ask, but I don't want special treatment."

"Though you're the last of the new recruits, so I would suggest reporting to the barracks as soon as you can. Drill begins tonight for you freshies."

"Yes, Ma'am." she was about to move on, when she remembered... "By the way...where is the barracks?"

"The barracks is at the opposite end of the fort, next to the Command Post. Make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you."

While she could admire the scenery, she ddn't stop to study anything too closely. She doubted that her commanders would appreciate tardiness--and she wanted to make a good impression.

She did feel a trifle nervous when she noted the distinct lack of activity, and uncosciously, she quickened her pace.

Upon entering the barracks, she didn't even have to open her mouth to ask where to go--she was directed further into the building, further, until she reached the very last room.

This one was more tightly packed than the first room had been, and the one thing she had not considered before was forced to the forefront of her mind. Growing up, she had always had plenty of room to herself when she needed it. This, by comparison, was downright cramped, almost like sardines in a can.

Hesitantly, she smiled at the others as she sat on the only remaining bed.

She was too full of nervous energy to lie down, and unconsciously, her left foot tapped a constant beat on the floor as she took in what had to be her fellow recruits.

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Nicolette Meniere smirked and tapped her foot as she turned around to look at the girl who had just walked into the room. None of the new recruits knew each other, some of the more outgoing girls had drawn together already talking with each other. Nicolette was much more shy, she had been a Brisbane native most of her life, a straight 'A' student though not as active as most guard members were supposed to be, physical labor and training was easily going to be the hardest part of her time at Fort Victoria. She had been picked by the Guard a few weeks ago and had fought with her parents many nights on joining the Guard flat out, the Meniere's were not a wealthy family by any means and she had been expected to head into the work force like her brother and the rest of her family, but the salary for Lillians was enough to pull her family out of any financial troubles they might encounter. Nicolette know found herself sitting on a bed, tightly squeezed together and wanting to talk, but people already seemed to be getting together and her she was sitting alone like a fool.

Turning her body fully, she looked at Melissa almost in the same position that she was in and stuck out her hand. "Hi, I'm Nicolette Meniere, sorry to be so outward with an introduction, but I figure we'll be spending a lot of time together and stuff and its easier with a friend. You are?" Nicolette at her and smiled. She had large dark green eyes, almost like olives, they looked like the eyes of a doe, innocent still not seeing the dangers of the world. Her hair, well groomed shown with dark auburn strains, her skin was soft white and a soft smile on her face that shone her white teeth. A very pretty girl, with a nervous ting in her voice.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Melissa turned her head to face the girl who had addressed her. When she saw the offered hand, she turned the rest of her body along with her head, to take it and shake it firmly. Her other hand reached up to brush a stray lock of vividly red hair back into place.

"I'm not bothered by your introduction," she reassured Nicolette with a smile. Rather, her grey eyes held relief that someone was reaching out to her. That it was someone who obviously had to build up the courage to do so made it all the more welcome.

"In fact, I'm normally a little more outgoing. It's just that, I'm used to having a bit more room to myself. This will take some getting used to."

She finally released the other girl's hand, before she realized she hadn't given her own name in response. "I'm Melissa." She didn't give her last name--right now she'd rather be known as just herself, and not the daughter of the Grand Duke.

It helped that though her facial features resembled his to a small degree, she had not inherited his hair, and she was actually not quite as pale as he was.

Though she was certainly pale enough to pass for a Finn. And she didn't tan very well either, a fact she was reminded of every time she had been out in the sunlight too long. No, she got freckles instead. Very annoying at times.

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Nicolette smiled and took her hand, shaking it tightly. "Its a pleasure to meet you Melissa. I've heard this is where our lives change forever so I'm excited to see where things end up. But yeah I know what you mean by being stuck like fish in a can in here. I was one of the first ones here and I was like, 'Good God there's a lot of beds, we're going to be stuffed.'" She chuckled. "And I've been waiting for about two hours for anything to go on, there was a little tour of the fort which was really just us going off and exploring, but I think we're starting training tonight already." The girl sighed. "Can't say I'm really excited about starting already, but I guess the sooner we start, the sooner we get into a routine. Did they tell you what we were really going to be doing for training?"

Minutes later the door to the room of the new recruits sprang open as a tall Guardswoman walked in, she was wet with rain water and had a sadistic smile on her face as she looked over some of the girls talking among themselves. "Welcome to hell ladies!" The woman was very tall, a strong build with muscular legs. She wore thick black boots that squeaked with rainwater as she walked across the wooden floor. "At attention NOW!" She screamed as the girls snapped to a strange military stance that they probably would have picked up from the movies. "My name is Vice-Commander Anna Lindstrom, second in command her at Fort Victoria and I will be your guide to transform you all from the pathetic and weak individuals you are into servants of the state, and the killers of the enemies of the Queen. As of this moment, you no longer have parents, you no longer have families, turn to your left and right and in front of you. These are your sisters, this is your family now, this is your sisterhood and until you are graduated from this training. I own your souls as well."

Anna pulled over a chair and sat down looking at the girls and crossed her legs. "Ladies I will be frank with you. I am not a mean person, I don't believe in being rude to people that I want to see rise to the top of their personal ladder. If you do not understand what a Lillian is, I will explain it to you now and you are going to learn what it means to be the only thing separating this state from stability and chaos."

"Ladies, you are an elite group, an elite group throughout the entire world. As such you are to represent the Australian Queendom differently than most special operation divisions." Reaching down she withdrew her rapier from its sheathe, it glistened in the light of the barracks as she stabbed it into the ground. "You are going to learn how to use a sword, you are going to learn how to fight with a rapier, a saber, you are going to learn how to snipe, to shoot a rifle and become a marksman with handguns. You are going to reach a peak physical condition that would make the gods jealous." She returned the rapier to its home and stood up. "But you are not only warriors, you are also a part of the Australian elite and representatives of this Queendom at large. Therefore you will be trained in the arts of diplomacy, debate, rhetoric, and philosophy. You will be musicians, artists, and writers, you are the future of this Queendom and I am proud to be one of you."

The rolling sound of thunder outside roared through the barracks and Anna's smile returned to her face. "However, right now it is time to work. Therefore, I want you all outside in three minutes in the uniforms in the chests at the front of your beds! MOVE!"

Inside the chests were two black shirts one long sleeved, one short sleeved, along with black shorts and pants. The girls quickly changed and then began to run out the door through the barracks, Nicolette waited until Melissa was finished changing and then ran out with her, into the steady ran falling to the ground turning the fort's parade ground into a muddy mess.

Anna stood near the fountain smiling. "Physical training starts now! You will be in physical training in the morning and evening every day before you go to be and after you wake up. This will be promptly when I arrive in the room and those who are late can kiss the rest of the day good-bye cause this is all you will be doing. Is that understood!"

"Yes Ma'm!"

"Then lets begin. Into the mud and then we'll do a bit of running through the fields, and after that, weight lifting. Wonderful don't you all think?" Anna said as they dove into the mud to do push-ups. "I love the rain." Said Anna looking up at the graying sky. "What about you ladies?"

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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"Its a pleasure to meet you Melissa. I've heard this is where our lives change forever so I'm excited to see where things end up. But yeah I know what you mean by being stuck like fish in a can in here. I was one of the first ones here and I was like, 'Good God there's a lot of beds, we're going to be stuffed.'"

Melissa nodded. No need to say anything to that. Expressed her sentiments perfectly. She smiled good-naturedly as Nicolette chuckled.

"And I've been waiting for about two hours for anything to go on, there was a little tour of the fort which was really just us going off and exploring, but I think we're starting training tonight already."

"I wish I'd gotten here earlier, so I could take a more thorough look around this place. But I suppose we'll be seeing enough of it over the next few months, right?" She chuckled a little herself. "I imagine we might get a little sick of the same surroundings before too long."

"Can't say I'm really excited about starting already, but I guess the sooner we start, the sooner we get into a routine. Did they tell you what we were really going to be doing for training?"

Melissa shook her head. "'Fraid not. Though I'm sure it'll involve physical training of some kind, amongst whatever other things they intend to throw at us. They can't expect to turn us into true members of an elite force without physical training."

She spent the next few minutes just talking with Nicolette. When the door to their room sprang open, she was one of the few looking in that direction, so she was ready when they were called to attention. She was fortunate with her background--her father and some of his friends over the years had taught her a few basics about proper military command--probably why she had so easily fallen into the habit of calling a superior officer 'ma'am.' It also meant that she was one of the few that knew the proper stance for standing at attention.

"My name is Vice-Commander Anna Lindstrom, second in command her at Fort Victoria and I will be your guide to transform you all from the pathetic and weak individuals you are into servants of the state, and the killers of the enemies of the Queen. As of this moment, you no longer have parents, you no longer have families, turn to your left and right and in front of you. These are your sisters, this is your family now, this is your sisterhood and until you are graduated from this training. I own your souls as well."

She had to resist a smile. It sounded like a speech you would expect to hear from a drill-sergeant upon introducing themselves. Probably not an altogether inaccurate comparison. But the next words took even her by surprise. She did not expect the person in charge of their training to reveal even a hint of kindness during said training. That, more than anything, threw Melissa off-balance mentally.

But she still listened, all ears, as Vice-Commander Anna Lindstrom explained exactly what they would be learning.

"You are going to learn how to use a sword, you are going to learn how to fight with a rapier, a saber, you are going to learn how to snipe, to shoot a rifle and become a marksman with handguns. You are going to reach a peak physical condition that would make the gods jealous."

She remained silent as the Vice-Commander sheathed the weapoin she had drawn, knowing there was more to come. "But you are not only warriors, you are also a part of the Australian elite and representatives of this Queendom at large. Therefore you will be trained in the arts of diplomacy, debate, rhetoric, and philosophy. You will be musicians, artists, and writers, you are the future of this Queendom and I am proud to be one of you."

When they were given the order to change, she scrambled to comply. She offered a small smile to Nicolette for waiting, and together they ran out into the rain, and the mud.

"Physical training starts now! You will be in physical training in the morning and evening every day before you go to be and after you wake up. This will be promptly when I arrive in the room and those who are late can kiss the rest of the day good-bye cause this is all you will be doing. Is that understood!"

"Yes Ma'am!" she shouted out with the other recruits. They weren't in unison, yet, but she had no doubt that would change as the weeks progressed.

She kept that thought in mind as she dropped to the ground to do the push-ups they'd been ordered to do. With the physical training she'd been through in the past, it probably didn't bother her as much as it would the other recruits, though she'd never had to do it in mud before. But she didn't dare stop to wipe it off. She had no doubt it was going to get a lot more interesting.

"I love the rain. What about you ladies?"

She heard a few confident replies from some of her fellow recruits, her sisters now, and was tempted to make one herself, but that would be a waste of breath. Unless the Vice-Commander forced her to reply, she'd concentrate on what she had been told to do and nothing else.

Even with the physical training she'd done for her martial arts classes, she had no doubt she would be sore after al this was through. She couldn't imagine how some of the others would be handling this...

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Anna smiled as she walked through the jumbled rows that the girls had made in the mud, the rain and mist bouncing off of her shoulders as her boots splashed mud in the girls' face. "Everyday this is how we will start, every day this is how we will end. Slowly you will all change, slowly you will all understand what makes a Lillian, understand what makes us elite in this Queendom." One of the girls to Anna's side let her hands slip and she fell face first into the muck, stopping the girl tried to wipe it off, only to be shoved back into the mud by Anna's foot. "No! Deal with it, there is no time to get yourself clean, you have not earned the right to be clean." She looked over at the girl still doing push ups to her left and with her boot shoved her into the mud as well. "This girl. What is your name?" She asked the one how had slipped.

"Amy, Amy Barrows, Ma'm." The girl said and then coughed from the mud running into her mouth.

"Amy here has fallen into the mud and she is now different from the rest of her sisters. I will not have difference dividing you." Anna walked to another girl, who happened to be Nicolette and pushed her into the mud with her boot. "If you do not cover yourself in the next two seconds I will personally cover you myself." Hearing this the girls stopped for a moment, hesitated and then dove into the mud and returned to their exercises. Some of them began to cry and whimper as the rain continued to fall. Anna only laughed. "If you cry now I really hate to see what you're going to do in the next months. So swallow the tears and keep going, crunches now!"

The girls flipped positions and pushed their backs into the mud as they began their next sets of exercises. Anna continued to walk around the rows. Crying still filled the lines and some of the more attractive girls had even stopped for a moment to lament of their being in such horrible conditions. "Many of you are going to say you want to go hope and you can, but think of what will happen if you persevere? Are you willing to endure a few tears, a few hardships, for such a lofty goal? I was. Commander Sangral was. Her Highness was in a way ten times worse than this." She stopped at Melissa's position and looked at her. "You? What's your name?"

After Melissa gave her spiel to the Vice-Commander with the reaction not surprising from what Melissa had said. Anna looked around happily again as the mud and rain water had turned the girls into more mud monsters than humans. "All right! Get up!" Anna took off her coat and threw it onto the edge of the fountain. "Up! Up! Move!" The Commander pointed at the gate as the first girl started to run, slipping as she went towards the gate. "You run in a straight line, until you can run anymore, I'll be behind making sure the stragglers keep up. But you had better keep moving!"

"But where are we running t-" Said the girl who had slipped.

"Move!" Anna screamed and the girl dashed foward to the opened gate out into the green, wet fields beyond Fort Victoria. They would run for miles before stopping and beginning to do exercises again and they repeated this until arriving back at the fort near night fall when finally they were allowed to get showers or go to be, Anna telling them they that had survived the first day and it would only get harder from here. For many of the girls, they collapsed on their beds still caked in mud, while a few trotted like zombies to a shower near the middle of the barracks. There was no telling when the next day would start.

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"If you do not cover yourself in the next two seconds I will personally cover you myself."

Melissa did not actually see the girl who fell in the mud, but she heard the command from Anna, and saw her push Nicolette into the ground. She closed her eyes, only for a brief moment, as she complied with the order. Never had she been told to do something like this, and if she was honest with herself, it was humiliating. But she had no wish to be singled out.

The next set of exercises ensured that, whatever portion of her had not yet been covered with mud, would now be thoroughly coated with the stuff. She entertained the brief thought that while this was no doubt not the primary reason, it probably had not gone unconsidered by the Vice-Commander.

But when Anna stopped at her position, all such thoughts were driven firmly out of her mind, and she focused solely on doing what she was told, and listening for further orders.

"You? What's your name?"

She spoke just loudly enough for Anna to hear, hoping no one else was paying too much attention to her reply. "Melissa Harlem, Ma'am." She spoke no other words, unless, of course, it was in answer to any other questions Anna might have.

But then, abruptly, the crunches were over, and they were being told to run. Where to? But she did not ask. She was afraid to ask, and was actually relieved someone else had asked instead of herself.

She set an even pace--not slowly enough to be in the rear of the pack, but not sprinting off like some girls seemed to be doing. That would exhaust them long before they reached whatever destination Anna had in mind for them.


By the time the day was done, she was, indeed, sore, and exhausted, but when they reached the fort, she forced herself to go take a shower, not even bothering to take off the uniform as she did so, then returning to bed. Her eyes were closed by the time her head hit the pillow...

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"Melissa Harlem, Ma'am."

"Melissa Harlem." Anna jeered, smiling happily. "Well perhaps not all equality can be reached after all. I feel like I'm standing amongst people like Terra Tintagyl. The daughter of the Grand Duke soled in mud. This is a bloody sight for sore eyes." The Vice-Commander leaned down into Melissa's face and nodded. "So you want to be a Lillian? You think you can throw off the aristocratic tendencies you have just for a moment to do something like this?"


Indeed they did run for miles upon miles along the vast open fields near Fort Victoria and Melissa did good by not beginning to sprint, Nicolette followed her lead and tried to stay near her the entire time they ran. Some of the girls who had sprinted at the beginning could be seen falling behind as they passed the second hill, panting as Anna drove them forward. "Come on Ladies, I won't accept failure here. Keep moving!" The crying continued, as did the whimpering as some of them collapsed onto the grassy fields, almost too tired to continue. But if they couldn't run, then they would walk and after a five hour ordeal of walking, running, and the exercises in-between the girls had finally arrived back to the fort, tired, disheveled, and broken. Nicolette had followed Michelle to the shower, too tired to talk and leaned up against the wall as the water cleared the mud off of her back and chest. However, she did have enough energy to take off her uniform once she was in bed.

Laying there in the dark, waiting for the morning, she could hear the quiet sounds of her 'sisters' breathing and a few quiet sobs. Nicolette turned on her pillow and looked over at Melissa's bed. "I'm sorry for bothering you Melissa." She whispered. "But thanks, you really helped me out there, even if you don't know it. I appreciate it." She smiled through the dark. "Even if you are the Grand Duke's daughter, I'm sure that won't have any effect on you being a person. So...thanks for your help." She closed her eyes and fell fast asleep, then she closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.

Much of the next week ran like the first day. In the morning the girls would be woken up by the screams and poundings of Anna coming into the room. They would be rushed out onto the parade ground for exercises and then they would beginning running which they did for the greater part of the morning. Once returning, they stopped for lunch, started endurance training and strength training, broke for dinner, and then did their morning exercises again before going to bed for the night and from that point, the process repeated again. However after the first week and the girl's endurance had increased to a point where they could function on their morning and evening runs without falling behind, Anna introduced them to the next portion of their training.

"This ladies, is the rifle range. The Lillian Guard has always functioned as a premier fighting force and this is your first step at becoming a better soldier. Average gunmanship is unacceptable and you will be trained with speed and accuracy." Anna stepped up to the range, a bolt-action rifle on the bar and moving targets rotating on the range. "Like this." With amazing speed, the Vice-Commander wasted no time in dispatching the moving targets, her movements seeming almost liquid as she did so before each target had a bullet in its head.

"Our runs will be gun short and you will now have five hours of gun training with bolt-action rifles, assault rifles, and pistols. Harlem, Meneire, you're up. Show me what you got." Anna said throwing the rifle into Melissa's hand and taking another one off the range depot and handing it to Nicolette. "Ladies, follow their lead."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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"Melissa Harlem. Well perhaps not all equality can be reached after all. I feel like I'm standing amongst people like Terra Tintagyl. The daughter of the Grand Duke soled in mud. This is a bloody sight for sore eyes."

Melissa felt her face burn in embarrassment, but bit off the reply that rose to her lips. She knew better than to try and back-talk a superior officer.

"So you want to be a Lillian? You think you can throw off the aristocratic tendencies you have just for a moment to do something like this?"

Again she had to bite back a retort that would have no doubt earned swift discipline. "I don't ask for any favors, Ma'am," she finally managed to say. That was as close as she would come to protesting any accusations of feeling superior.


'What did they expect, a cakewalk?' Melissa couldn't help thinking of the ones who were crying. She turned an encouraging smile to Nicolette as they ran. That was all she dared do. Talking would be a waste of breath right now.

She heard Anna berating those that had fallen behind. "Come on Ladies, I won't accept failure here. Keep moving!"

Silently she thanked her father, wherever he was, for not allowing her to becoms a spoiled brat. She no doubt wouldn't even be here if he hadn't been hard on her when he needed to be.

Back at the fort, she barely managed to crack one sleepy eye open as her newfound friend whispered to her. "I'm sorry for bothering you Melissa. But thanks, you really helped me out there, even if you don't know it. I appreciate it. Even if you are the Grand Duke's daughter, I'm sure that won't have any effect on you being a person. So...thanks for your help."

She just managed to curl her lips in a smile. Whether or not Nicolette could see it, the friendly expression leaked into the reply. "You're welcome. And thank you." Further words, about explaining that she was grateful at least one person wouldn't judge her for who her father was, were cut off with a yawn, and she couldn;t summon the energy to remain awake...


The routine for the rest of the week actually got easier, as they all got used to it. The crying lessened as their bodies began toughening up, adjusting to the new demands being placed on them.

"This ladies, is the rifle range. The Lillian Guard has always functioned as a premier fighting force and this is your first step at becoming a better soldier. Average gunmanship is unacceptable and you will be trained with speed and accuracy."

But this new course was where she would first show that she was not completely proficient in everything required to be a Lillian, hence why she was going through the training. She knew how to handle handguns, which could be concealed, but her father had never taught her how to use anything bigger than a Desert Eagle. Her eyes widened in awe as the Vice-Commander hit every single target with a single shot.

But she had no time to consider that she was less than an expert... "Harlem, Meneire, you're up. Show me what you got."

She clumsily caught the rifle as Anna tossed it to her, first checking to see that it was loaded, then lining up the sights on the targets. She wasn't looking forward to this...

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"I don't ask for any favors, Ma'am,"

"Good." Ann said placing her boot on Melissa's head and pushing it into the mud. "You won't be getting any here."


"Oh Christ Almighty!" Anna screamed as Melissa and Nicolette began to shoot into the range, some of their shots missing the targets completely and moving extremely slow as they shot. As more of the girls moved up to shoot, it only made Anna angrier. Finally after about ten minutes of listening to uneven shots, cursing, the pinging of bullets and no shortage of misfires Anna walked back over to the line and pushed a girl out of the way. "All right, that's enough. Put the guns down."

She sighed. "I shouldn't have expected any prodigies here, but it was worth a shot. All right, gather round." The girls gathered around Anna as she took about an hour to explain the usage of the gun. She went through cleaning procedures, proper handling to prevent their misfires, proper loading, and tricks to make loading a bit faster. "You're not going to master a gun in a day, you're not going to master it in a week, hell you aren't going to master it in a month either. However you will become trained with it every day and as I said, you will be here on this gun range every day. However, since I would rather have you crawl than walk, and walk than run. You will take one target at a time, you will take one shot at a time to hit that one target and you will do it until you can hit the bulls eye there. Then we'll practice on loading faster, then we'll practice on hitting a moving target and by that time, who knows, maybe in a few months you'll be able to do what I did. Doubtful, but you never know."

Anna placed a hand on one of the girl's shoulders. "Now, time to run. SO MOVE!" She hollered at all of them as they took out the door and back into the fields until night fall had come. This process would be repeated for the next two weeks straight, of running, weight and strength training, and gun training. The girls would be able to actively see their bodies changing, their minds changing, they were, whether they liked it or not becoming hardened, becoming soldiers, becoming Lillians. At the end of two weeks a new level would be added onto their training...

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"Good. You won't be getting any here."

She gritted her teeth, unresisting until Anna removed her foot. She then simply returned to doing the crunches like she'd been ordered. If Anna wanted to make it harder for her, the best way to show her up would be to excell anyway, despite the woman's best efforts.


Melissa couldn't help but let out a short curse (one that would have had her father staring at her reproachfully if he had heard) as she completely missed the target she'd been aiming at. At least she wasn't as bad off as some. She was hitting the target more often than not, which wasmore than some of the others could say. Though admittedly, the vast majority of her own hits were on the very edge of the targets, shots that would only wing an enemy at best, and not really incapacitate them. At least she managed to avoid any misfires.

Not that that made their CO any less pissed off. "All right, that's enough. Put the guns down."

She couldn't resist letting out a sigh of her own that matched Anna's, even as she did as she was instructed and took her place in the girls surrounding the Vice-Commander. She made sure to pay attention to every detail, not wanting to screw up the next time gun practice came around.

"You're not going to master a gun in a day, you're not going to master it in a week, hell you aren't going to master it in a month either. However you will become trained with it every day and as I said, you will be here on this gun range every day. However, since I would rather have you crawl than walk, and walk than run. You will take one target at a time, you will take one shot at a time to hit that one target and you will do it until you can hit the bulls eye there. Then we'll practice on loading faster, then we'll practice on hitting a moving target and by that time, who knows, maybe in a few months you'll be able to do what I did. Doubtful, but you never know."

"Now, time to run. SO MOVE!"

Melissa jumped, startled by the loud and sudden command after the explanation that it had followed. She should have known something like that was going to happen, but she'd been lulled into a sense of complacency for a little while.

That didn't stop her from doing what she was told.


While she had been used to hard work when she was training with the martial arts masters, and coming home sore from lessons every day, Melissa had forgotten, somewhat, what it felt like to really push yourself, a little further each day. Over the next two weeks, she managed to surprise herself with how far she went, how much she was changing.

Also, while she was nowhere near the proficiency of Anna, she could see a vast improvement over the first day in her handling of the larger weapons. She also took comfort in the fact that where handguns were concerned, she consistently scored the highest marks in the group.

At the end of the two weeks, she managed to hit the target every time, though she still wasnt hitting the bulls eye more than half the time. And due to the physical training, she was already in the best shape she had ever been.

She had no clue when the next level of training would be added, nor what it would be...

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..."Catch!" Anna turned around from where they were standing in an open white room with a wooden floor, much like a dance recital room would be fashioned, though missing the mirror and bars. As the Vice-Commander turned a thin epee flew through the air towards where the girls were standing. With a few screams the trainees ducked for cover as the sword, still sheathed bounded on the ground. Anna laughed and shook her head. "Come now, I did not for one throw it that hard and two it was covered. Seriously, you girls are not in high school or college anymore, have a bit more guts. Haven't I taught you anything. Hell I might have given the day off to one of you if you have actually caught it. But like I expected you avoided." She turned her back again and walked over to a large cabinet on the opposite end of the room, opening it, the girls found it filled with polished epees, rapiers, and sabers. "Welcome to sword training. Today we begin with the rapier, the pride of the Lillian Guard."

As the girls walked forward to grab their rapiers from the cabinet, Anna smiled. "Do you know why you have to learn sword training?" The girls were silent. "Oh come on! Humor me at least, I have to put up with all you brats day after day, at least humor me."

"Because we have to be able to fight in close quarters?" Said one girl.

"Partially. The sword ladies is a tried and true weapon of battle. Guns as you all have proven to me, time and time again can misfire, they can be in accurate and so on. However a sword rarely fails. All Lillians, are required to be expect fencers and this is something we take most pride in. We are one of the last organizations in the world to dedicate so much time to fencing training. Your skill here will always be what separates the most elite of the Lillians from the others, Commander Sangral is an expert fencer and duelist and has killed countless with the end of a rapier rather than with the bullet from a gun. Now if you would please, divide up into groups as I will take you step by step through training."

Once into their groups the girls watched as Anna took two girls from their ranks as she showed the congregation, the proper way to thrust, parry, guard, attack, and withdraw. Her sword ran through the air like quicksilver, and the two girls that were supposed to fight her were lost to confusion.

"Come on! That's it! Flow! You have to learn how to have your movements flow! You're all too rigid!"


Later that night, after their night run, for which once again it had ended with a thunderstorm of massive proportions. The girls lay silently in their beds. Melissa too lay quietly asleep, but if her sleep was light enough, she could hear the sounds of whimpering.

"I...I...I just miss everyone Nicolette. I just can't do it anymore."

"Chelsea, that's no reason to stop. Come on, we're doing fine. You're doing fine."

"I'm always last when we run, I can barely fight and I'm horrible with a gun. I know Anna thinks so too, she stares at me."

"But you've come so far, you're doing fine."

Chelsea Aquina was short and as thin as a rail, with messy and frizzy blonde hair that covered her gray eyes. Her skin was cracked from being naturally dry and coarse, but she had a wonderful and natural smile. "I miss my mom and dad so much, and my puppy. I just don't think I can do it anymore. Its too hard."

"Stay with us. I know you can, I was going to leave to, but I know I have a friend. You should train with Melissa and I. She'd be cool with it."

"Seriously, I don't want to be a pain."

"Pain?" Nicolette laughed. "Not at all, come on we're all nineteen, twenty, people aren't pains anymore."

"She'd be cool with it?"

"Definitely..." They whispered into the night.

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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Great. She knew daggers and knives (in fact she was quite proficient with the dirk), but she'd never handled a bladed weapon longer than eighteen inches. 'Thanks father. Another gap in my eduction,' she thought, absently blowing a loose hair out of her face, though there was no real heat in it. He hadn't expected her to become a soldier, much less a member of an elite force--he had merely wanted her to be capable of defending herself, so she couldn't really blame him.

Melissa sighed as she grabbed the weapon she'd been assigned. Already she felt her body testing its weaight an balance. At least that much was the same, but it was comparitively heavier than any dagger, even that dirk that her father had gotten her for her seventeenth birthday, so the balance was definitely going to be different.

"Do you know why you have to learn sword training?"

Melissa could hazard a guess, but she wondered if there was some sort of symbolism. Besides, she was still getting used to the weight of it in her hand. Someone else answered, leading into another lecture. Not that it wasn't, but now she had a question of her own, even as she paired up with Nicolette. She saved her question until after the demonstration, not wanting to interrupt, and spoke just as she parried a thrust from Nicolette.

She tried to adjust her stance to be more flexible. She knew she was too rigid, but years training with a different weapon required she take more time to adjust.

"Ma'am, the rapier has its purpose, I can see, but aren't there other weapons that would serve better on the battlefield? The rapier doesn't seem like it would allow for slashing if you get too close to your opponent."

She was not questioning the Vice-Commander's authority, and if she was accused of doing such, she would explain, honestly enough, that she simply wanted to know.


Melissa was in a state that wasn't quite sleep, but neither full alertness, the state just before falling asleep, or just after waking up.

Not even the thunderstorm bothered her, but her ears perked up when she heard her name.

"Stay with us. I know you can, I was going to leave to, but I know I have a friend. You should train with Melissa and I. She'd be cool with it."

"Seriously, I don't want to be a pain."

"Pain? Not at all, come on we're all nineteen, twenty, people aren't pains anymore."

"She'd be cool with it?"


Melissa had blinked herself awake when she heard her name. "Are my ears burning?" she asked jokingly, turning to the side and propping her head up with one arm. "I could swear someone was talking about me. So what would I be cool with?" Upon having it explained to her, she would confirm that Nicolette was right. She didn't mind helping one of her sisters train.

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"Ma'am, the rapier has its purpose, I can see, but aren't there other weapons that would serve better on the battlefield? The rapier doesn't seem like it would allow for slashing if you get too close to your opponent."

There was a silence as Anna's blade stopped its attack on the two girls and the room went silent. She wasn't mad, though the girls would most likely assume she was. In fact the question was asked at the proper time and in the proper place. Ann reached down to her belt, withdraw a small dagger and hurled it towards Melissa, it landed with a sharp ting at the ground near her foot, sticking out of the wood. "That is what you would use Harlem, if the opponent gets too close." She sheathed her sword and the girls slowly did the same. "The question that your sister asked is valid. Swords are not the weapons of choice in the world anymore and while the rapier does have practical applications, the knife and dagger have many more. If you are in a bind, it is necessary to use a dagger and finish them off by any means necessary. Therefore you all will be equipped with a dagger for that purpose."

Anna directed them once again to another cabinet, this one filled with small steel daggers, they were nowhere near as fanciful as the rapiers, but these again were training. The one that was now embedded in the ground, as Anna walked over to retrieve it, it had a golden hilt with a sapphire at the top. Melissa still standing around, Anna looked at her and smiled. "For the daughter of an official, I'm impressed, you know your stuff. Just don't let it go to your head. All right?"

Dagger practice was added to the girls' normal training with a rapier, epee, saber and physical training exercises. They learned to fight at close quarters, they would be able to see the anger in their opponents face, as girls looked on each other in rage attempting to stab the blade into the chest of the enemy, however it was a bit less extreme as that. Though throughout their attacks that a few girls did get injured, but it injuries were expected and there was nothing overly major that caused a girl to be taken out of training and this was kept at a constant for a few more weeks.


"Are my ears burning?"

Nicolette and Chelsea turned around, Nicolette smiling and Chelsea already showing the signs of absolute embarrassment. "I believe they were Melissa."

She nodded, "I could swear someone was talking about me. So what would I be cool with?"

"Would you be cool with bringing in Chelsea to our little group of friends and to make it even, Amy can train with me or you, but we can make it work."

"Are you sure?" Asked Chelsea.

"Of course we are." Nicolette said smiling and Melissa nodded. "You'll be fine, you just need to hold on Chelsea, we'll make it through."

"Thanks, Nicolette. Thanks, Melissa, I owe you guys." Chelsea hugged Nicolette tightly and she couldn't let go for five whole minutes.


The next day, Saturday, it was unexpected that instead of being lead to the range or their sword training room they were taken to a building across from the range. Inside the girls were led through a hard wooden floors, but this building had much more coziness to it. Pictures of Finnish, Welsh, and German leaders of the past ran the walls, and busts of philosophers stood near the entrances of the doorways. The girls were led upstairs and into a large study with various chairs inside what seemed like a workshop of an artist. Anna was nowhere to be found, but when the doors did open a new Lillian walked in. Unlike Anna and unlike Valeria, her features were much softer, much calmer, and she was much older, but still wore her white coat and rapier with pride.

"Greetings girls. My name is Eist" She said shutting the door behind her. "As per all Lillian training, Her Majesty is not training mindless brutes that cannot hold conversation and cannot impress the elite which they are apart of. As such you will be taught the humanities and the arts. You will learn how to play the piano, or a violin, or some other instrument of choice. You will learn to philosophize, debate, and speak as a young woman, you will also learn the basis of international diplomacy. So I would like each of you to come up to me and tell me your past education and what you would like to pursue here at the fort."

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