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Message to New England


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TO: New England


In the spirit of the Good Neighbor Treaty, we would like to discuss and propose several initiatives that could possibly increase cooperation and strengthen relations between the Federation of Disparu and the Republic of New England. Would you like to meet in New England or in Disparu?



Cynthia Celeste

Chancellor of Disparu

Leader of the Empire Party

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TO: Disparu


We would be truly interested into entering in discussions with you. We would like to meet with you in Disparu, in the city of your choice. I will meet with you personally, and as will my Secretary of State, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. I look forward to meeting with you.

Yours truly,


Lyndon Baines Johnson,

President of New England

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TO: New England

That's good to know. We would also like to meet with a New Englander official responsible for transportation, and an official from the New Englander Space Administration. The meeting place will be at Jubilife, Disparu's capital, and will be held as soon as possible. We look forward to meeting with you and your administration.




Cynthia Celeste

Chancellor of Disparu

Leader of the Empire Party

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TO: Disparu

Very well, Alan Boyd, the Secretary of Transportation, will attend the meeting also. In addition, William Garrett, the official representative of the New Englander Space Administration, will attend too. We look forward to seeing you at Jubilife soon.

Yours truly,


Lyndon Baines Johnson,

President of New England

P.S. Oh, and before I forget, I was wondering if we could have a tour of Jubilife after the meeting? That is, if you want.

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We would be more than happy to give a tour of Jubilife after the meeting. See you soon.



Cynthia Celeste

Chancellor of Disparu

Leader of the Empire Party

OoC: Fast forward to the day of the meeting.


Darach International Airport

Jubilife, Disparu

Despite the fact that it was almost freezing due to the cold Arctic weather of Disparu, the government officials' spirits were high as they eagerly waited for any signs of the New Englanders' arrival. The airport was under high security due to the amount of VIP's present, although some journalists and reporters were allowed to wait for the arrival of the President of New England behind the glass walls of the airport.

The King and Queen of Disparu, as well as the Chancellor, were standing in the tarmac, surrounded by guards from the Royal Disparuean Guard (Disparu's elite security force). Regular police officers were also present, however they were more concerned about the tarmac's general security.

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Up in the clear, blue sky, an jetliner could be seen. And it was a familiar one; it had the words, 'REPUBLIC OF NEW ENGLAND', on its sides and the New Englander flag on its tailpin. It steadily descended upon one of the runways of Darach International Airport. It landed upon the ground with a soft plop as the jetliner went to a slow and steady stop.

A stairway was placed in front of the jetliner's door as it was opened. A towering figure emerged in view; it was President Lyndon Baines Johnson himself. He was dressed up in a formal suit, wrapped up in a thick overcoat as well as a scarf. The President smiled as he descended down the stairs to the ground, holding back a shiver. The weather in Disparu was indeed almost freezing!

Behind him, a Secret Service agent helped to escort Secretary Franklin Delano Roosevelt while a second one carried a folded wheelchair. As the Secret Service set up Roosevelt's wheelchair and placed the Secretary onto it, two more figures appeared and descended the stairway. They were Alan Boyd, Secretary of Transportation, and William Garrett, representative of the NESA. They also were wrapped up in thick overcoats and Boyd was wearing a woolen cap and gloves.

The President smiled as he saw a delegation at the distance, three of them which he knew to be the King, Queen, and Chancellor of his beloved ally. Johnson walked toward them, smiling at Disparuean police officers and Royal Guards as he passed them by. Upon reaching the royal couple and the Chancellor, the President smiled as he gave a little bow.

"Greetings. It is an honor to meet with you all, indeed." He smiled at the King, Queen, and the Chancellor. Roosevelt, Boyd, and Garrett respectively gave their greetings, all smiling genuninely despite the freezing weather.

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Lance Pikachurin, the King, smiled as the New Englander Presidential Jet began its descent towards the airport, landing just on time and coming to a complete stop just several metres away from the Disparuean delegation. A stairway was quickly wheeled in front of the jetliner, and the President of New England, Lyndon Johnson, emerged from the jetliner, immediately followed by three more New Englander officials. Lance recognized one of them as Secretary Roosevelt, while he guessed that the two other officials were probably the transportation official and an official from NESA. Fortunately, all of them were prepared for the cold Disparuean weather.

The Royal Disparuean Guards that lined both sides of the path simultaneously saluted the New Englanders, as soon as President Johnson stepped onto the tarmac. Lance began to walk towards the President, followed by Queen Maylene and Chancellor Celeste. Lance smiled as soon as he reached President Johnson.

"Greetings. It is an honor to meet with you all, indeed."

"It's also an honour to meet you, President Johnson. I'm Lance Pikachurin, the King of Disparu." said Lance, smiling, as he shook hands with the President. "Welcome to Jubilife. I apologize for the horrible weather - it's one of the things we still can't control." He also greeted Secretary Roosevelt and the two other officials. The Queen and Chancellor also introduced themselves to the New Englanders, and gave their greetings.

Two limousines entered the tarmac shortly after the jetliner landed - one carried the Disparuean flag, while the other one carried the New Englander flag.

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President Johnson chuckled at King Lance Pikachurin's statement about the weather. "Ah, don't worry about it. The weather is something we cannot control, but have to contend with." He said with a grin. At the moment, Secretary Roosevelt, being a charming person he was, gave a soft kiss to the hands of Queen Maylene and Chancellor Celeste. President Johnson saw this and couldn't help but chuckle.

At this moment, two limousines appeared on the tarmac, each carrying the Disparuean and New Englander flag, respectively. "I can't wait to see the sights of Jubilife." President Johnson said to King Lance as he, Roosevelt, and the rest of the New Englander delegation walked toward the limousines. The President stood aside as Roosevelt was carried into the limousine that carried the New Englander flag by Secret Service agents. He then stepped inside, taking a seat besides Roosevelt. Secretary Alan Boyd and Representative William Garrett got into the limousine next and took seats across from President Johnson and Roosevelt.

It was off to Jubilife.

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Lance, Maylene and Cynthia immediately stepped into the limousine carrying the Disparuean flag as soon as their New Englander counterparts got into their limousine. Both limousines immediately left the tarmac, driving towards the road that would bring them to Jubilife's Federal District, the home of Disparu's Federal Parliament. Reporters and journalists attempted to get as close to the limousines as possible, trying to take "exclusive" pictures, but the airport's security immediately pushed them back behind the barriers.

The limousines were escorted by several police cruisers and two cars from the Disparuean Forces' Special Operations. Thousands of Disparuean and New Englander citizens alike, as well as several journalists, lined the streets of Jubilife as the procession approached the Federal District. Protesters were also present, but they were outnumbered compared to the people who were cheering for both heads of state.

Lance became extremely nervous when they passed through a memory-evoking part of Main Street. A friend, who was also Disparu's previous Monarch, was assassinated at that exact same spot. Hopefully, history wouldn't repeat itself and cause the death of an official or two.


Fortunately for Lance, nothing out of the ordinary happened, and the New Parliament Building eventually came into view. Both limousines stopped in front of the building, to be greeted by thousands of people who were here to witness the first state visit in Disparu's history. The crowd waved both the Disparuean and New Englander flags, while the media instantly began to take pictures or videotape the arrival of both limousines. The Disparuean delegation got out of their limousines, and patiently waited for the New Englanders.

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President Johnson, Secretary Roosevelt, and the other two enjoyed the ride through Jubilife, making many comments about the city, its design, and beauty. They could see that thousands of Disparuean (and New Englander) citizens line the streets of Jubilife. They seemed to be cheering and holding up both the Disparuean and New Englander flags.

"My, seems that we're loved here." President Johnson chuckled as he watched out the window. Roosevelt grinned and nodded his head in agreement. "That seems to be the case. It's like we're celebrities in Disparu." He joked, which made everyone in the limo laugh. What Johnson, Roosevelt, Boyd, and Garrett didnt know was that a certain part of Main Street was the site of the assassination of Disparu's former Monarch a few years before.

Eventually, Disparu's New Parliament building appeared in view, and Johnson and Roosevelt made admiring comments on it. When the limousine stopped and the door opened, Secret Service agents eased Roosevelt out of the limousine and into a waiting wheelchair. Immediately, Roosevelt and Johnson, as well as Boyd and Garrett, were assailed by flashing lights and wild cheering. The President and Secretary grinned and waved as they walked (and in Roosevelt's case, wheele) past the crowds, Boyd and Garrett following.

Upon reaching the Disparuean delegation, President Johnson grinned at King Pikachurin. "Well...the crowd certainly is in a good mood today." He joked.

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"Indeed, they seem to be unusually...approving today. Heh." said Lance, smiling. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, shall we?"

The New Parliament Building's glass doors were immediately opened by the two Royal Guards who were standing there. The delegation was immediately met by a round of applause and cheers from the Members of Parliament, Senators, staff, and reporters that filled the Building's lobby. The Royal Guards had cleared a path through the crowd, wide enough for the entire delegation to walk through, leading towards one of the numerous elevators that filled one side of the lobby. The elevator's steel doors silently opened, revealing its glass and steel interior. Lance let the Secret Service agents wheel Roosevelt into the elevator before entering.

As soon as everyone was inside, the elevator's doors silently closed, and the elevator began moving up. The LED display kept changing, until it displayed "F5" on its screen. The elevator silently opened, and the delegation walked through a security checkpoint before coming to a stop in front of a door labelled with the following words:

Conseil exécutif

Executive Council

"Now - is everyone ready?" asked Lance.

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The chamber's wooden doors were opened by two Royal Guards, revealing an extremely dark room. Only one side of the room was brightly lit by several spotlights. "Watch your step." said Lance as he, the Queen and the Chancellor went in.


The first thing that the delegation would see was a brightly lit mural in the far side of the room. It depicted several Disparuean scenes - one frame depicted the vast Arctic tundra, another depicted one of Disparu's lush forests. Another frame depicted Eterna, or Ferinh as the Canadians used to called it, as well as several other Disparuean cities such as Jubilife, while another one depicted the successful attack by New Englander and Disparuean forces against TUO-controlled Detroit.

The delegation's eyes would land next on the furniture below the mural. A table with nine seats in it was located on the middle, surrounded by thirteen seats arranged in a hemicycle. All thirteen seats in the hemicycle were occupied - while only two of the seats in the centre were occupied. Lance, Maylene and Cynthia took their seats in the centre table.

"Welcome to the debate chamber of the Executive Council of Disparu." said Cynthia to the New Englanders.

OoC: Bump.

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OOC: Sorry. :o


"Indeed, they seem to be unusually...approving today. Heh." said Lance, smiling. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, shall we?"

The New Parliament Building's glass doors were immediately opened by the two Royal Guards who were standing there. The delegation was immediately met by a round of applause and cheers from the Members of Parliament, Senators, staff, and reporters that filled the Building's lobby. The Royal Guards had cleared a path through the crowd, wide enough for the entire delegation to walk through, leading towards one of the numerous elevators that filled one side of the lobby. The elevator's steel doors silently opened, revealing its glass and steel interior. Lance let the Secret Service agents wheel Roosevelt into the elevator before entering.

As soon as everyone was inside, the elevator's doors silently closed, and the elevator began moving up. The LED display kept changing, until it displayed "F5" on its screen. The elevator silently opened, and the delegation walked through a security checkpoint before coming to a stop in front of a door labelled with the following words:

Conseil exécutif

Executive Council

"Now - is everyone ready?" asked Lance.

President Johnson and Secretary Roosevelt grinned as they were greeted by applause from the Member of Parliament, Senators, staff, and reporters that were in the lobby. All members of the New Englander delegation waved as they passed the crowd. Roosevelt was, indeed, wheeled into the open elevator by the Secret Service while President Johnson followed him inside.

As soon as everyone was inside, the elevator doors closed and the elevator began moving upward. President Johnson looked around at everyone, smiling at them. When the elevator finally stopped and its doors opened, both Johnson and Roosevelt followed King Pikachurin and his delegation, passing through a security checkpoint before stopping before a door. When the King asked if everyone was ready, both Johnson and Roosevelt, as well as Boyd and Garrett, smiled and nodded.

"Ready!" They all said at the same time.

The chamber's wooden doors were opened by two Royal Guards, revealing an extremely dark room. Only one side of the room was brightly lit by several spotlights. "Watch your step." said Lance as he, the Queen and the Chancellor went in.


The first thing that the delegation would see was a brightly lit mural in the far side of the room. It depicted several Disparuean scenes - one frame depicted the vast Arctic tundra, another depicted one of Disparu's lush forests. Another frame depicted Eterna, or Ferinh as the Canadians used to called it, as well as several other Disparuean cities such as Jubilife, while another one depicted the successful attack by New Englander and Disparuean forces against TUO-controlled Detroit.

The delegation's eyes would land next on the furniture below the mural. A table with nine seats in it was located on the middle, surrounded by thirteen seats arranged in a hemicycle. All thirteen seats in the hemicycle were occupied - while only two of the seats in the centre were occupied. Lance, Maylene and Cynthia took their seats in the centre table.

"Welcome to the debate chamber of the Executive Council of Disparu." said Cynthia to the New Englanders.

When the door opened and everyone was led inside, most of the room was dark, except for only one side. When King Lance cautioned everyone to watch their step, President Johnson indeed stumbled, but he managed to maintain his balance. He felt himself begin to flush with embarassment as he hoped nobody saw that. Roosevelt, who had saw this, chuckled and as did the Secret Service agents who wheeled him. To distract from the embarassment, President Johnson explored the room's interior, noting a brightly-lit mural of Disparuean scenes. It was indeed beautiful. Another mural depicted the city of Eterna (formerly the Canadian capital of Ferinh) and one depicted New Englander and Disparuean troops in battle in Detroit.

"It's beautiful. Everything, that is." President Johnson said to the King and Queen. Roosevelt and the rest of the delegation voiced their agreements. The President then eyed the furniture below the murals. When Chancellor Cynthia welcomed them to what is known as the debate chamber of the Executive Council of Disparu, President Johnson smiled. "I am extremely honored to be here, indeed." The President said as he gave a little bow to the room before taking a seat at the middle table with Roosevelt, Boyd, and Garrett.

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OoC: 'Tis okay. ;)


"Thank you." said Cynthia, smiling. "Anyways, let me introduce everyone in here before we proceed." After introducing all Disparuean officials in the room, Cynthia continued, "Now, on to business. Let's start with transportation."

The Disparuean Minister of Transportation, Isis Incognito, stood up. "Very well then. Anyways, in the spirit of Article III of the Good Neighbour Treaty:

Each signatory shall maintain open borders with each other. As such, no restrictions nor controls shall be imposed in each other’s borders. Citizens of both signatory nations are free to travel to the other with little intervention. Ports/harbors in both signatory nations shall be open to civilian vessels of the each other during peace time and during war; military vessels are only allowed in ports during times of war. Each signatory agrees to provide economic assistance to the each other should it be needed.

We would like to propose several plans that could make both nations more connected in terms of civilian transportation. First of, we'd like to propose a bridge that would connect Labrador, Disparu and Newfoundland, New England. The bridge will be built in the shortest point between Labrador and Newfoundland, as shown in this map, labelled in red.


Here is an artist's realistic impression of the bridge:


The bridge will be a joint project, and when completed, half of it will be owned by the Government of Disparu, and the other half of it will be owned by New England. What do you guys think?

We'd also like to know if New England's railway and highway system could be connected to Disparu's railway and highway system."

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President Johnson and Secretary Roosevelt considered Minister Incognito's words before smiling and nodding. "The bridge sounds good, we approve of this." The President said, Roosevelt nodding his head in agreement. Secretary of Transportation Alan Boyd cleared his voice and stood up. "As with the President there, I am in support for this endeavor that you propose. I can agree to half-half ownership of the planned bridge between our two nations. I have a question: what will the bridge be named?"

Boyd paused for a moment before continuing. "While we ponder that question, I support the incorporation of New England and Diaparu's railway and highway system as to further the communication between our nations. I, as Secretary of Transportation, will have the major railway and road corporations integrate New England's road and railways across the New Englander-Disparuean border." He nodded once and sat down.

President Johnson was the next to speak. "I agree with my Secretary of the Treasury there. I, too, will authorize the integration of our nation's railway systems. New England has open borders with Disparu and thus we can arrange for our companies and corporations to link our railway and road networks with your country's without much problem. Why, compared to the other borders, New England has the freest border with Disparu, as well as Tahoe, and we intend to keep it that way."

OOC: :wub:

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OoC: :wub:


Isis smiled, glad that the New Englanders accepted their proposition with no problems. "That's good to know. As Disparu's Minister of Transportation, I will make sure that the connection and integration of our nations' transportation systems will be done properly and quickly here in Disparu."

Isis paused, before continuing, "As for the name of the bridge, well, we still haven't thought of one. Do you have any suggestions?"

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President Johnson remained silent as he pondered over the potential name for the planned bridge. "Hm, I think I may have got it." He spoke up with a smile. "Perhaps the bridge's name should be the Suicune Bridge?"

Glancing around the table, the President continued. "Suicune is a Pokemon, as you can see, that is an incarnication of northern winds. The winds in northern New England and southern Disparu, where the bridge is to be located, always blows in that part of the world. Suicune also symbolizes compassion and purification through the fact that it purifies water, no matter how polluted it may be, by simply stepping on it. The relationship between New England and Disparu can be described as such: compassionate, pure, heroic, and honorable. And not to mention, the waters between Newfoundland and mainland Disparu are always clean, anyways." He grinned and put his hands up. "I was always a Pokemon fan, heh." He confessed, chuckling.

The President cleared his throat as he looked at Isis. "So...what do you think, ma'am?" He inquired, smiling.

OOC: No, I didn't get that from Bulbapedia. :ph34r::P

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OoC: :awesome:


Several Disparuean officials chuckled as soon as President Johnson finished his explanation for the bridge's name. King Lance smiled. "Don't mind them, President Johnson. It's a Pokemon-related inside joke that explains why several of Disparu's aspects are Pokemonized, such as our coat of arms." said Lance, chuckling, as he gestured towards one of the murals, which bore the Disparuean Coat of Arms.


"Anyways, I think that the Suicune Bridge would be an appropriate name for the bridge, as it describes it perfectly." continued Lance. The other Disparueans murmured their approval of the bridge's proposed name. "I agree, Suicune Bridge is a perfect name for the bridge." said Isis, smiling. "Anyways, that's all of our propositions in terms of transportation. Before I sit down again, do you have any questions?"

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"Yes, I do have a question." President Johnson spoke up. "We are going to have discussions regarding space, right?" He inquired as he glanced at William Garrett, representative of the NESA. Roosevelt and Boyd nodded. "That, and when will the tour begin?" The President finished, grinning. Roosevelt, Boyd, and Garrett raised an eyebrow as this. Has the weather finally gotten to Johnson's head?

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"We were just about to get to that part about space." said Lance, motioning for Isis to sit down. "As for the tour, I believe that it would begin immediately after this meeting. Anyways, on to the topic of space," he continued.

Another minister from the outer table, a woman that was probably in her thirties, stood up. "Greetings. I am Isabelle Auberjonois, current Disparuean Minister of Science and Technology and member of the Communist Party," said Isabelle, who looked emotionless. "Obviously, my ministry is responsible for anything that involves science and technology, and that includes space exploration."

Grabbing several documents and a remote, she continued, "On behalf of my ministry and the Disparuean Forces, I would like to thank the NESA for helping us launch our first satellite, Rayquaza I. The satellite has been a great help in several ways - from military purposes to scientific. The launch of Rayquaza I proved that Disparu now has the ability to manufacture operational satellites. If we could make a normal communications and military satellite that actually worked, we could go on and create space telescopes, space probes, scientific satellites and more. We will be able to help humanity expand its scientific knowledge about our solar system and beyond, almost like what Canada did several years ago.

There's one problem, though - despite the fact that we have missile capabilities, we are currently unable to launch anything into space. That technological barrier alone impedes any of our attempts to reach space. Fortunately, the NESA was gracious enough to launch a Disparuean satellite for us. We are truly grateful to be allied with a great nation like New England. We still need your help, though. The Disparuean Forces still needs to launch two more military satellites into orbit in order to complete one of their defence projects, while we are currently constructing a satellite that could greatly benefit both of our nations in terms of scientific knowledge."

Isabelle pressed a button on her remote, and a large screen activated on the dark side of the room. It displayed a 3D model of a weird-looking satellite, composed of a large golden dish, attached to a dark grey box.


"Behold, the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope. The Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope will perform in the near-infrared range, and will be designed to look for light from the first stars and galaxies formed after the Big Bang. It will also be used to study the formation and evolution of galaxies, stars and planetary systems. Since it operates at infrared wavelengths, the Space Telescope itself will be extremely cold and shielded from the Sun, Earth and other heat sources, and will be in orbit at Lagrange 2, located 1.51 million kilometres from the orbit of the Earth. We've hoped that this will be a joint project between Disparu and New England.

So, Mr. Garrett, what do you think so far?"

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Well, for one thing, it’s an interesting proposal, and one that we would look forward to working with Disparu on.” Garrett stated as he glanced around the table and the room. “The Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope is certainly a marvel that we are capable and willing to help develop with Disparu. Given our technological prowess and knowledge, we will be able to provide resources needed to make this a reality.

Garrett paused for a moment before proceeding, “As for the two military satellites, the NESA will be more than willing to help you to launch them, either on Disparuean or New Englander soil. Whatever it takes, we will do it and we will succeed. After all, we seek to further our pursuit of knowledge and we believe the Leclerc-Sarkara satellite will be the key to that. To put it, you have our full support.

Garrett sat down as Johnson, Roosevelt, and Boyd nodded in agreement.

OOC: Sorry if it's on the short side. :unsure:

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"Behold, the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope. The Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope will perform in the near-infrared range, and will be designed to look for light from the first stars and galaxies formed after the Big Bang. It will also be used to study the formation and evolution of galaxies, stars and planetary systems. Since it operates at infrared wavelengths, the Space Telescope itself will be extremely cold and shielded from the Sun, Earth and other heat sources, and will be in orbit at Lagrange 2, located 1.51 million kilometres from the orbit of the Earth. We've hoped that this will be a joint project between Disparu and New England.


>>Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope

I cannot say how much I :wub: you for doing that.

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>>Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope

I cannot say how much I :wub: you for doing that.

OoC: :wub:


Well, for one thing, it’s an interesting proposal, and one that we would look forward to working with Disparu on.” Garrett stated as he glanced around the table and the room. “The Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope is certainly a marvel that we are capable and willing to help develop with Disparu. Given our technological prowess and knowledge, we will be able to provide resources needed to make this a reality.

Garrett paused for a moment before proceeding, “As for the two military satellites, the NESA will be more than willing to help you to launch them, either on Disparuean or New Englander soil. Whatever it takes, we will do it and we will succeed. After all, we seek to further our pursuit of knowledge and we believe the Leclerc-Sarkara satellite will be the key to that. To put it, you have our full support.

Garrett sat down as Johnson, Roosevelt, and Boyd nodded in agreement.

OOC: Sorry if it's on the short side. :unsure:

"Very well then. I shall notify the Disparuean Forces that their satellites can launch as planned. As for the launch location of all three satellites, I believe that if you take their orbits into account, New England would be a better place to launch tem. Besides, we currently don't have any functional launch sites here in Disparu.

Anyways, since the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope will be a joint project between our nations, we would appreciate it if the NESA could also send representatives that could help us with construction and anything else. If you want to, we can even transport the entire Space Telescope to New England, which might make things easier for both sides." said Isabelle, before taking her seat.

The Chancellor cleared her throat to get everyone's attention. "I think that we've discussed everything that needs to be discussed." said Cynthia. "Before we move on to a tour of Jubilife, would you like to discuss anything else?"

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Garrett nodded. "Yes, NESA will be willing to send over its specialists and engineers. I am sure they will be of great service to both our nations. I personally will make sure everything will be according to plan."

President Johnson spoke next, "I can think of great locations for the launch of the military satellites and the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope. For the military satellites, I propose a location north of the city of Scantron, Pennsylvania. There is a military facility located there that will serve as a suitable location for Disparu to launch its satellites into space. As for the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope, we would like to offer a location west of the city of Springfield, Massachusetts. I will contact the governors of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania to prepare everything." He said, smiling. "Lastly, we would be honored to work together with you on the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope on New Englander soil."

"If you want, we can send over our specialists and engineers over to Disparu to build launch sites there." Roosevelt piped up. Johnson nodded and then spoke next, "I believe we have discussed everything in detail here." The President said.

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Isabelle smiled, genuinely smiling for the first time in several weeks. "You are truly compassionate, President Johnson. Thank you for the offer to build launch sites here in Disparu - it is truly appreciated."

She quickly ran a mental image of the two launch sites mentioned, before continuing, "Both Pennsylvania and Massachusetts will be excellent launch sites for all three satellites. The two military satellites will be immediately flown to Scantron, while the Leclerc-Sarkara Space Telescope will be folown to Springfield. We can also send specialists and engineers to help out with the Space Telescope in Springfield."

OoC: Do you also want to RP the tour of Jubilife?

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