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The Commonwealth of Poland-DOE

Razgriz 2K9

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The Polish Commonwealth grew to unprecedented heights economically and militarily under the Jageillons, but in the end, with the last Jagellion king died heirless, the Sejm voted in the Union of Lublin, which allowed nobles from all over the commonwealth to elect a fellow noble as the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania. The first person to do so was Ladislas II, (the first was a Jagellion). He was brought into power to increase Polish economic and military power, especially against it's rivals Sweden, and Novgorod.

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With the rise of the Polish state came the need for alliances, and two of them that peaked Ladislas's interests were Kingdom of Hungary and united Iberian-Italian Kingdoms. For that purpose, he wanted to meet in person the Hungarian King, so he sent a messenger to the King of Hungary in Székesfehérvár. With him was this message.

Dear King of Hungary, 

Ladislas, the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania wishes to meet with him in Krakow. Please send word with this messenger ahead of time.

The message was given to the traveler to take with him to Hungary. However in order to do so, he must travel through the lands of Moravia to do so.

OOC: I'll get to the Moravia part ASAP.

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With the rise of the Polish state came the need for alliances, and two of them that peaked Ladislas's interests were Kingdom of Hungary and united Iberian-Italian Kingdoms. For that purpose, he wanted to meet in person the Hungarian King, so he sent a messenger to the King of Hungary in Székesfehérvár. With him was this message.

Dear King of Hungary, 

Ladislas, the King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania wishes to meet with him in Krakow. Please send word with this messenger ahead of time.

The message was given to the traveler to take with him to Hungary. However in order to do so, he must travel through the lands of Moravia to do so.

OOC: I'll get to the Moravia part ASAP.

OOC: If that means you need to RP the travel time in order to reach me, then great. I still need to get my DoE out :P

Btw, I'm not aware of this until the guy gets here.

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1st: I know it's double post

2nd: I'm sick of waiting for EM to do his DoE so I'm moving on to something else.


IC: Ladislas was disturbed by news when he heard that Germany had taken the lands of Alsace and Lorraine from the Kingdom of France, and worried that He might try to gain both Prussia and Pomerania from Poland-Lithuania. Especially with the defeat the French had been handed to them. He heard of the news via messengers from Poles who went to Germany, and although he does not know how effective the German military was. Poland-Lithuania probably would not stand a ghost of a chance. In order to ensure that the Commonwealth would not fall.

Because of this, he started planning on sending his best agent and messenger to France to come up with an alliance to combat German aggression.

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