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(OOC: I thought I might as well crest an news network. Besides it better than making an announcement thread every time I wanted to do something important with Monbossa. :P)

Hello, my name Kecki Towg and I'm Isika Hadring and welcome to the first National Monbossa TV Network 6'oclock news.

In today's stories we take a look at what the government has been doing since our nation Monbossa declared independence.

Well it seems the first thing of note was the establishing of trade lanes to export more resources. Naturally this has led to an increase in funds from trade and with us here tonight it is The Council Member of Treasury. First of all welcome to what will become the first of many.

It is good to be here.

As I said it is obvious to everyone than an increase in trade means an increase in revenue to the government, what have you been doing with these funds.

Let me get one thing clean on the off, Education, Education, Education. Education is vital to our nation, if we can teach our children productive and beneficial skills then our country as a whole we will develop. I have authorised the funding of dozens of new courses and the bringing of tutors from the more wealth and stable regions in Africa.

What about the threat of terrorism ripe in the countries in our area, how are we going to defend ourselves?

Well that is an easy question. Let me start with the recent recruitment drive into the military. To cope with this we have already purchased dozens of new equipments such as Tanks to secure our independence and to deal with terrorism. We are also currently reviewing a plan of citizenship.

Can you please expand on that?

Certainly, the plan is to currently to give citizenship as a reward for national service in the military. This will apply to all people under the age of 35 and all immigrants or refugees that came to our country.

Are there any benefits?

Most certainly, being able to run for a political placement, any public industry such as doctor or policeman. Bare in mind this is requirement and all people, men and women will have to do it.

Thank you very much for your time. And that is all we have time for. From use here at the Monbossa 6'ocklock news good bye.

Edited by Karnee
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Hello and welcome back to the 6'oclock news on the Monbossa News Network.

Due to recent political turmoil in the Europia and Asian continents, Monbossa has opened all borders to immigrants and refugees. With us today is The Council member of Foreign affairs, tell us what reasons are their behind the government recent decision?

To put it simply, Europia is almost constantly in a state of war and so is Asia, the recent political turmoil is the latest sign of this. Here in Moonbossa we may be small but we have stability which people in war turn continents crave. To know that one day they can go home without the fear of it being a smoking pile of rubble. Take the new nation of Grecia, not even a day into its independence and already having to recover from missile attacks. The benefits to the new migrants will be an increase in workers and citizens, this will mean an increase in the economy that will benefit all.

Thank you very mush for your time and now Nina for the weather.

Edited by Karnee
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Hello and welcome back to the 6'oclock news on the Monbossa News Network.

The government has announced the intention to increase Moonbossa's communications technology. This is a new move by the government is to create a telephone network that will now connect to every home in the country. Added features intended in this project is an intended internet connection for the entire country and eventually a country wide mobile network.

The huge amount of time and indeed money needed to fund this project, the government has set up a publicly owned company Monbossa Tele-Communications, that will over see the completion of the project. The projected time table to stage one, the phone connection to every home, is expected to be finished in thirteen months.


King Tek, sat at the conference table, where he was supposedly discussing tariffs on foreign business. Instead he and the twelve men around him, each man he had met during his time in Europa were discussing nation and international security. With a sigh he leant forward and looked each man in the eye before continuing.

"Let me make one thing clear, you are by no means a secret police and I want documentation to go personally through me before allowing any such action. If I hear other wise then this is disbanded immediately," he checked to make sure there were no objections. "To summarise you will monitor for acts of terrorism or and offensive action against the nation Moonbossa with in Moonbossa and outside of it. You will all recruit and work under the guise of Monbossa Tele-Communications company. Publicly you will run exactly how people would expect of the company. You will complete the project then manage it after completion. Only myself and The council will know about the second objective the company plays and only I will be able to directly order you, but all action taken will be informed to The Council during Security meetings. You all know the duty I have given you, if you turn this down there will be no repercussions," He waited for any to pull out but they sat there staring at him. "I expected nothing less. Dismissed."

Edited by Karnee
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Hello and welcome back to the 6'oclock news on the Monbossa News Network.

Today Tele-Communications announced they had begun the project that will see communication availability through out Monbossa to become more accessible than ever before. Economists have linked to this to the recent increase of companies setting up within Monbossa. A new government advisory group have released a report detailing the increase of new companies through out Monbossa.The town of Brack has reported an increase in companies owned by Monbossa citizens increase by 30% over the last two months. The latest citizen to open a new business has been Ron Sec, who has set up what he hopes to be the start of a lumber cutting and sending franchise.

However, others have been keen to point out that with an increase in national business will turn us from an importing nation to an exporting, that in theory will makes us more effected by the world wide economy, which is currently more chaotic than it has ever been. More on that story later.

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The Government announced today that Monbossa has joined the Confederation of Arctic Nations.

This will be celebrated next weeks Monday into a Holiday.

Along with this holiday the government expect an increase in trade commercialism thorough out Monbossa and asks people to embrace it.

(OOC: Really tired.)

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King Tek walked into the hidden chambers beneath the capital government building, the corridors were always lit with light down here, but he couldn't help but shudder at being down so far underground. For a moment he had the strange thought that he will die down here, but quickly pushed it out of his mind as he opened the door to the conference room. Inside were all the members of the council, their faces turned to his entrance. King Tek decided he might was well get started.

"You all must have some idea as to why I have called you hear, but I will start with introducing the new Council Member of Economics Simon Pegg to you all. He will be replacing the former Council Member of Economics now that she has retired." She didn't retire, just quit when he had told her of his plan. "Simon, tell the others of what you have told me."

"Yes sir! I mean King, Sir! I..." Tek motioned for him to start anyway. "Monbossa is currently experiencing an economical growth like never before. Our economy has never been this high, the amount of people flocking to our nations has never been as high and our people have never been richer."

"As Minister of Culture I am well aware of this as I'm sure the others here are."

"I meant only to state the facts before I move onto the future."

"And what's that?"

"That we are heading for a recession. The faster an economy grows the less stable it becomes and when this growth ends we will suffer a recession like never."

"What do you mean?"

"He means that we have risen so high that we have a much longer way to fall. How bad are we talking?"

"Unless we can stabilise the the economy I am predicting a 300% fall in a month."

"That will be even worse than when we started!"

"To be honest sir, we couldn't have stooped the growth even if we wanted to. European refugees have been flocking to America for years before Monbossa declared independence. They usually try and go for the capital city of a nation, but now we are an independent nation with a capital of our own they come here. This income of people was unexpected and suddenly we have an increase unpredicted at least for another 20 years. We have few options available to stop this. If we close borders now we can keep the problem from getting worse, but aside from that there is only one other optional available."

"And that is?"

"Expansion." King Tek said, the entire room becoming very silent.

"Sir, with all due respect where are we going to expand?"

"Into Viniland."

"If we expand into Viniland there will be war."

"True, and if we do not expand we face a recession the likes none have seen and a future that will almost certainly lead to civil war if we don't do something."

"King Tek is right. Our people will seek someone to blame."

"The choice is simple, war there or war here."

In the end there was no choice, because it had already been made.

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Monbossa authorises the creation 30 S-300 Surface to Air missile carriers and 1000 Surface to Air Missiles. Designs for the vehicle and weapon below.



Engineers in the Army will be used for the creation of the vehicle and Missiles, resources shall be brought in when available.

Estimated time to completion: 2 Months.

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