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Requesting a Meeting with UMS

Nagato the Great

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In one of his first actions as president of Mandalore, Alek Sigint wishes to bring up the matter of a Mandalorian military once more with the UMS, hopefully with Nod representatives present as well. This meeting would be held in the capital of Mandalore, Encerti, so the representatives may see how Mandalore is developing since independence was declared. We hope these representatives can come here, to discuss Mandalore and see its developments?

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The nation of Mandalore under one, Alek Sigint already has the support of the NoN for an extended military prescence in the world, thus we shall not send a member of our diplomatic corps to this meeting.

We will, however, be sending a representative from the National military hardware conglomerate of the NoN, which is made up of the Nod Military Industries (NMI), National Defence International Inc, (NDII) and MILitary Aviation Complex (MILAC).

Edited by Executive Minister
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Capital Building

Encerti, Mandalore

Alek Sigint sat down at his chair in the small, circular table and gestured for the representatives from Nod and UMS to sit down.

"So, as you know, we are here to discuss the possibility of Mandalore having an armed forces. While Nod has already agreed to tihs, we need the UMS to agree to it. I should point out that being a small population, we could not have a very large army."

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OOC: Sorry, computer broke down because Dell is a piece of crap.


The United Mechodamian States reaffirms her stance that a fully mobilized force in the region, at the current moment, will not be tolerated. With that said, we request an audience between the three dignitaries present in a remote and secure setting for reasons that will be explained.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"The nature of this information is vital for the advancement of Eastern Africa. As you are aware, there has been a usurp of power in the wake of Novak's formation in the Arabian Peninsula. Carthage has also shown to begin intervening in African affairs in its best interest which is also the best interest of Africa in our opinion. The Italian nation in Eastern Africa is expanding itself to become a nuclear power, meaning more nuclear weapons will be present in Eastern Africa in an already destabilized region. Cochin stills holds Bososa under its imperial control. It is this that we are presenting a proposal to cooperate with one another to actively remove the foreign Italian powers from Eastern Africa first as a means to keep imperialistic peoples away from our continent.

As for the militarization of Mandalore, we can agree to a minimal armed force for the time being unless we do agree to cooperate in such a manner to eliminate imperialistic powers from incorporating their will on the African continent."

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"Yeah, I've been hearing quite a bit about it." Carter replied. "I, as well as most of the Mandalorian Party, are against imperialism in Africa, especially when it comes to nations with nuclear capability. As for cooperation, I can agree to it only as long as it remains purely diplomatic. At this time I don't want Mandalore becoming militarily engaged. I do want us to have a military, but it would need time for training and arming.

"I trust that you will be using only diplomatic means for now, and won't resort to war or military violence unless provoked? Of course Mandalore will be of little use if you do plan to use military means, not only because we don't have a military, but also because when we do get one it'll need time to be trained and armed effectively."

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