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Buryatia sends message to Slavorussia

Imperator Azenquor

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***Classified Diplomatic Communique***

To: The Government of the Slavorussian Empire

Fr: The Government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia

Re: The Former Territory of Yacrania

The government of Buryatia again expresses its concern regarding the region formerly known as Yacrania. As was stated previously, we understand the situations under which Yacrania’s government fell, and we shall not seek to excuse those actions, however the fate of the territory previously held by that government is of paramount concern to us.

Prior to being held by Yacrania, the territory constituted a joint Buryatian Hanseatic Protectorate, which reverted to a Buryatian protectorate upon the dissolution of the Hanseatic Commonwealth. This would mean that upon the collapse of the Yacranian government the territory in question would revert back to being a Buryatian protectorate.

Although the first offer of a joint protectorate was rejected by the Slavorussian side (due in part to the war), we again offer the option of a joint Slavorussian-Buryatian protectorate as a viable compromise solution to the situation. Regardless of the outcome we will maintain our position that, upon the collapse of the Yacranian government the region should have become a Buryatian protectorate.

Should the government of Slavorussia decide against the joint protectorate proposal, then this issue shall remain as an obstacle in the way of furthering diplomatic ties between our two nations. Despite the time that has past, we sincerely hope that an amicable compromise may be found.


Buryatian Diplomatic Corps

K. Rokossovska, President of Buryatia

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To the Government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia,

Your concern is indeed understandable and admirable. When one is charged with the protection of another the feeling they have toward their protectorate tends to remain with them long after the relationship has ended. I will certainly pass your sentiments to the Yacranians at the earliest opportunity. However we still have much more work to do in Yacrania before we can remove our presence. The process of rebuilding not only physically and economically, mentally as well. The Yacranians were conditioned to hate everything that is Russian, which is obviously a mindset we cannot allow to breed from a nation that borders us.

The security of our state and citizens is of the greatest importance to us. We’ve faced invasion from north and west for centuries, but invasions from the east were rare after the Golden Horde was expelled. I would be lying if I told you we welcomed your assistance in protecting Yacrania, but the fact that Yacrania’s government was allowed by Buryatia has not escaped me, nor the Tsar and the legislature. It greatly concerns us that Buryatia has set up several governments that have been less than amicable toward their neighbors. Frankly my supporters want me to make sure Slavorussia has full authority over the post war Yacrania, so as to ensure there is no repeat of this Markus Wilding character.

At this time I feel its unlikely we could accept Yacrania as a joint protectorate, especially in light of the fact that Buryatia already controls nearly 2/3 of Russia, either directly or as a protector. I must respectfully decline your offer, at least for now. My intent isn’t to drive a wedge between our countries, but there are times when policy and the will of the greater government structure binds me. Hopefully in the future we will be able establish healthy diplomatic relations despite this unfortunate subject.


Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister

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To: Government of the Slavorussian Empire

Fr: Government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia

It is an extremely irresponsible and deeply insulting statement to attempt to link the actions of a nation or nation that rises from a Buryatian Zhukov Doctrine protectorate to the government of Buryatia. By their very nature, each state is a sovereign entity capable of making its own decisions. Clearly we did not approve of the actions of the Yacranian government, but to suggest that we knowingly handed a protectorate to a government that was openly belligerent to its neighbors is mistaken and without basis. We urge the Slavorussian government to clarify its previous statement.

The nation of Yacrania did not express anti-Russian sentiments at the time of its foundation, nor during territorial negotiations.The anti Russian sentiments arose just prior to their act of aggression against the Slavorussian Empire. As for welcoming our assistance or not, the point remains that we have a standing claim on the area in question. We have offered a compromise, but the fundamental claim still remains. The matter of the fate of Yacrania is also a security issue for the government of Buryatia. The security of our citizens and the territorial integrity of the areas under our protection are matters that are taken very seriously by the government of Buryatia.

Regarding the suggestion of full Slavorussian control of the post war Yacranian territory, we reiterate the position that the government of Buryatia finds such an act to be absolutely, unquestionably unacceptable. Should this course of action be decided upon unilaterally by the government of the Slavorussian Empire, then the government of Buryatia shall have no choice but to utilize several other diplomatic approaches in an attempt to resolve the situation.

We shall continue to leave the channels for dialogue open with the Slavorussian government. We remain committed to finding a diplomatic solution to this dispute, however it has inevitably damaged diplomatic ties between Buryatia and Slavorussia.


K. Rokossovska, President of the United Kingdom of Buryatia

Buryatian Diplomatic Corps

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To Government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia:

Sadly the conclusion you drew from my previous statement seems to have been plucked out of thin air. I never suggested that you approved, supported or were willingly involved in Markus Wilding’s insane plot against Slavorussia. In fact I would very surprised if you were. My concern isn’t so much with your judgment, as much as it is with your lack of fallow up with the regimes you install.

As for your claim to Yacrania, It’s not our policy to recognize items like the Zhukov Doctrine as a legal and binding contract between the native inhabitants of a parcel of land and it‘s protector. Mainly because of the unilateral fashion in which these doctrines come to life in. It also isn’t one which we feel we are obligated to shape our foreign policy around. This was made clear to Nova Romans long ago, and when I was elected I chose to maintain the policy laid out by my predecessors. However even if I didn’t, the Zhukov Doctrine was announced after our counter invasion, and therefore doesn’t hold much meaning in this situation.

My main concern now is working with the Yacranians to do what’s best for them. Help them shape a new government, with more tolerant leaders. I have little concern for the Zhukov Doctrine nor any other doctrine which forces itself upon international society.

As I’m sure you know I’m an elected officer of the Tsar’s government. My duty is first to my people and my sovereign, then to the foreign nations which I have contact with. I should point out if we are to continue this correspondence that I don’t like foreign attempts to strong-arm me if indeed that's what you're trying to do. As a civil servant I serve the people, and I’ve chosen my course of action based on the demands of the people I represent. Unless you can suggest to me a solution that they’d be in favor of then my hands are tied. For now, I’m open to your suggestions, I will propose any you have to the Yacranians, or you may do so yourselves, but in the end the final decision lies with Slavorussia.


Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister

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To: The Government of Slavorussia

Fr: The Government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia

It appears from the tone of your previous statement that you have misunderstood the statements we have made previously. The government of Buryatia is not attempting to strong arm the government of Slavorussia. We are simply stating a very clear position held by our government. That position is simple: we oppose the government of Slavorussia having full control of the Former Yacranian territory. The territory was held in trust by us and should therefore return to either a Buryatian protectorate or a joint protectorate. We have simply stated our position via diplomatic communiqué. If such an act is considered to be strong arming, then that is extremely unfortunate.

After granting independence to a territory, the government of Buryatia does not presume to dictate what policies that government may or may not take. That would imply that the nation in question would not be sovereign, it would simply be a puppet state. It is our policy to monitor the situation and react accordingly. Again we note that the Yacranians did not declare an anti-Russian agenda at the time of their foundation, nor was there concrete evidence that they would do so. We considered sending troops into Yacrania after their act of aggression against Slavorussia, but we felt that such an action would likely be misinterpreted. The situation between the government of Yacrania and its Russian citizens is also of particular concern to us.

Whether or not Slavorussia recognizes the Zhukov Doctrine, a doctrine which governs the protectorates in the Zhukov Region is absolutely irrelevant. Our offer of a joint protectorate still stands. Should Slavorussia again refuse to negotiate to find an amicable resolution to the situation, then the diplomatic relationship between Buryatia and Slavorussia will be severely strained. As we have stated previously, the channels of diplomacy shall remain open, and we shall use every diplomatic means at our disposal to oppose the continuation of a Slavorussian only protectorate. It would be simply irresponsible of us to abandon all responsibility and all ties to the region simply because of the events that have unfolded there.

We are committed to finding a diplomatic solution to this situation.


K. Rokossovska, President of Buryatia

Buryatia Diplomatic Corps


***Highly Classified and encoded***

High Level Military Communiqué

To: North Eastern Division


Make immediate preparations to have 30,000 troops and 50 KGB Operatives deployed to Novaya Zemlya. Troops should be deployed on a rotating schedule in groups of 3,000, and should be airlifted in by C-130 aircraft and transported in by sea from the coast.

To: South Central Division


Deploy the Imperial Class BNS Olenyok submarine and the BNS Zhukov Aircraft carrier to Novaya Zemlya for combat maneuvers. The Olenyok should be armed with SLBMs and should be prepared for live fire exercises immediately upon arrival.

To: Novaya Zemlya Central Military Base


Move to DEFCON 3 immediately and remain at DEFCON 3 until further notice. Monitor SOSUS lines carefully.

Edited by Imperator Azenquor
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In an earlier letter I expressed our concern about Buryatia’s expansion, as well as Buryatia’s control over the majority of Russia. Diplomacy requires that both sides give a little to gain a lot. We’re giving you something, but what do we get in return? I’ve been thinking of a possible solution. I’ll agree to a joint protectorate, but not in Yacrania alone. If you want a joint protectorate then we request you halt your union with Vaule, and create one single joint protectorate. We will agree to enforce the Zhukov Doctrine alongside Buryatia, and we’ll have a more hands on approach in the development of the greater Russian area. Essentially what was once the Hanseatic/Buryatian Protectorate would become the Buryatian/Slavorussias Protectorate.

I sincerely hope you’ll give this as much serious thought as I have. It seems like the logical solution to our problems as well as the catalyst for closer relations, any other way would make us feel like you’re stepping on our toes. I know that if you agree to this plan, even though we’d both give a little land that is within our influence, we’d gain something much greater. I’ll await your response.


Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister

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We acknowledge the proposal you have put forward and will take it under consideration. We will hold consultations with representatives of the Vaulian region as well as with stakeholders in Buryatia before we take a formal decision regarding the proposal. Once those consultations have reached a conclusion then we will inform the government of the Slavorussian Empire of their result.

Until that time we wish to request a formal agreement that until that time Slavorussia will not take any steps to changing the status quo. Should such an assurance be given, then we will assure the same.


President Rokossovska of the United Kingdom of Buryatia

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I’m pleased to see we’re gaining some momentum in these negotiations. As the Prime Minister of the Slavorussian Empire I give you my word that Slavorussia will not make any attempts to alter the status quo in any way. I’m a man of my word.


Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister

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To: The Government of the Slavorussian Empire

Fr: The Government of the United Kingdom of Buryatia

After tabling the option of a joint protectorate with the Regional Administration of the Vaulian Protectorate Region, as well as the Transitional Authority, the proposal has been rejected outright. The citizens of the region are deeply distrustful of the introduction of peacekeeping forces from a European nation into their territory.

Therefore our original claim to the area stands. Until there is a negotiated solution regarding this dispute, we request that we sign an agreement agreeing not to change the status quo in the region, except at the point where the area becomes capable of self-governance. We look forward to finding a diplomatic solution that is approved by both the governments in Slavorussia, and Buryatia, as well as the people of Yacrania.


4th Vice President of Buryatia

Buryatian Diplomatic Corps

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