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Dranagg in Australia


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With the transports disabled and sinking, and the Promised Land ships coming in, the Taeunas cruisers sailed back into international waters. There they rejoined the fleet, including the BĂșanann, which was in the process of transferring the highest ranking Dranagg soldier they had to the Morrigan. Once there, he was dragged into the brig and the cell locked with two SFHCT soldiers outside the door.

The cell was 8x8 and soundproof, with a recessed pinhole camera above the door. It had a bed, the mattress made of foam rubber. No pillow, but a small shelf built into the wall. The walls themselves were solid slabs of steel, except for where the door was, and a single light fixture set in the ceiling, covered by armorglass. The door had a single slot in it, with a shelf on the inside for the food to sit on. The walls were a plain dull gray. A toilet sat in one corner, make of stainless steel.

After the man was thrown in, the light went out, plunging the room into total darkness.

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Major Cole, the man taken by Taeunas, seemed confused, but unworried when he was seperated, transfered, then isolated. In fact he rather seemed like he didn't mind where he was at all, and played 'Find the button' in the dark with one of his uniform buttons that he removed.

Then he took a few hours nap.

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OOC: So, is the transport booby-trapped or not? The same goes for the ones that sank... :P

OOC: nope. Its just completely filled with rubber cement, Basically its glued together :v:

And are you really going to salvage the ones that sank? That would cost more than the worthless scrap they are now.

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OOC: nope. Its just completely filled with rubber cement, Basically its glued together :v:

And are you really going to salvage the ones that sank? That would cost more than the worthless scrap they are now.

OOC: Yes. And if I cut them up for the metal, I'll still make a little profit on them. Thanks. :D

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Major Cole, the man taken by Taeunas, seemed confused, but unworried when he was seperated, transfered, then isolated. In fact he rather seemed like he didn't mind where he was at all, and played 'Find the button' in the dark with one of his uniform buttons that he removed.

Then he took a few hours nap.

In the middle of his nap, the light came back on. Added to it was the magnified sound of screeching metal and the screams of terror that only a woman can make. After about ten minutes, these shut off and he was plunged back into pitch black silence.


In another part of the ship, the Adm. looked at the screen showing the video feed from the cell. "So, how long will this take?" He asked the man in civilian clothes next to him.

The man shrugged. "I've seen people last three minutes, or I've seen them take a month and then go totally crazy. It may not work at all."

"Wonderful." said the officer, and headed back toward his bridge.

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While Major Cole had been known to be a heavy sleeper, the sounds should of still woken him up. Unless he was, like almost half of the Dranaggan forces, temporarily deafened from near by explosions during the attacks. It would probably explain why he hadn't bothered to ask any questions from them, or listen to anything anyone was saying. As for the light, well he was a military man. He could sleep anywhere at any time of day or night.

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The admiral looked over his new orders and shook his head. "Wow. They must be on something back home to think that this is a good idea."

A little later, all the Dranagg POW's, including Major Cole, were bundled up into a squadron of C-24's and flown to Dranagg and dropped off in the first coastal settlement the aircraft came across. The aircraft then returned to the fleet.

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Promised Land denied Captain Crowe permission to use his Aircraft Carrier in the salvage operation, but did permit him to borrow more appropriate vessels from private contractors. He would be given leave for as long as he needed, along with any crew members that wished to join him.

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