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Despite his refusal to carry a weapon, Poole's superiors recognized that he was a good technician...and navigator.

His flawless sense of direction was not what made them send him out with the battalion on a hunt for a reported terrorist nest. The reason was simple...it was a mechanized Battalion. At least he could fix things.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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"This is fire-team Bravo, we are under attack. Repeat, we are under a--" the radio hissed into static, then another message took its place.

"Fire-team Delta is taking heavy f-"

"3rd platoon is down to half-strength. requesting reinforcements."

By now, the entire Battalion was under seige, spread out over a space of more than a mile. The ambush had come when three platoons had been sent out to pursue what they thought had been a fleeing enemy force...

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RE: Cultist Activity

If there is no suspicious activity by the cult in question, and they are disrupting your military-- then create some suspicious activity to remove them as a threat.

Reviewing draft laws also effective.

Commander-in-Chief Murphy, President, FRA, LPFRA

OOC: Not sure about the situation regarding your government, so please correct me if my post was in any way out of line.

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OOC; No. In fact, I was actually wondering how long it would take someone to make that suggestion... ;)

IC: ***Classified***

The message was received, with no reply sent.

For once, Anderson and Subtleknifewielder were at odds on an issue. And they weren't taking the positions one would have expected.

Anderson was of the opinion that the message's advice should be seriously considered.

Subtleknifewielder, on the other hand, was adamantly opposed to any such thing. His vehemence caught Anderson totally off-guard, and actually rendered him speechless...

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OOC; No. In fact, I was actually wondering how long it would take someone to make that suggestion... ;)

IC: ***Classified***

The message was received, with no reply sent.

For once, Anderson and Subtleknifewielder were at odds on an issue. And they weren't taking the positions one would have expected.

Anderson was of the opinion that the message's advice should be seriously considered.

Subtleknifewielder, on the other hand, was adamantly opposed to any such thing. His vehemence caught Anderson totally off-guard, and actually rendered him speechless...

OOC: :P People and their scruples. I like where this is going. Ten e-bucks says SKW is a cultist.

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OOC: :P People and their scruples. I like where this is going. Ten e-bucks says SKW is a cultist.

OOC: Trust me, he's not a pacifist by any stretch of the imagination. ;) He's actually opposing any such action because his life was saved at one point by a member of this church. Anderson doesn't know that.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Poole looked to the commanding officer of his platoon, who happend to be the (recently promoted) drill Sergeant who had given him such a hard time, but the man looked lost. He was clearly not from this region, and did not know the terrain. He'd been thrown off by the geography of the area.

"Sir," he stated, right before he saw a man rise up from behind a dune to aim at the commander. Without conscious thought, he tackled his commanding officer just as the trigger was fired. A moment later, the terrorist was riddled with ammunition from three different guns, and once they stood, the man looked at him in shock.

"You could have been killed, Private. Why did you do that?"

Poole answered honestly. "Because, Lieutenant, despite any prejudices, you are still a human being, and worthy of some respect as my commanding officer."

Penn stared. Then he shook his head. "What was it you wanted to discuss, Private?"

"I know how we can get out of here, Lieutenant, if you'll permit me to direct us. I've always had a good sense of direction."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only minutes later, the rest of the Battalion was following suit Penn's platoon, managing to retreat in an orderly fashion. Once they were sufficiently removed from the situation, an airstrike eliminated the hostile group.


Anderson stared out the window of the government car. He had a lot on his plate right now. Not the least this terrorist uprising.

Ahead, the first car in the convoy was just passing the military base, when it burst into flames. The driver of his car slammed on the brakes, skidding to a stop; his guards, while urging him to stay inside, left the vehicle to see what was going on.

Troops began boiling out of the base, to investigate what had happened, when the next car in line also exploded. Now his guards ushered him out of the vehicle, in the direction of the base. he was capable of defending himself, but he also knew, logically, that as the visible head of state, it was their job to keep him safe.

Still, as they rushed inside the gate, followed by the remaining survivors of the convoy, he couldn't help but sigh in frustration. His life was once again not in his own hands, and he knew it.

OOC: The events of this thread take place in the past of current RP. Please bear that in mind if you wish to reply.

This message has also been placed in the OP.

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The base, oddly enough, was the one at which Doss was stationed.

They tried calling for help, but the terrorist rebels had managed, somehow, to cut off their communications. And this was, after all, not a large base, as they went, housing, at the moment, only one hundred troops.

Any that tried to leave were cut down by unseen snipers, so in effect, the base was placed under seige.

It was a particularly bad time for this to happen. Supplies had been running low, and the re-supply convoy had not yet arrived. Most likely they had been ambushed as well.


Doss closed his eyes and offered up a prayer for the one who had just died. One member of his fire-team had broken and rushed outside, firing blindly before being hit from no less than three directions.

They couldn't take much more of this. They would have to break out soon...


He had been right. Quietly, the word had been passed along from building to building. At a pre-arranged time, all troops would emerge from whatever building they were in at the time. Snipers couldn't, by any stretch of the imagination, pick them all off. Anderson was given a military uniform, as a disguise to keep him anonymously safe, while one of his bodyguards was given his own clothes.

At the pre-arranged time, they began rushing outside--and those who had been in the building housing the vehicles drove out under the cover of darkness.

Almost immediately, the one dressed in Anderson's outfit was hit. Though it wasn't in a vital area, he stayed down to make sure the enemy thought they had gotten him.

In the initial rush, about a dozen troops died, and a steady hail of bulets kept picking off the others.

But by now the remaining troops had reached what vehicles there were, meaning no more easy targets. The vehicles began pulling out one-by-one. The first three made it safely and then...

It was their turn to be rushed.


The attack caught them totally off-guard--of the fifty remaining troops on the base, ten died in this rush before they could get their act together and return fire. Snipers still picked off some of them, but not as many as before. Either they were running low on ammo, or they didn't want to riisk hitting their allies. In either case, the soldiers rallied around the remaining vehicles, forming a tight circle of defense.

It should have been impregnable, but somehow, a grenade arced up and over...landing near the vehicle Anderson had been placed in and causing it to burst into flames. Doss was the only one who made the connection. He'd personally escorted the Administrator to that vehicle.

Without a second thought, ignoring the heat being given off, he rushed the vehicle, taking only the precaution to tear off two pieces of his uniform to wrap around his hands.

He didn;t know where he found the strength to rip off the door, but it came from somewhere, perhaps God, he didn't know, and he was struggling with the Administrator's harness. He finally managed to cut that with his knife.

He was moving away from the vehicle with the unconscious Administrator when it exploded...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anderson was mostly unharmed--Doss had taken the heaviest of the damnage in the explosion. The numerous cuts and bruises were the least of his injuries--burns covered much of his back, and shrapnel was embedded in his lower left arm, his right leg, and several places in his back. it was amiracle none had penetrated his skull or spine, or even any major arteries.

he was put in the back of an APC with as much care as possible considering the situation.


The seige was effectively broken, with no one remaining, and final orders were given. As the terrorists moved into the base, it exploded around them.

Epilogue--Two weeks after the re-opening of borders

"After the courage these two individuals have shown, I hereby revoke the requirement that all military personel be acquanted with the basics of their firearms. I thought them cowards--I was wrong. I mistook commitment for cowardice, and for that, on behalf of the entire nation, I apologize. Would you two please step forward?"

Private Marley Poole, and a finally-recovered, but now permanently scarred, Private Desmond Doss, stepped forward from their positions in front of the crowd, to stand in front of him on the podium. Each was in full dress uniform.

"Private Harely Poole. You not only risked life and limb to save your platoon commander, you lead your entire battalion to safety, thus enabling an airstrike that eliminated the threat. For your bravery, your courage under fire, I hereby award you the Victoria Cross."

The Administrator personally pinned the medal to the recipient's shoulder, then offered a military salute.

"Private Desmond Doss. In an unforseen attack on a military base, you personally took the lead in getting your fellow soldiers to safety. You risked your very life to rescue a government official who had done nothing to endear himself to you, who had done nothing but condemn you and your beliefs. For your bravery, your courage under perilous circumstances, I award you the Victoria Cross."

Like before, he stepped back and saluted once the medal was pinned. The crowd burst into applause as the recipients turned to face them with a smart about-face.

OOC: Aaand...that's a wrap. I know this is not how those medals are awarded in real life. So sue me. :P

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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