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Resuming old work


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Once upon a time, there was a powerful country, one that had the capability of influencing the world .

Its first leader was an old man, grizzled from civil war against oppressors and over time apparently becoming quite mad, invading an adversary on the other side of the ocean suprisingly, and without reason. He lost this war, and was deposed.

The second leader was younger, in his middle ages, capable enough to bring this nation to great glory. He founded one of the two most powerful alliances in their time, but at heart, he still was a scientist. It is thus that he decided to step back and let someone else lead, in secret working to the young, yet aged country a quick and peaceful end.

The third leader was female, and but a footnote in history, It was under her that the country was finally laid to rest, and its knowledge brought to a friend by the first and second rulers.

The first of the two had lain in a hospital bed until a few days ago, when he decided 'To hell with it', deciding to try and take down as many of his old enemies that he could, even at his high age. He contacted the second, who was living alone, far away from civilization, and who soon decided to join.

Now it was only a matter of asking those to whom the old technology was given, if they could give it back and help with transporting it.

These three leaders were Lynneth Sarkara, Fjodor Leclerc and Angela Merkel (not to be confused with the politician leading the CDU in Austria; They don't even know about each other), while the country was, quite obviously...Canada.


Mere days ago, he'd lain in a hospital bed.

Now Lynneth was sitting in the bunker where he'd lived for a while with Uberstein, his Butler and Leclerc. Many of the hard drives were displaced now, but it was out of question that Rebel Army would have detailed records about which HDD was where, when it was taken, et cetera.

He took the telephone receiver of the phone besides him, and called the leader of Rebel Army, Lavo. He needed to talk to him about a few things.


In the meantime, Leclerc was already travelling to the destination of both him and Lynneth. With him, he took records of the old genetic projects in the secret base in Canada, which probably hadn't been found even today.

Fjodor longed to resume his old projects, and to make man better in so many ways. Hopefully, the leader of the country he was travelling to was smart enough to see the opportunity and ignore some...ramifications that this technology brought with it.


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It was mid-afternoon when Lavo got the call, he had gotten out of a sitrep over the Novakian conflict. He picked it up rather quick and answered even faster. "Lavo Shalam here. Speaking?"

"Good day,Lavo. It's me, Lynneth.

I and Leclerc have been talking and...Well, we've been doing not much more than sitting on our rear ends. Fjodor wants to do something again, resume his research. I want to try and help kick Martens' butt. But for that, we need your help. Namely, putting the tech we brought with us onto that sub we came with, so we can go to Austria. We'd need only the computers and those HDDs from that bunker you put us in when we first arrived, though any extra things would of course be appreciated.

Oh, and do you know a good german-teacher? Mine's a bit rusty."

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"Will do. We've copied the original data to our own servers, versus using your HDDs, and can easily duplicate the physical blueprints and notes you had. I'll get them loaded up right away. As for a German teacher... I'd suggest Tazband if he does it, though the Rebel Intercontinental Language Academy has some great language profs."

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"Will do. We've copied the original data to our own servers, versus using your HDDs, and can easily duplicate the physical blueprints and notes you had. I'll get them loaded up right away. As for a German teacher... I'd suggest Tazband if he does it, though the Rebel Intercontinental Language Academy has some great language profs."

"Thank you very much, Lavo. You're helping me a lot with this. Also, I think I'll either visit the RILA or find a teacher in Austria who can help me. I'm not on too good terms with Tanzband, unfortunately.

If you could just send the submarine to Koper once you've filled it with everything, that'd be great. I'll be busy for the next weeks and months, but Leclerc should already be there by now. Unless something went wrong, you'll be able to contact him in a week or two by simply phoning him on his mobile phone."

Lynneth then gave Lavo the number of Leclerc's mobile phone, saying his goodbyes afterwards.

Now that this was taken care of, he'd need to do some things other than learn german.


A small, almost unnoticable fishing boat approached the massive harbour of Koper.

On it was a simple man who had done much in his life, and with him he was bringing its fruits.


Over time, the relatively small city had turned into a metropolis, the single biggest harbour of Austria and very likely one of the busiest ports in the world.

More than two million populated Koper, and Leclerc would soon be one of them, if everything went well...

His ship approached the docks, wondering if there already was someone waiting for him to examine the cargo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: >:|


Finally, Leclerc had arrived in Koper. It truly was a magnificent city, the massive buildings on the island reminging him of the grand SkyCity of Ferinh. Unfortunately, it was likely that nature had reclaimed it, unless Disparu had begun to keep the city up and running.

It almost seemed as if the Austrians were trying to "one-up" Canada, in an attempt to become more successful than the greatest rational communist nation that ever existed. However, he decided to not think more about this until he had seen other cities such as Vienna or Innsbruck.

Had Leclerc brought a TV with him, he could've watched AR Alpha, the main science channel of the country, in which several cities of Austria were shown and discussed. Unfortunately, he didn't have a portable television with him and thus was oblivious to this fact.

Now, he got off the boat in which he had arrived and walked onto the docks, looking to see if someone from customs was approaching him. That indeed was the case and the former scientist had to justify why he should be allowed to emigrate into the country, despite the official procedures about which he had read a lot. Clearly, this man was doing it unofficially, so that he could notify his superiors about a potential subversive - Martencism - one of the very few ideologies that were indeed seen as completely detrimental to all parts of society, no matter the incarnation. Of course, Leclerc easily talked himself out of the situation, giving the man no information in the process.

After getting rid of the customs official, Fjodor got some heavy trunks and called for a cab. He asked the driver to bring him to the next car rental service, which happened to be AusCar, a company with branches in virtually every city and town of the country, so one could borrow a car from them in Innsbruck and give it back in Vienna. Quite useful.

After many hours, Leclerc arrived in the capital of Austria, Vienna. In the outskirts, there were numerous construction sites, making it quite obvious that massive expansions were planned and in the process of being realized. Several buildings were already dozens, if not hundreds of meters tall, showing that if these people decided to do something, they'd do it bloody well. The scientists actually found himself to be impressed, wondering if he could resume his studies in a similarly massive construction if he managed to persuade the King.

But for now, he had to find a branch of AusCar, to get rid of the car; He didn't have infinite money right now, and needed to save.

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OOC: Long wait is long. Going ahead now.


The last time Lynneth had been in this submarine was when he brought so much of Canadian knowledge to the lands of Rebel Army. Indeed, almost everything the communist nation had known and researched, including railgun weaponry and other such incredible technology was given to Lavo's nation.

Until now, and with the exception of the genetic research. That little bit Leclerc had kept to himself, carrying it on a USB stick with him. But now Lynneth was on his way from Beirut, towards Koper. It would be but a question of time until he arrived, and until then, the old canadian shuttles and other space-going technology, taken and kept in good condition by Rebel Army after Canada's fall, would have travelled half the distance from RA to Austria.

Once these things were in Koper, it would be easy to jumpstart an Austrian Space Program and get this nation of crazies into space. It could perhaps even lead to colonies on the Mars or Moon, if they got the necessary funding for that...

But such grand plans would come later. Right now, he and Leclerc needed to get the first part of their plan done.

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"... So, if I understand you right, then you want me to not only finance a space program, but also a research laboratory dug into the very Alps, under the country's highest mountain, no less?"

"Yes. That is what I am asking."

"Then I present you with a single question.


Leclerc had actually managed to get an audience with the King, convincing numerous guards and people that it was of the utmost importance to speak with the King. He had told the King of his and Lynneth's plans, though he had not revealed the shuttles and technology. Yet.

"Your Majesty. My friend, Lynneth, he is bringing things of incredible worth with him. If you accept, everything will be Austria's."

"And what would that be?"

"Every last bit of technology and knowledge that Canada had, its technologies and advances. He is also bringing a submarine and actual Space Shuttles, designed by the best Canadian engineers back then, and intended to reach the Moon and even Mars with relative ease."

The King looked at the man, quite flabbergasted.

"Are you serious, man? Are you entirely serious? Canadian technology and shuttles?"

"Yes, your Majesty. I am not kidding. Lynneth is on his way in this very moment, and the shuttles are on their way, as well."

"This...My God, you'll get your lab. These shuttles, incredible! I've read about the prototypes that had been built, but actual working ones..! I can't believe it. This will jumpstart our space program, we'll reach the solar system so much quicker than so many others!"

"Indeed we will, your Majesty."

Leclerc smiled. He'd been successful, and his old friend would be received well, too.

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