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And then there were NONE


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The idea of a fair fight evaporated when the decision was taken to sneak-attack a group who did nothing to you.

In every fight, someone has to strike first. Being hit first doesn't make the fight unfair.

It is easy enough to figure out who we are

Really? Cause it seems to me a person has to find one of your members, ask for your forum link, register on your forums, get approved, and then take you for your word with respect to your member list. Why all the hoops? Because you're abusing a bug in the game. By flying a variation of "none" as your AA, it's impossible to objectively verify who's in your alliance and how much strength you have. Now you're upset because we didn't take the time to jump through the hoops you created? In all fairness my friend... this is the risk you run when you try taking advantage of a glitch like this. Were you functioning like a normal alliance, there could be no question about your relative strength and membership.

and I frankly astonished that you would think we have even a fraction of the numbers you allege we have.

I've been looking into this for over an hour now and will present my findings shortly. I'm completely open to the idea that we were wrong about your number of nations - of course we wouldn't have had to guess if that information had been made available in-game...

Nonetheless, if your numbers are as small as you suggest they are, I will pull the plug on this thing tonight. I've no interest in beating up a micro alliance. That was never our intention.

That being said, we are not complaining; fairness is not even an issue for us. We will defend ourselves if attacked and will stop fighting once the attacks cease. It's that simple.

Commendable. I hope that I find that you guys are equal to us in size so that we can continue our fight :P

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...I've been looking into this for over an hour now and will present my findings shortly. I'm completely open to the idea that we were wrong about your number of nations - of course we wouldn't have had to guess if that information had been made available in-game...
Why are you so interested in us that you were spending so much time trying to figure out who we are? Are you upset that we don't play the game the same way you do? Before we had nothing that distinguished us from the other non-aligned; we flew different flags, were on different color teams and didn't change the capitalization of "None." The poor tech-raiders cried their little eyes out that we entrapped them by seeming to be all alone with our juicy tech, land and cash. So they hunted us down with not a care in the world that hundreds of players were driven from the game in Standard forever.

But the core of us is still here in TE and we will never surrender. Ever.

You will not define us. You will not tell us with whom we may associate nor how. You will not succeed in using force to bend us to your will.

We will defend ourselves with everything we have until you withdraw or our nations are destroyed. Those are your only options.

Edited by Walford
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@ Walford- I have a question, and it is being asked so that I can simply understand NONE (not sure of the capitalization) better. What is/are the purpose(s) of NONE? I actually like the idea that a group was formed to make tech-raiding a risky venture. Is that your sole purpose? I ask, because traditionally alliances of nations are formed for mutual protection. They identify themselves clearly so that all members are easily recognized, so that (at least in theory) those members can benefit from such protection. It seems that by not making your members easily recognizeable, they are less safe, both from initial attacks and future attacks from different foes who do not know they are aligned. Whatever the case, None does seem interesting, and I wanted to know more about your organization.

Edited by BigKat
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Spare me your pretense of chivalry here. Sparring implies and agreed-upon decision beforehand to have full contact combat with some sort of refereeing to take place. No, you sneak-attacked us. Your alliance vastly outnumbers us and has us out-gunned.

Beyond that, your OP makes it clear that UJA has joined the ranks of many stating that NONE should not be allowed to exist as it is, so we will be continually attacked until forced to play the game in a manner in which you approve.

Think again.

We will fight until you get tired of bleeding for nothing and withdraw or until our nations are at bill-lock/deletion. Surrender is not an option. As we have done many times before, we shall spit our blood in your eyes and after that we shall start spitting our teeth.

We ask for no mercy and will be offering none.

Maybe because your alliance name is basically a cover up to hide behind non-aligned alliances? aka cowardice

Edited by Lysander
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Maybe because your alliance name is basically a cover up to hide behind non-aligned alliances? aka cowardice
We are fully aware that our status will subject us to more attacks than those in groups sporting traditional AA. We expect to be attacked more often and in fact are.

We take on all comers and ask for no mercy. Cowards I would characterize as those who hide behind alliances while victimizing independent nations and smaller groups.

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We are fully aware that our status will subject us to more attacks than those in groups sporting traditional AA. We expect to be attacked more often and in fact are.

We take on all comers and ask for no mercy. Cowards I would characterize as those who hide behind alliances while victimizing independent nations and smaller groups.


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