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Death has never been so portable

Eggman Empire

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Approximately ten minutes ago, the Eggman Empire military successfully launched its newest ICBM. The test missiles is part of the newly developed Pox Gungnir missile class now officially introduced into the Imperial Army and Navy. Two missile, one launched from Eggman Empire mainland, and one launched from a sub, traversed down the Atlantic Ocean and then deployed their payloads near the Antarctic continent.

*Missile paths*


Technical details:

The Pox Gungnir class is a MIRV-ed missile, capable of carrying ten re-entry vehicles that can each be armed with a 300-kiloton warhead. It is capable of reaching speeds up to 15,000mph and has an operating range of over 8,500 miles. It can be launched from ground based silos, or from submarines. Currently, over 50 have been produced, with another 150 nearly finished and more in the process of being built.

In addition to hauling a conventional or nuclear payload, the Eggman Empire has developed chemical and biological carrying warheads. These warheads will explode over the intended targets, either covering them in hazardous mist, or creating a toxic cloud that will hand over the target until the prevailing winds carry it away somewhere else. The mist and cloud are capable of contaminating 10 square miles.

On a related note, Emperor Sammyace Kintober had this to say about the testing:

I am glad this project has come to fruition so smoothly and perfectly. To those out there who would think the Empire and her allies are weak or vulnerable: let this be a reminder that we have, and always will have, very sharp teeth. If you decide to mess with this country, or any of its allies, be warned.


*This has been an official statement from the Eggman Empire*


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Frowns were all on the council's faces, especially Cybil's, Lady Rosario's, the Lady-General's, and the Lord of Diplomatic Affairs's. The weapons' marks had hit awfully close to South America, and there was no doubt that Antarctica would have felt the missiles as well, even if the missile didn't hit as closely. Considering the fact that negotiations were underway between the Eggman Empire and Cyneriice Northan, the tests had Cybil very concerned.

"Fetch me my radio," said Cybil to Lady Rosario. "I want to make a statement."


(Public announcement)

"While the government of Cyneriice Northan applauds the Empire for its technological prowess, I, Queen Cybil, and my royal council as well, are concerned with the proximity of the tests to continents. It is our personal belief that they could have been more directed out onto open water, but that is our only concern at this point."

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The Aether Empire Condemns the Eggman Empire for beating us to ICBMs! Zarfef shines his bald head in rage at the thought and clucks at you like a chicken! HAH TAKE THAT! You may have bested us in getting to ICBMs, but we will continue to work towards beating you later! Zarfef after all, greatly admires the Eggman Empire, they are even closer to an evil Empire of doom then he is and make a laughing stock of Franz Ferdinand! Good job! Now let's celebrate (should you order the pizza or should we?)

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"Your strikes were extremely close to Vinilandese and Transvaler territory. Given the Eggman Empire's disregard for possible shipping routes or even the proximity of their strkes to foreign installations, Arctica wonders whether Eggman Empire is ready for the responsibility that comes with such power."

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A Caucasian Gold Mining Corp. ship, with one metric ton of gold for various South American markets, sailed off the coast of Viniland's South American holdings, roughly the area of where the Eggman ICBM would hit. Captaining the ship was King James I's nephew, Ryan Drake, a supervisor of the Corporation.

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(Public broadcast)

"Upon hearing this new information, we strongly condemn the missile target points of choice, and hope that no damage was done to any of the nearby countries. We ask for the Eggman Empire to be more careful in the future, because next time, it may strike someone's territory."

- Queen Cybil de Blanc

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A Caucasian Gold Mining Corp. ship, with one metric ton of gold for various South American markets, sailed off the coast of Viniland's South American holdings, roughly the area of where the Eggman ICBM would hit. Captaining the ship was King James I's nephew, Ryan Drake, a supervisor of the Corporation.

"Blip on the radar, sir," the first mate told Ryan, who pushed him aside.

"That's a big blip. What is it?"

"Nothing I've seen," the first mate shrugged. None of the crewmen had been unfortunate enough to have a missile fired at them.

"It's moving fast. Get the base of operations in Caucasia on the horn, see if anything's going on."

"Yessir." The first mate picked up a radio. "This is the Sterling, requesting news feed in the Atlantic."

There was a crackling, then an operator from the Corporation came online. "Eggman Empire launched ICBM tests in the area. What are your coordinates?"

The first mate sent the coordinates and heard nothing for a second.

Finally: "Y'all are $%&@ed."


"That ICBM's going to hit about twenty feet to your north."


"Hope you have life insurance."

Outside the cabin, four crewmen simultaneously shouted "HOLY !@#$!"

Ryan looked outside and up a littleways. He saw a missile-shaped thing flying through the air.

"Son of a !@#$%*," he groaned. The explosion rocked the Atlantic; Ryan and the thirty crewmen felt a brief burning sensation/ Then nothing.


"We lost contact with the Sterling," an operator said.

"Oh God..." his supervisor moaned.


"The king's nephew was on board."

The communications room broke into murmurs.

"Oh, sweet Jesus..."

"God help 'em..."

"Madre de Dios..."


"My Lord," a man said, bowing respectfully. King James I sat on a private bunk, having a short break from training with the Guards. He swung his legs down and looked at the man, who clutched a letter in his hand.

"What is it?"

"It's about your nephew, Ryan..." He offered the paper to the king.

James tore open the letter and scanned it. He frowned, and the frown grew deeper as he read on. Then he froze, eyes widened. "Oh dear Lord..."


"One of our ships was incinerated," a manager informed the Corporation's CEO.



"Today, a Caucasian merchant ship, traveling off the coast of South America, was hit, and sank, by an Eggman Imperial ICBM. Amongst them was my nephew, and son of the former President of Drakoria, Ryan. There were...no survivors."

The king choked up, and the broadcast ended. Another ship at the wrong place at the wrong time. Yet this time, it was closer...

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"Sweet candicornacopia! The one missile that held an active warhead drops right on top of a freighter! And on top of that it was carrying the son of the former President of Drakoria! Phil, you told me the routes would be clear, that there were no ships around, and it was perfectly safe to use a live warhead in one of our test! I'll have your head!" Kintober hadn't been this angry in a long time. The whole situation was a mess. The missile test had included one active 5kt test nuke, which was supposed to go off in an empty, unpopulated area of the Atlantic. Now he'd just been informed that Caucasian ship had been caught in the blast. Worse, there were people on the ship that had heavy diplomatic connections. The test was supposed to show the world that Eggman Empire was not to be messed with. Now it just seemed like they'd painted another bulls-eye on it.

"Sir, all the aerial and satellite photos and intelligence we had said there would be absolutely nothing where the test warhead would go off. All I can say is it was incredibly bad timing." Phil Ryst replied, staring strait ahead, not looking at his boss.

"Well, this is just a fine coincidence then. Now get the Hell out while I try to fix the damage done." He ordered. Hank said nothing, but nodded and left the room. Kintober sighed. He picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Hello, try to put me through to the Caucasian government. I've got some explaining to do."


*From the Eggman Empire government and Emperor Kintober*

"Yesterday, Eggman Empire launched two MIRV equipped test missiles. Partly to see how effective they were, and partly to show off a bit. One of the re-entry vehicles held a 5kt test nuke. We had checked the area a mere minute before the missiles launch, and the intel showed no one from any country in that area. The test was to be a secret, so no other governments were informed of the area that we were testing in. As such, no warning could be issued to a civilian freighter that, unfortunately, wandered into the target area for the 5kt nuke. I've been informed that all hands were lost.

First, I would like to apologize. This is a horrific tragedy, one which I am truly sorry for. Myself, this government, and our military will work hard to make sure this type of incident never happens again. This includes informing other nations and commercial entities about where testing will take place. Second, I would like to assure the families of those lost on the ship, that while I cannot bring the dead back, I will do my best to make sure you are taken care of. I will make sure that you receive excessive compensation. And to the company that lost the freighter, Eggman Empire will reimburse you for the ship and its contents two-fold.

Finally, I would like to say to King James I, that I am truly, deeply sorry. If I could have prevented this tragedy, I would've. I never had a son, but I can image the pain and loss you must be going through. Nothing I can say will bring him back, and I understand if you hate my country and I. I beg for your forgiveness. Well...there is nothing more I can say. If the government of the effected nation wishes to speak with me, I will gladly do so. That is all."

*Offical Eggman Empire statement*


Edited by DrKintobor
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James watched the Eggman statement with difficulty. His eyes were still red from the loss. When Drakoria had gone to hell, and before Jason had killed himself, he'd asked James to take care of his son, Ryan. The young man was almost exactly like his father, and spent much of his off time helping James in the capital, declining an offer to inherit the throne of Caucasia. Ryan had worked for Caucasian Gold Mining Corporation awhile before the monarchy was instated. Normally, he'd stayed in an office, working financially, but he'd volunteered to take the Sterling on her maiden voyage to South America.

During a bout of fury, James had demanded that war be declared upon the Eggman Empire and tried to get his personal jet to take him to Greenland to throttle Kintober. Regent Donegan and Adviser Stapp managed to restrain him with difficulty. After being calmed down, he returned to silently brooding.

The king finally sent a response back.


"My first instinct after recovering from my initial grief was to attack the Eggman Empire and kill your entire government, bluntly put. My second instinct was to go to Greenland and choke you to death. But after being calmed down, I've realized, I don't know how to respond. Ryan was my brother's greatest joy before his death, and as such, he'd become a joy to me. A more selfless man you'll never meet. And I mean that in several ways.

"I could send a force of Caucasian Marines to repay you a thousand fold for what you've done. But why throw away the lives of hundreds of good men and women for my personal grudge? I could kill you myself. But why bring about Caucasia's eventual destruction for the sake of revenge?

"I'd prefer to meet in person. I won't try to kill you, but I do want to discuss this further."

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