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Event Bug?


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I got the old your advisor has died event where you can choose $2 or 2 points improvement to environment on a nation I'm sitting. To be fancy and see if the extra pop from being able to kill the two border walls would be more beneficial I chose the 2 points of environment....only his environment score stayed at 2.17 instead of dropping to what I assume by the wording would be .17.

Am I missing something because he gained nothing out of the choice. Not even the added half a star to make his environment 5 stars which 2 points should have easily done?

For reference the nation invoved is

Nation Ruler: Maximinus Thrax

Nation Name: Atlantiano

Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=127488

Edit: Nevermind found the answer down the page a bit sorry.

I guess I could kill the walls and still have the same environment I have now then correct?

Edit 2: Indeed that was the case and it helped out as I am now collecting $300k more a day compared to 25K a day with the $2.00

Edited by magicninja
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