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Any Alliances at war?

Axel Adair

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If your talking in game events, they are random.

As far as tensions, there are, but they have a bit of building up before things blow up again. The Karma War was huge and very long, so people are still rebuilding for the next big war.

As far as super powers, the big boys on the block are the Superfriends and Citadel blocs. There really isn't any one alliance that is dominating the game right now.

Onto small, new alliances, I am running one :P

Tetris is small, yet rapidly growing and on the green team. All of my gov't has over 2 years game experience and vast prior government experience.

We have no protectors as we feel ourselves to be experienced enough to handle ourselves (I, myself, have been in the highest levels of government of Ragnarok, a formerly sanctioned alliance for nearly a year before Tetris was created).

We are allies with Ragnarok and ARES, two very responsible and great allies. There are other treaties in the works that will be announced in the coming days.

If you feel like you'd be interested in us, please check out our forums: http://z6.invisionfree.com/Tetris/index.php

our Wiki: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Tetris

and our Recruitment thread: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=67374

Alternatively, you can visit us on IRC at #tetris on coldfront or PM me.

I am very open to PMs :P

Hope you're interested ;)

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