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General Borghese addresses the nation

Agostinho Neto

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General Junio Borghese

Camicie Nere della Rivoluzione!

Popolo di Roma! Ascoltatemi!

Blackshirts of the Revolution!

People of Rome! Listen to me!

I want the first words of this speech to be clear regarding the statement of our political faith.

For three months of independence and one month of unity we wrongly called peace we have had to struggle on in concerted endeavor. No one will be astonished if now, when this phase may be considered overcome, we throw off whatever and whoever would like to deflect us from marching toward fulfillment of our movement. On this depends the destiny of Italy and the preservation of her eternal values, the suppression of which would imply slavery and chaos. On this path we must be intransigent in exacting sacrifices from all for the benefit of our national unity-a guarantee of Italy's future.

Some people might not be with Italy, but what is inadmissible is that any one should be against Italy. The foundations of our policy were laid in the beginnings of our movement, when our youth prepared itself for fight and engendered a spirit of our crusade that they derived from our soundest traditions of spiritual values and merged them with the social yearnings of our times. We are actors in a new era in which we can have no truck with the mentality of the past. Italy's way of thinking cannot go back in the past years, accursed by so many false conceptions. It is necessary for Italians to abandon the old liberal prejudices and take a survey of Europe in order to analyze contemporary history.

The last Great War led to the dissolution of Nordland, but once again, nationalistic regimes are rising from the ashes of their predecessors. A similar phenomenon manifested itself here in Italy after the war.. but i instilled all just and human elements interested in the Italian revolution into our aims.

I have welded the two elements closely and united my own heart into the synthesis of the fascist revolution-a social urge and a national idea. Later, Germany found a new solution for the popular yearnings in nordlandic socialism, which unites the national and social idea for the second time in Europe with the special peculiarities of thirsting for international justice. Those are not isolated movements, but rather aspects of one and the same general movement and mass rebellion throughout Europe. On the face, a new useful consciousness emerged, which reacts against the hypocrisy and inefficiency of the old liberal-democratic systems.

But we Italians belong to a world of our own, distinct from Europe, we have our own characteristics and spiritual reserves. All contemporary events show us we are witnessing the end of one era and the beginnings of another; that the liberal world is going down a victim to its own errors, and with it are disappearing wars, destruction and poverty. We do not work for ephemeral ends, but for a resplendent tomorrow. Divine assistance clearly has shown itself to us. With it, nothing and nobody shall vanquish us. If we fought hard on our crusade, we would fight even harder if the new danger should threaten us. We know that with us is life, without us, death.

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