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Brengstklau's Response to UCR


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The small alliance had the gall to provoke the fight, fight the fight, and continue the fight. We knew this going in led by someone like Slonq.

The small alliance provoked the fight? One of your members attacked on of their members. They defended their member, at which point you guys started screaming "PAY US REPS!".

They didn't provoke anything. You've got the idea in your head that you can tech raid anyone, even people in alliances, and that nobody has a right to fight back. You provoked all of this.

We didn't start asking for reparations after the first few rounds of attacks, when it hit day three and four, it got old pretty quick.

As stated before, he should be left alone with his raid target. This isn't the case with these extra attackers attacking in 'retaliation' despite President Dasi halting all attacks. These continued far past punishment. A bad-placed for a raid, isn't worth a sentence for ZI, especially when the member complies.


Sorry, not buying it.

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