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Lavo Shalam recieves an odd gift.

Maelstrom Vortex

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Inside the box is a pendant. The Pendant's core is made of a piece of Heliodor that has an Imperial Five Toed Dragon engraved into it dancing amongst a Celtic weave. The eyes of the dragon glow briefly green as Lavo withdraws it from the box, then fades completely to look just as it is normally in its golden hue. It sits in his palm, seeming to stare at him from its gold trimmed setting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lavo looked at the thing as he took it out of the box. "Did that thing just... Blink at me? What the hell is this thing... Never mind, I wonder who sent it. Looks like something Dragonisan to me, but I'm not too sure." He shrugged for a moment. "Might as well put it down somewhere, it's a beautiful piece of art regardless."

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Later that night, Lavo would have a strange dream. He would see much the same as others. The great Imperial 5-toed dragon combating giants in North America in defense of the cowboy. But the dream had begun to change already.. smaller voices in North America had rallied around the Cowboy. The Dragon broke the Giant's grip, even as it bled.. and fled back across the oceans to India.

The giant shook its fist in anger against the east.. and began to prepare the spears for the invasion of the east. Then his dream changed again, more personal.. he had a flashback..

It was his homeland, all around was dust. The flag of Rebel Army lay in the dust, it was as heavy as lead and no matter how hard, he could not lift it.. as though it weighed entirely of lead. Along came the same Dragon. It was, however, in its full glory with scales of Gold.. symbolizing wealth and prosperity. It lifted the fallen flag as if it had weighed like a feather, then fed the people who had gathered around it, took wing.. and left as lightly as it had come.

The image reverted to a current view where the dragon now stood in tatters next to a now strong flag of Rebel Army waving proudly in the Persian winds, hoping it will survive the coming fight against the giant which it stared down across the seas.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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