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Elections in Chernorussia

Nagato the Great

Elections in Chernorussia  

21 members have voted

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At the urging of advisors, Big Brother has agreed to hold elections for the position of general secretary of the Party. As he also holds the position of premier in Chernorussia. Popular opinion shows that the majority of the people in Chernorussia would voe for him.


Big Brother:

Age: Unknown (25-40)

Birthplace: Unknown (assumed to be around or in Nevemensk)

Political: Socialist

Ideals: Strong military, powerful and aggressive economy, private businesses and media, pursue trade with neighbours in asia

Ivan Gurkovich:

Age: 51

Birthplace: Staraya Sobor

Political: Hardline Communist

Ideals: Voluntary military service, partial economy, publicly owned media, isolationism

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