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Catherine Reznov of Yuktobania recieves a package

Maelstrom Vortex

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OOC: This takes place during the reconstruction phase.

IC: Catherine Reznov was sitting in an office building when a mysterious package arrived for her. SHe had dealt with mysterious packages before, but this one was different. When Reznov opened it, she saw a pendant with a 5 toed dragon. "Malestrom..." She whispered, as if it were his presence looking over her. The pendant was mesmerizing, as if she could see the dragon move several times.

Eventually, she decided to put on the pendant, and wear it around her, to keep the memory of her friend alive. She then dozed off shortly after.

Edited by Razgriz 2K9
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After Catherine woke up a few hours later, she noticed that on her paper was message from the Furon. They wanted her to come to Tokyo to discuss with Furon representatives. She got up and left, the pendant still on her necklace.

Several hours later, Reznov was packed and ready to go to Japan. She boarded a Private Boeing 747 that was to head to Tokyo. As the aircraft lifted off, a flight attendant gave her some hot cocoa so she could be relaxed in the flight over.

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Although a couple of the cabin members believed that the Prime Minister may be sick. One of the members dismissed as some cruel joke.

Meanwhile, Catherine Reznov was talking to, or believed she was talking to, Malestrom, the former Emperor of the Dragon Empire.

Among the thing they've talked about was how he was still alive, still talking to her, even after reports came in that he died long ago.

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The Conversation would be fairly one sided.. until she went to sleep. Then in her dreams the Imperial Five Toed Dragon on the amulet seemed to come to life and speak to her. "He is not alive, the individual is gone, but I live on. I am the Spirit of the State of Dragonisia. He forged me.. in essence, I am an extension of him. If you need me, call to me in your dreams."

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When Reznov woke up from her nap, Malestrom, at least who she thought was Malestrom disappeared. The attendant said, "We are 30 minutes from Tokyo." Fixing herself up, she was ready to meet with Mr. Takeo, the Furon Representative."

OOC: The next post will come on the trip back from Tokyo.

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OOC: Since Biohazard went who knows where, i may as well continue this story.

IC: After the talks with Furon's leader, Reznov was driven back to the airport from a Furon motorcade and immediately went to the Boeing 747 on route back to Cinigrad.

She never did understand what this so called "Spirit of Dragonisia" meant, Reznov also wondered who sent the medallion and why.

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