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"All citizens living on the island of El Hierro have been vacated and given land in any Caucasian territory they please, all expenses paid by the government. El Hierro is now under complete government jurisdiction, and we have one decree concerning it; no ship or plane owned by any nation or company is allowed within thirty miles of El Hierro. Satellites orbiting in the area will be jammed."


Hundreds of ships and thousands of workers employed by the king have begun making their way to El Hierro. Billions of dollars worth of steel, timber, iron, heavy machinery, and other construction materials are aboard the transports.

The plan is to turn El Hierro into one of the largest military bases seen. Research, military housing, construction, designing; all will be included.

Western El Hierro


Red Dots: Coastal Fortifications (bunkers, entrenched artillery, etc.)

Yellow Line: Highly expensive part of the base: solid steel wall, all around the island. Fortified with machine gun turrets, mortars, sentries, towers. All but a few spots between the coastal fortifications and wall will be covered with land mines. (Mines can be disabled via HQ if large transports are needed)

Blue Rectangles: Troop housing.

Red Rectangles: Training grounds

Light Blue Rectangles: Artillery, armored vehicle, and armor production

Green: Research facilities. Area 3 will be built, concealed, into the mountain.

Area 1: Entire area devoted to maintaining, building, and docking naval ships.

Orange Line: Mountain Artillery Line; entrenched artillery atop the mountains across the island.

Maroon Lines: Major Roadways

Central El Hierro


Brown: Airfield

White: Aircraft design, construction

Purple: Military Command Region. Heavily fortified, resembles a war zone without rubble.

Creamy: Bunker system built into the hills

Central Northern El Hierro


Yellow Rectangles: Arms manufacturing

Northern El Hierro


Green: Sites for power; giant solar panels, windmills, and factories that will feed 70% of the island's energy, if all goes well.

Southern El Hierro


No definitive plan; most likely will serve as a mix of troop housing and defense.

The maps are deceiving; the entire island will essentially become a military city. Very few regions will be untouched.

Phase One

One cannot simply wander onto an island and build a base. There are necessary steps to take beforehand. Phase One involves clearing all timber in the way of construction, demolishing the abandoned villages, and relocating wildlife to the other Canary Islands, or wherever they fit in.

OOC: I'll be spending the next few weeks (or months, possibly) RPing out the construction of this military base. I'd been planning on it since after I got them as a protectorate, but I decided to wait until I got First World tech.

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OOC: how would you even know a satellite passed by? Note below I hadn't taken any photos of the island itself.


Lieutenant Maurin yawned and poured himself another cup of coffee. Recently assigned to an underground monitoring facility of the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure, France's intelligence agency, Maurin have been promptly thrown in charge of graveyard shifts due to his lack of seniority. He stared at flashing computer screens with dull eyes; one of his satellites was closing in on the Spanish/North African coasts from the the Atlantic.

"Sir?" one of his subordinates called out. She had been monitoring the printouts of the the photos that the satellite took. "The satellite is almost over that island El Hierro now. "

"What about it?" Maurin didn't bother to look. It's a goddamn island in the middle of nowhere, how important could it be. "The island sunk or something?"

"It made the news the other day," the subordinate called insistently. "The government there expelled all civilians. Shouldn't we pay attention to the area to find out why?"

Mauin felt pissed off. "Why do you care?"

The young agent shrugged, muttered something impolite under her breath, and went on to look at the next batch of images. She could make out some transports sailing through waves; it made her wonder.

Edited by Teriethien
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OOC: Screw it, I don't want to deal with this right now. This is now a closed RP, PM me before you post now. I'm not getting this thread spammed with everyone and their mother sending a satellite to El Hierro. Any posts, OOC or IC, that are posted without my knowledge will be considered spam.

OOC: You cannot close a thread or limit who can and cannot post there. We are allowed to respond ICly or OOCly however we want, regardless if we have your permission or not. You publicly announced that all citizens had been moved off the island, it's only natural for people to go and investigate what is going on.

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OOC: You cannot close a thread or limit who can and cannot post there. We are allowed to respond ICly or OOCly however we want, regardless if we have your permission or not. You publicly announced that all citizens had been moved off the island, it's only natural for people to go and investigate what is going on.

OOC: I started moving citizens about a month ago. People should have investigated then instead of now. And at the very least, limit the OOC.

Edit: Limit, not cut. I'll take relevant OOC comments.

Edited by Drakedeath
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OOC: I started moving citizens about a month ago. People should have investigated then instead of now. And at the very least, cut the OOC.

OOC: Could have, would have, should have. You seem to miss the point that ICly, people can do whatever they want whenever they want. If they want to investigate now instead of then, there is nothing you can do about it.

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OOC: Could have, would have, should have. You seem to miss the point that ICly, people can do whatever they want whenever they want. If they want to investigate now instead of then, there is nothing you can do about it.

OOC: What part of 'limit the OOC' do you not understand?

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Phase One: 75% complete. Logs from the cleared trees are being stacked at the landing point, to be used for construction or firewood as necessary.


Native species, such as the El Hierro Giant Lizard, are being caught and held until a suitable environment, probably another Island, is found.

The immediate area has been cleared, and cargo is being unloaded from the ships.


Construction workers are confirming their assignments for Phase Two.


Some construction workers are being briefed as they stare at...actually, we honestly don't know what that is. It's either mud or crap. Hopefully mud, cause the guy on the left is covered with it.

OOC: Also, for future reference, all posts are classified unless otherwise stated. Kthx. :)

Edited by Drakedeath
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Phase One: 100% complete. All trees are cleared, and all wildlife moved.

Phase Two: Begin construction on Naval Base and Coastal Fortifications on Western El Hierro. Military engineers will be leading the construction. At the same time, 10,000 Caucasian Marines are being transported to El Hierro to guard the region. Lt. General Kote Adamia of Georgia will be in charge of the Marines, and will assist Generals Geno Abkhazi and Zaza Gogava in supervising the construction.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Phase Two: 100% Complete
Naval base complete after long hiatus for civil strife, foreign issues, and military reorganization. Facilities to support all types of naval craft have been built, and supplies to make these operational arrived via cargo ships recently.


Additional guard towers and fortifications added to plans.

Phase Three: 50% Complete
Barracks, training facilities, and Heavy Manufacturing facilities.
Training field completed. Half of the barracks constructed, and bases for the HM facilities laid down.

[i]One of many completed firing ranges.[/i]

OOC: Remembered this. Mods, please don't consider this a gravedig.

Edited by Drakedeath
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