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Buryatian Government reports economic data

Imperator Azenquor

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BCNA: Government reports economic data


-GDP Data

“Today the government of President Rokossovska reported the first economic data since the restoration of democratic government. According to the new data, Buryatia has officially emerged from the recession in relatively good shape. The government continues to pour funds into the National Financial Reserve while moderating expenditure and stabilizing the Buryatian Rouble.

With the fluctuation in the value of the Hanseatic Mark, due to the dissolution of the Hanseatic Commonwealth, the government was forced to free float the Rouble much earlier than anticipated resulting in a short term dip in the value of the Buryatian Rouble. As the economic recession began to taper off the fluctuations in the value of the Rouble decreased until the Rouble settled at B$ 1.30 to HM$1.00. The Central Bank predicts only a modest change in the exchange rate in the next quarter and has adjusted fiscal plans accordingly.

Buryatia’s economy has experienced its third consecutive quarter of positive growth with GDP increasing to B$ 1.52 Trillion. The new GDP figures were better than predicted and led to a rally on the Buryatian Stock Exchange (BSE). The BSE closed at a new high of 22,606 points.”


-BSE Graph

"President Rokossovska also released the draft of the next government budget, due to be presented to Parliament next week. The new budget reduced spending in some key areas while increasing military expenditure and expenditure on the National Financial Reserve. The President has announced a draft proposal to back the Buryatian Rouble with Gold Reserves, but this idea has been criticized by the opposition as being an unnecessary step.”-BCNA Reporter

Government of Buryatia 2009-2010 Budget

National Financial Reserve: B$ 609,192,807,058.00


National Reserve Contribution- 14%

Military Expenditure-9%



Police/National Security-15%

Social Programs-7%

Funding to Provinces and Autonomous Regions-4%

Infrastructure Development-9%

Humanitarian Grants-2%

Disaster Relief Fund-1%

Other Expenses-3%

Budget Graph:


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