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Invitation to Tokyo


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I shall have a treaty for you written up this afternoon. Also, we will accept the project. We will need an outline of what you need and then we will give you what can be done. Until then, do you have any more questions for us? I need to report back to my Queen's Advisor over what has been discussed so that we can go over the signatures of the treaty on our end.

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I shall have a treaty for you written up this afternoon. Also, we will accept the project. We will need an outline of what you need and then we will give you what can be done. Until then, do you have any more questions for us? I need to report back to my Queen's Advisor over what has been discussed so that we can go over the signatures of the treaty on our end.

"Splendid!" said Takeo, quickly turning to Ms. Swain. "We have no further questions - and I will see to it that a document is sent to your nation, ASAP, regarding the construction."



We await your arrival with anticipation, madame. 




If it would put our potential ally at ease, we would be willing to sign a NAP with the Haruhiist Empire, but we will not retract our action of banning and deporting all Haruhiist Citizens from Furion-owned land. Perhaps an ODP, between the two of our nations, or an economical treaty of sorts? 

If you want, however, we would be willing to sign an MDP, but only if you are comfortable. We have high regards for that of Zargathia, and we feel that we could trust you with an MDP.


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Dear Mr. Takeo,

Seeing a NAP be signed between Furon and the Haruhiist Empire would indeed put us at ease, as the deportation of citizens, regrettable as it is, would fall under Furon internal politics, and it is our policy not to dictate our policies to others.

On the subject of treaties, we are interested in negotiating a treaty or two, but would rather continue this discussion upon our arrival lest we end up negating the initial purpose of your invitation.


Amyante Tojimaru


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The boat that carried Amyante was a fairly standard merchant vessel. The crew had been willing to take her and her guards aboard as passengers for the trip, and found themselves looking a bit forward to being escorted into port by navy vessels. When the group of Furon boats did indeed arrive to escort her on to Tokyo harbor, and on to the building she would be seeing the Furon representative in person that she had been talking to through diplomatic mail.

Without wanting to get too optimistic about the results until everything was actually signed, she had to admit to herself that the initial prospects were good. Takeo had agreed to open negotiations for a NAP with the Haruhiists, which for Zargathia meant two neighboring countries put at ease. And with the Furons stating they'd be interested in an MDP with Zargathia, there would be little that could go wrong as long as she didn't actively sabotage her own chances.

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OOC: For the sake of the RP getting confusing with four different representatives present, let's assume they take place at different times. Acca Dacca's would have been first, then Palintine's, Yuktobania's, and finally, Zargathia's.


(ooc:@Razgriz) The Furion motorcade led Ms. Reznov towards the capital building, where she was escorted into the Conference Room. Takeo pulled a chair out for her, before taking his own seat, across the mahogany (ooc: mahogany...) table, opposite of her. "It is an honor to have you here in Tokyo, Ms. Reznov. However, we would like to get straight to business, as well as to the reason why we invited you: For quite some time, we've been diplomatically isolated. We've been looking for new allies, ones that we can trust.

We do realize that a civil war has just ended, and that your government may be slightly destabilized, until things are back in order. With that being said, we'd be interested in some sort of treaty, economical, or some sort of military treaty, to tie our friendship together. What do you say?" asked Takeo.


Some time later...

(ooc:@Amyante) As the Queen of Zargathia entered the Conference Room, Takeo rised to shake her hand, bowing, before pulling out a chair for her. "Welcome, your majesty. I trust you had a good trip?" asked Takeo, smiling.

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Takeo thought about what he was about to say, to make sure he worded it properly without it being insulting. "While we do view you as a very probable and future-ally, we cannot help but feel that an an ODP, possibly an MDP, in correlation with an economical treaty if possible, is the best treaty idea between us two for now, due to the recent civil war and possible destabilization over your nation.

We wish nothing offensive or spiteful to you, Ms. Reznov, but we cannot knowingly sign a treaty with a nation that could potentially fall into a civil war once more. We mean nothing against you or Yuktobania, Ms. Reznov, but we would like to ensure that our allies can stay in one piece. Please accept my sincerest apologies, if any of it is insulting."

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Amyante shook the hand Takeo offered, and sat down as she answered his question. She had already taken a look around as she was being led to the Conference room for the meeting, trying to place the culture of whom she was to meet before actually meeting them. One could tell a lot from the way they tried to present themselves to others...

- "Quite well actually, thank you for asking. How are things working out with the other nations, judging by the unfortunate delay of our meeting i assume you have met with several by now."

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Takeo smiled again. "Yes, as you have correctly guessed, we have had many meetings today. You are the fourth representative/leader I've been arranged to meet with today. I hope in the future, however, we'll be able to set aside a single day to talk with you, your majesty. I feel it is rather inadequate that we only get a few hours to speak..." said Takeo.

"However, I do believe that we should make the most of the allotted time that we have. That being said, I do believe we should discuss the NAP with the Haruhiist Empire... While we certainly do not agree with the Haruhiist Empire on almost every account, we would like to put our ally, Zargathia, at ease.

If you could draw up a simple treaty, we would willing to pen our signatures for you.

Now, what about a treaty between Zargathia & Furon?" said Takeo.

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"Don't worry" Reznov said to Takeo, "I understand your concerns and I am taking that into consideration, we would support an ODP with Furon for the time being with the possibility of enhancing it at a later date. A Trade Agreement will also work in our favor. Hopefully Yuktobania may be able to stay in one piece long enough to do so."

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Amyante leaned back in her seat, thinking on the type of treaty she'd be interested in signing. Oh, the NAP was a fairly standard one that basically stated Furon and the Haruhiists would not spy on one another and 'engage in military encounters' and such, but as far as economy and legislature were concerned it would be left wide open on purpose. Borders open or closed didn't matter much, those would be internal affairs anyway and none of her business.

- "Let's see... Mr. Takeo, i have found your country to have been quite forthcoming in my attempts to solve this latest situation with the Haruhiists diplomatically. Allow me to reiterate that you are both free to comment on one another, and that it is not my goal nor my place to dictate to you how to run your government. I merely seek to avoid unnecessary escalation."

As she talked, she rummaged through her bags, producing the draft of the NAP she had written before stepping on the ship to Furon. Takeo had already agreed to the NAP before she left, giving her the opportunity to work on the document before the actual meeting started, which would explain what she was doing with a draft this early in the meeting. She slid the document over to him.

Furon - Haruhiist NAP


Both signatory nations agree to the following terms:

Article I: Military.

Both signatory nations agree to not engage one another in hostile military encounters, nor shall their leaders move troops and/or equipment with the intent to attack or provoke one another.

Article II: Intelligence.

Both signatory nations agree to not send personnel to the other nation with the intent to procure, falsify or destroy information and/or resources. If there is a need for this information, solely diplomatic channels are to be used, be they direct or indirect.

Article III: Civilians.

Under no circumstance is either nation to arrest and detain citizens of the other country without a fair ground for said arrest and detainment. They are not to be arrested for their nationality, and any such detainees shall have to be released. Note that this article does not force either nation to allow citizens of the other within their borders: it merely allows them to leave if they so wish.

Signed for Furon,

(blank space)

Signed for the Haruhiist Empire,

(blank space)

- "This is the draft i wrote up of the NAP treaty, would there be any objections or alterations you wish to make to it?"

She took a deep breath, waiting for the reply.

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Takeo stood up from his seat and shook the hands of the Palintinian representatives, before returning to Ms. Swain. "Ms. Swain...once more, any problems with the current ideals of the treaty, please say so. If you do wish to help us, though, we will contact you in due time. If you would like to stay, and watch over the proceedings, or even be a...trusted adviser, on behalf of Furon, we would gladly appreciate it, from our newest ally," said Takeo, turning to face the Palintinian representatives.

"Gentlemen, welcome to Furon. First off, let me say we, Furon, are very grateful for you to accept our invitation. We have long been isolationist, and we are in need of new allies - ones that we can rely on. If possible, we'd like to work out some sort of treaty - economical or military, whatever your preference. No matter how powerful or minute the treaty is, it would be a sign of friendship, one that we would be very proud of having."

The prime minister and his delegation received and exchanged pleasantries with the Furon delegation. Once they got down to business, the prime minister listened to Furon's proposal.

"We are willing to sign treaties, however we will not sign any treaties with military clauses at this time. Palintine is a historically neutral nation dedicated to the collective well-being of Asia, and we are currently signatories of a few pan-Asian treaties. At this time, we feel we do not need any more military support, but we are not unwilling to be so in the future.

However, historically there has been tensions between the Palintinian government and the past governments of the Japanese islands. These tensions were subsided during the Hanseatic occupation and integration of the region, but with the new, Japanese administration, Palintine is currently feeling uneasy. We propose that we sign a non-aggression pact to show both administrations' commitments to peacefully coexist and better the region."

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"Don't worry" Reznov said to Takeo, "I understand your concerns and I am taking that into consideration, we would support an ODP with Furon for the time being with the possibility of enhancing it at a later date. A Trade Agreement will also work in our favor. Hopefully Yuktobania may be able to stay in one piece long enough to do so."

"We thank you for understanding, Ms. Reznov," said Takeo. "We would be delighted in signing an ODP, as well as a Trade Agreement with you. What sort of things would you like to be included within the trade agreement?"

He pulled out a sheet of paper, and asked, "Oh, and, would you like us to write up the ODP? Or would Yuktobania like to do it?"

Amyante leaned back in her seat, thinking on the type of treaty she'd be interested in signing. Oh, the NAP was a fairly standard one that basically stated Furon and the Haruhiists would not spy on one another and 'engage in military encounters' and such, but as far as economy and legislature were concerned it would be left wide open on purpose. Borders open or closed didn't matter much, those would be internal affairs anyway and none of her business.

- "Let's see... Mr. Takeo, i have found your country to have been quite forthcoming in my attempts to solve this latest situation with the Haruhiists diplomatically. Allow me to reiterate that you are both free to comment on one another, and that it is not my goal nor my place to dictate to you how to run your government. I merely seek to avoid unnecessary escalation."

As she talked, she rummaged through her bags, producing the draft of the NAP she had written before stepping on the ship to Furon. Takeo had already agreed to the NAP before she left, giving her the opportunity to work on the document before the actual meeting started, which would explain what she was doing with a draft this early in the meeting. She slid the document over to him.

- "This is the draft i wrote up of the NAP treaty, would there be any objections or alterations you wish to make to it?"

She took a deep breath, waiting for the reply.

Takeo reviewed the document carefully, before stating what he thought on it. "While we do like the NAP, there is one particular clause that we do not agree with. Article III, to be exact.

We, Furon, reserve the right to do whatever 'humanely' possible to any citizen within our nation. While we use that as a reason, we will never commit inhumane atrocities to any citizen, ever. We are completely against that sort of thing. However, we will detain them if they have committed a crime, and, if we must, arrange for them to deported with their belongings. We have done the latter with the Haruhiist Citizens, and as such, we feel that, 1) we don't need Article III, and 2) it infringes upon our sovereign right to do what we wish within our own nation," said Takeo, a frown appearing on his face. "Other than that however, we like the treaty, and would sign it, with the removal of Article III."

The prime minister and his delegation received and exchanged pleasantries with the Furon delegation. Once they got down to business, the prime minister listened to Furon's proposal.

"We are willing to sign treaties, however we will not sign any treaties with military clauses at this time. Palintine is a historically neutral nation dedicated to the collective well-being of Asia, and we are currently signatories of a few pan-Asian treaties. At this time, we feel we do not need any more military support, but we are not unwilling to be so in the future.

However, historically there has been tensions between the Palintinian government and the past governments of the Japanese islands. These tensions were subsided during the Hanseatic occupation and integration of the region, but with the new, Japanese administration, Palintine is currently feeling uneasy. We propose that we sign a non-aggression pact to show both administrations' commitments to peacefully coexist and better the region."

Takeo frowned a little bit when he heard the 'uneasy' part, but it quickly vanished upon letting the Prime Minister continue to speak. "We feel a little ...saddened, by your choice of words ie, uneasy, but nonetheless, we would be glad to sign a NAP in order to cement our friendship, and to prove that we wish nothing but close allyship with Palintine, and not only them, but the rest of Asia."

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- "Article III was never meant to infringe on your sovereignty, it would merely prevent either side from detaining civilians on grounds of nationality. Still, it might be misunderstood as such, agreed. And now that i look at it..."

Amyante frowned for a second, taking out a pen. Rather than simply scrap the entire Article she had rewritten it into something completely different, having completely forgotten a cancellation clause.

Furon - Haruhiist NAP


Both signatory nations agree to the following terms:

Article I: Military.

Both signatory nations agree to not engage one another in hostile military encounters, nor shall their leaders move troops and/or equipment with the intent to attack or provoke one another.

Article II: Intelligence.

Both signatory nations agree to not send personnel to the other nation with the intent to procure, falsify or destroy information and/or resources. If there is a need for this information, solely diplomatic channels are to be used, be they direct or indirect.

Article III: Cancellation.

Should at any time one signatory feel the need to withdraw their signature, a notification must be given to the other signatory. The treaty will will remain in full force during a period of one week, after which it is absolved.

Signed for Furon,

(blank space)

Signed for the Haruhiist Empire,

(blank space)

- "Done, and i've added a cancellation clause as well. Would this be closer to what you were aiming for?"

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Takeo paused for a moment, and held a hand up to his ear, where a voice could be heard. The words he used were indistinguishable to the Queen, but Takeo replied rapidly in Japanese. He frowned, as he looked at the queen. "Your majesty...I'm afraid to say that, we cannot agree to such a treaty, not now..." said Takeo. "After an increasing of hostilities and threats to Furon, we can no longer agree to a treaty with the Haruhiist Empire.

I apologize, your majesty, for this recent turn of events, but if you would like to, Furon is still hopeful in establishing relations with your nation. What do you say?" asked Takeo.

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"We thank you for understanding, Ms. Reznov," said Takeo. "We would be delighted in signing an ODP, as well as a Trade Agreement with you. What sort of things would you like to be included within the trade agreement?"

He pulled out a sheet of paper, and asked, "Oh, and, would you like us to write up the ODP? Or would Yuktobania like to do it?"

It's all yours Mr. Takeo. As for the Trade Agreement, we should be able to agree to free trade with no tariffs for goods between our countries.

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Takeo paused for a moment, and held a hand up to his ear, where a voice could be heard. The words he used were indistinguishable to the Queen, but Takeo replied rapidly in Japanese. He frowned, as he looked at the queen. "Your majesty...I'm afraid to say that, we cannot agree to such a treaty, not now..." said Takeo. "After an increasing of hostilities and threats to Furon, we can no longer agree to a treaty with the Haruhiist Empire.

I apologize, your majesty, for this recent turn of events, but if you would like to, Furon is still hopeful in establishing relations with your nation. What do you say?" asked Takeo.

- "Huh?"

Amyante reacted surprised, almost dropping the pen as she looked up at Takeo, The news of hostilities had come like thunder on a clear sky to her, and she had no clue what could have happened that caused the Furon ambassador to react the way he did.

- "...Might i ask what hostilities and threats were made? I have a diplomat in the Haruhiist Empire, and she was to keep me informed if the situation took a turn for the worse."

While she didn't answer Takeo's question about establishing relations it was clear that she hadn't done so on purpose. Rather, her mind worked wholly on trying to figure out what it was that might have eluded her even with the people keeping an eye on things for her. Oh, they weren't spies, of course, but just her diplomat and some people keeping an eye on TV broadcasts and such. If something big was about to happen, chances were the internal media would smell it anyway.

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A message arrived in the inbox of Furon addressed from the government of Acca Dacca.

Article I - Sovereignty

Each of the nations bearing a signature on this treaty hereby declares that they will uphold the values and honor of said signatories’ sovereignty. They agree not to invade, interfere in internal affairs, or oppress the other signatory that partakes in this treaty.

Article II - Intelligence

Each signatory of this treaty agree to share any relevant intelligence amongst one another if said information pertains a possible threat to the sovereignty of any signatory. The information is to be shared privately unless the signatories with which the intelligence has been shared with agree to release the information to the public.

Article III - Economic Assistance

Each signatory agrees to provide economic assistance to the other signatories should it ever be needed. All signatory ports are open to military and civilian vessels of the other signatories during peace time and during war. To promote commerce and trade each signatory agrees to lower or eliminate tariffs on specific goods.

Each signatory agrees to provide economic assistance to the other signatories should it ever be needed. All signatory ports are open to military and civilian vessels of the other signatories during peace time and during war. To promote commerce and trade each signatory agrees to lower or eliminate tariffs on specific goods. In addition, each signatory of this treaty agrees to share any relevant intelligence amongst one another if said information pertains a possible threat to the survival of any signatory. The information is to be shared privately unless the signatories with which the intelligence has been shared with agree to release the information to the public.

Article IV - Termination

If one of the Signatories chooses to terminate this pact, they must give 48 hours notice before the treaty is officially dissolved.


For Acca Dacca,


The Brotherhood

Advisor to the Queen,

Michelle Donop

Edited by Acca Dacca
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It's all yours Mr. Takeo. As for the Trade Agreement, we should be able to agree to free trade with no tariffs for goods between our countries.

"That sounds like a great idea, Mrs. Reznov. We shall begin writing one up, immediately. As for the economic treaty's details, we feel that it is worth-while. Perhaps we should include the economic treaty within the ODP?" said Takeo.

- "Huh?"

Amyante reacted surprised, almost dropping the pen as she looked up at Takeo, The news of hostilities had come like thunder on a clear sky to her, and she had no clue what could have happened that caused the Furon ambassador to react the way he did.

- "...Might i ask what hostilities and threats were made? I have a diplomat in the Haruhiist Empire, and she was to keep me informed if the situation took a turn for the worse."

While she didn't answer Takeo's question about establishing relations it was clear that she hadn't done so on purpose. Rather, her mind worked wholly on trying to figure out what it was that might have eluded her even with the people keeping an eye on things for her. Oh, they weren't spies, of course, but just her diplomat and some people keeping an eye on TV broadcasts and such. If something big was about to happen, chances were the internal media would smell it anyway.

Takeo was a little shocked at the queen's reaction, but nonetheless managed to keep his facial expression minimal. "It seems that in a dispute over Borneo between the PRC and the surrounding nations, it seems the Haruhiist Emprie felt it was their duty to insult Furon, and our opinion.

While it may seem childish, but for the time, we shall continue to act as if THE has fallen off the face of the Earth, and does not exist. I am extremely sorry that it has devolved into this, but this is our stance on the situation. Once more, I apologize, your majesty." said Takeo. "Now...I would like to press the point that our offer is still on the table for our individual relations. For now, if we could, I'd like to forget about the Haruhiist Empire, and the alleged NAP, if you would be so kind, until I can gather more information and details on it."

A message arrived in the inbox of Furon addressed from the government of Acca Dacca.

A message was quickly sent to Acca Dacca, regarding the aforementioned message.



Splendid! The treaty looks magnificent! We will gladly include the name of our leader for this.

Signature for Furon:
Prophet, Prophet of Arkvoodle

We would however, like to include in this message, the certain work related project that we were speaking about. If you're still interested, reply back ASAP.


OOC: If you do reply back with a 'yes', AD, I'll post up a new topic and some things about it, and PM you about it as well.

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xx Private xx

From: The Kingdom of Cochin

To: Government of Furon

Would the government of Furon welcome an emissary from the Kingdom of Cochin?


KP Varma,

Minister of External Affairs,

Kingdom of Cochin.

OOC: Pardon the double postage, if you will.


TO: KP Varma, MoFA, Cochin


We would be delighted to welcome you to our nation. A plane will be ready to pick you up, and an escort will bring you to the Conference hall immediately. I await your arrival eagerly.


OOC: Just Rp yourself arriving.

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Takeo was a little shocked at the queen's reaction, but nonetheless managed to keep his facial expression minimal. "It seems that in a dispute over Borneo between the PRC and the surrounding nations, it seems the Haruhiist Emprie felt it was their duty to insult Furon, and our opinion.

While it may seem childish, but for the time, we shall continue to act as if THE has fallen off the face of the Earth, and does not exist. I am extremely sorry that it has devolved into this, but this is our stance on the situation. Once more, I apologize, your majesty." said Takeo. "Now...I would like to press the point that our offer is still on the table for our individual relations. For now, if we could, I'd like to forget about the Haruhiist Empire, and the alleged NAP, if you would be so kind, until I can gather more information and details on it."

Amyante nodded, having also adopted a more neutral look at this time. While failing to forge a treaty between the Haruhiists and the Furon was a small setback, there were still other ways for her to drag something out of this. She knew Furon to have an MADP with the PRC, and with the current situation in Borneo that might even come in handy in trying to prevent war. Taking a deep breath, she started speaking her mind.

- "Well... Concerning Borneo there is some degree of difficulty involved in signing a treaty. As you are no doubt aware, a conflict is threatening to break out between your ally the PRC and Minilla Island, to whom we are allied through the AUP. Now, most of our economical treaties involve the PRC, and those that do not would be severely hindered if not canceled in the event a war might break out between us. Having said that, we would be more than willing to sign an MDP with Furon along with some economical treaties."

She leaned forward, folding her hands on the desk as she allowed what she had said so far to sink in before arriving to the second part of what she had wanted to say. She smiled apologetically, knowing that this was the bad part, and as much as she hated to break the news to Furon, she knew she had to. There was no use in signing a treaty only to possibly be forced to break it a few days later.

- "However, the threat of potential war between the PRC, Minilla Island and indirectly our respective nations severely hinders this goal. Needless to say we would greatly appreciate your assistance in seeing this conflict reach a diplomatic solution, which would in turn allow our nations to sign anything beyond a... classified NAP at best."

She leaned back again, the facts now on the table. There was no use in signing a treaty only to possibly be forced to break it a few days later, and she knew Takeo was aware this as well due to his likely knowledge of who the AUP member nations were. As much as she hated to shoot his enthusiasm down, this really was the best she could afford to offer at this point.

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