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The Outpost

Sarah Tintagyl

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OOC: Will do. Pics of all named NPCs are in my factbook btw, just click on my sig to get there :)


The elevator door slid open, and Ulrica stepped inside, wordlessly waiting for Anthony to step in as well. She took the necklace with the key hanging from it from around her neck again, giving it a sharp twist once it was properly inserted in the lock. Should Anthony look, Amyante would indeed keep looking at the door until it was closed.

Zargathian - Promised Land Mutual Defense and Intelligence Pact (MDIP)

Article 1--Non-aggression: The Signatories each recognize the sovereignty of the other, and as such agree never to violate said sovereignty with any act that could be deemed aggressive. These include acts of espionage, overt threats, full military incursions, or aiding a third party directly or indirectly in any form of aggression against the other.

Article 2--Intelligence: The Signatories agree that should one of them obtain information pertinent to the security and/or well-being of the other, said information will be immediately shared with the other.

Article 3--Mutal Defence: Should one signatory come under attack by a third party, the other is obligated to come to their defense with all assets that that are able to be committed to the endeavor. This includes diplomatic, economic, and military assets.

Article 4--Treaty Status: This treaty will remain active regardless of any other ties the signatories may have with each other (i.e. both are members of a bloc or other treaty).

Article 5--Cancelation: Should at any time one signatory feel the need to withdraw their signature, a 48-hour notification must be given. The treaty will will remain in full force during this period, after which it is absolved.

For Promised Land,

~Administrator Richard Anderson

For Zargathia,


Queen Amyante Tojimaru

Trade and Power Treaty

This document is ratified as a further sign of goodwill and cooperation between the two nations of Zargathia and Promised Land.

Article 1: The signatories agree, that in the interests of promoting free trade between their nations, to lower or abolish tariffs on trade goods intended for each other.

Article 2: The signatories agree to not unduly restrict travel between their nations.

Article 3: Promised Land will build a nuclear power plant on Zargathian soil, for Zargathian use. In exchange for the use of power generated by this plant, Zargathia will pay Promised Land an unspecified sum each month.*

Article 4: If at any time one signatory withdraws their approval, It will remain in effect for 48 hours following the official notification. This does not apply to Article 3.

*Classified--This sum is non-existent, and only for cosmetic purposes

For Promised Land,

~Administrator Richard Anderson

For Zargathia,


Queen Amyante Tojimaru

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OOC: Well, I thought you would like to post it in another thread as a foreign affairs announcement, but that works too. Also, nice picture of Ulrica.

IC: After he stepped into the elevator, he turned to face his host. With the door closing, the smile remained. It would remain even after he left the building.

And once he was out, he would head to a hotel, where he'd booked a room for the night. He hadn't known for certain how long he would need to be here, so the return ticket for his flight wasn't good until tomorrow.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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