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Troina Factbook



In The Beginning

The nation of Troina was created out of 100 indigenous people of Anartica. With powerful nations like the United States, Russia, Japan, and China making claims to Anartica, the people of Troina wanted to make sure that at least some of Anartica belong to the people who had originally inhabited the continent.


The nation was heavily influenced by the United States' and Japanese rhetoric about the greatness of democracy. Thus the people voted on who should be their leader. There were two major contenders, Alison Poyner, who was an intelligent woman with a lot of ambition. She wanted nothing more than to see Troina succeed. The other contender was Gen. Marshall David, who, while he also had a lot of ambition and wanted to see Troina succeed, he wanted to increase the military to make sure that no one would be able to attack the nation.

On December 28, 2007, the people of Troina voted for who their president and on the 29th, the results were in. Alison Poyner had won 69% of the vote while Marshall won only 31%. On January 1st, Alison was inaugurated as President of Troina.

As soon as she was inaugurated, Alison had Troina join the Mostly Harmless Alliance so that the nation would be protected. Also as soon as the $1 million yen in aid was wired to the national bank, she began investing massively in infrastructure and technology. The standard of living and economy rose dramatically. Everything seemed peaceful and calm until suddenly a foreign nation attacked Troina. In the initial wave, a total of 10 Troinan soldiers were killed. Alison contacted MHA and they sent a diplomat to resolve the conflict, though not after Alison had sent 20 Troinan soldiers to combat the enemy force, killing ten of them. Afterwards, Alison immediately established the following departments: Defense, State, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security. She also established the Troinian Army.

The Death of Democracy

After the unexpected conflict, the people became infatuated with Alison and here popularity grew from 90% to 100%. The people were amazed by her leadership and also wanted to make sure that it continued. On January 12th, a plebiscite was enacted as to whether or not Alison should be made a queen, thereby changing Troina's democracy to a monarchy. On January 21st, the results were in and it was announced that Alison would become a queen and the Democracy of Troina would now be known as the Troinian Empire. Alison was crowned Queen of Troina on January 14th, 2007.

The Troinan Empire and Alison's reign as queen were shortlived though, because Gen. Marshall David, still jealous from not having won the presidential elections, launched a coup on Valentine's Day 2007. He gathered 20 soldiers that were loyal to him and took the Alison's palace by force, executing everyone there, including Alison herself.

The Dictatorship of Troina

On February 15, 2007, Gen. Marshall David was sworn in as the Dictator of Troina. He immediately put down all revolts and burned all memorials that were dedicated to Alison. This only served to make the people hate him even more. Marshall began investing heavily in technology, running a propaganda campaign that made the people of Troina think that there was a constant possibility that they might be attacked at anytime. The people of Kitex responded to this propaganda by joining the military to help protect the nation. During this surge in soldiers, Marshall established the Troinan Marine Corps, and Tank Corps. This came at a ''great'' time as MHA declared war on Wolfpack. During this war, Gen. Marshall engaged a total of three nations of Wolfpack and, with a little help from MHA allies, defeated these nations with minimal casualties.

Yet even though the economy was booming and the nation had just helped to defeat Wolfpack, the people still mourned Alison and wanted to avenge her death.

On February 2, 2008, a group of 200 people known only as The Rose, attacked Gen. Marshall's place of residence and executed Marshall. ''The Rose'' chose their leader, Arthur Bowers, to lead Troina and on February 3, 2008, proclaimed the Republic of Troina. Arthur was inaugurated on February 10, 2008.

The Republic of Troina

Arthur Bowers, as President of Troina began to once again invest heavily in infrastructure and technology. He also set up Parliament and the first political groups of Troina sprang up into existence. He also passed several laws on fuel efficiency and began to regulate the military industry by placing caps on how much they could charge the military per unit. He also established the Troinian Coast Guard and all the other Departments that Troina now has.

Arthur also valued education and put elementary, junior high, and high schools on the local and provincial level and put universities on the federal level. In addition to this, Arthur also gave subsidies to the oil industry for having fuel efficient cars (as the vast majority of oil companies also created car companies).

The economy was booming until the War of the Coalition occured in August 11, 2008. Troina was at war with an MHA rogue known as Serrano and also an enemy from the alliance Genesis, known as Warlord. The Warlordians decimated the Troinan Air Force and they continued to launch bombing runs and cruise missiles on Troina. Meanwhile, Serrano was launching a ''massive'' full-scale invasion of Troina. The nation was in turmoil and seemed to be on the brink of a revolution, as the people became more and more discontent with the government since the military could not adequately protect them. Let after sending diplomats to MHA allies, they helped to eliminate Warlord's air force but did no damage to Serrano. Afterwards, Troina launched to full-scale offensive operations on Warlord and Serrano. The military was successful in both, the populace started to be happy again, and the soldiers came home to a massive celebration parade.

The Assassination of Arthur

On September 25, 2008. Arthur was set to give a speech at a junior high school in Fukoka province. He never made it there because as he was being driven to the school, a bomb detonated about 5 feet from the car killing him and everyone in the car.

Immediately, an immediate Parliament session was called to elect a new leader. President DDB was elected unanimously and was inaugurated on August 1, 2008.

DDB's Presidency

DDB held a two week national mourning period. Afterwards he had a statue built to dedicate Arthur and also the creation of a statue dedicated to Queen Alison. Also he established the National Police Force and tasked them with finding Arthur's assassin. He then beefed up the military to 60,000 and increased the defense budget to 15% of the national GDP. The economy remained robust and everything fine until the Rebellion.

After the Rebelion had been put down and the nation reunited, everything once again seemed peaceful and quite, that is, until the Karma War. This was Troina's bloodiest conflict as the nation lost a total of 56,500 soldiers. In the beginning the nation mourned the deaths of its soldiers, but then the populace became angry and disenchanted with the government. This allowed a group of Communists to laynch a successful, yet short-lived coup.

On July 2, 2009, a total of 100 Communists overwhelmed the National Palace (where the President lives) and took control of Troina. Thankfully, the President and his Cabinet had been taken to a nearby heavily fortified Army base.

Even though the populace was disenchanted with their government, they were ''very'' anti-Communist. Thus the people rioted and took up arms againist the Communists and put President DDB back in power, so long as he negotiated a peace to tend the war that'd taken so many lives. President DDB agreed and was put back into power after ending the war, which resulted in Troina's first military loss.



Our people are peaceful and support their appointed leader. They like to negotiate, fight and make money. They are highly supportive of the military even though not all of our wars have gone well. The populace doesn't like any problems when the economy goes down so the public opinion of the government and the economic situation go hand in hand. There is a variety of religions, such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, just to name a few. We allow complete religious freedom. We have a large troop force to crack down on violence within the nation. The military of Troina has been positioned at all border crossings and is arresting all drug traffickers. We allow our citizens to protest their government but we use a strong police force to monitor things and arrest lawbreakers. We have an open border policy, but in order for immigrants to remain in the country they will have to become citizens first. We believe in the freedom of speech and feels that it is every citizen's right to speak freely about their government.

Government and Politics

Government and Politics

The government of Troina is a republic. Our legislative branch is composed of Parliament. Parliament has two parts, the Shiri consists of 5 representatives from each province while the Celestial consists of 20 representatives from each province. Upper Parliament contains the Shiri is composed of 100 members while Lower Parliament, the Celestial consists of 200 members. Any legislation that is proposed by the Celestial then goes through the Shiri, which then in turn goes to the President. If the President vetos the legislation, then Parliament can pass it as long as 2/3 of them vote for the law.

The two main political bodies of Troina are the Liberal Workers and the Conservative Lords. The two parties are constantly at odds with the LW favoring legislation that taxes the wealthy and helps the working class while the CL favors laws that lower taxes on the wealthy, deregulate the economy and increase military spending.

The President can appoint and dismiss Secretaries, yet they must be confirmed with at least a 3/4 vote by members of the Shiri. Also in times of war, natural disasters and major emergencies, the President can declare martial law for the maximum time limit of 96 hours, after that has expired Parliament must then vote on whether or not martial law should be extended.

The President is voted in office every 4 years, members of Parliament, every 2.

President of Troina

The president of Troina must be at least 38 years old to run, be a natural-born citizen of Troina, and must have lived in the nation for at least 15 years. Currently there is no law on how long a President may serve, yet if they feel the need, Parliament can put a term limit into the Constitution. Also any convicted felons may not hold any federal administrative office. Currently the President resides in the National Palace.

War and foreign affairs powers

While the power to declare war is constitutionally vested in Parliament, the President commands and directs the military and is responsible for planning military strategy. The President is in charge of the entire Troinan military.

Parliament, pursuant to the War Powers Resolution, must authorize any troop deployments more than 3 months in length. Additionally, Parliament provides a check to presidential military power through its control over military spending and regulation.

Along with the armed forces, foreign policy is also directed by the President. Through the Department of State and the Department of Defense, the president is responsible for the protection of Troinian abroad and of foreign nationals in Troina. The president decides whether to recognize new nations and new governments, and negotiates treaties with other nations, which become binding on Troina when approved by two-thirds of Parliament.

Administrative powers

The President is the chief executive of Troina, putting him at the head of the executive branch of the government, whose responsibility is to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." To carry out this duty, he is given control of the four million employees of the federal executive branch.

Various executive branch appointments are made by Presidents. Up to 6,000 appointments may be made by an incoming President before he takes office and 8,000 more may be made while in office. Ambassadors, members of the Cabinet, and other federal officers, are all appointed by the President with the "advice and consent" of a majority of the Senate. Appointments made while the Senate is in recess are temporary and expire at the end of the next session of the . Also the President may remove purely executive officials at his discretion. However, Parliament can curtail and constrain the President's authority to fire commissioners of independent regulatory agencies and certain inferior executive officers by statute.



The nation of Troina currently allots $125,000,000 for its education budget. Everyone in Troina has at least a high school diploma. Of the above-mentioned education budget, $10 million goes to providing financial aid to college-aspiring students who cannot afford to pay their tuition. Troinan elementary through high school schools are operated on a provincial level with some school districts that have mainly low-income inhabitants recieving government subsidies. Univerisities are operated on a federal level. As of now elementary school consists of 7 years, junior high consists of three years, and high school consists of 5 years. Special emphasis is put on math, science, reading, writing, and foreign language as the government sees those as quite important to the success of individuals and also the entire nation.


The nation has a 80 age life expectancy at birth. The government pays for the healthcare of low-income and in poverty families. There are a large amount of health companies that offer a wide range of benefits, this coupled with government healthcare, the nation has 100% coverage. The main problem with private healthcare is that you cannot mix and match options. Currently Sen. Judie Petraus is trying to get legislation through Parliament that would allow customers to mix and match options from multiple policies so that they can get "the most bang for their buck."


Troina's official languages are Japanese and English. Yet we also have ethnic languages such as Russian, Pashto, Arabic, and Persian. About 55% speak English and/or Japanese at home, 5% speak Pashto, 10% speak Russian, 15% speak Spanish, and 15% speak other languages.

Crime and law enforcement

Troina has police and court systems on the local, provincial, and federal level. The National Police Force takes care of crimes at the federal level such as treason, terrorism, opening first-class mail, etc. Both provinicial and the NPF have broad powers such as being able to detain someone for a maximum of 48 hours without reasonable cause. The nation of Troina has a somewhat low crime rate thanks to the amount of education and amount of wealth in the nation.



The most popular band in all of Troina is Death By Asphyxiation (DBA). DBA is a folk-metal-rap band composed of six members, John Alocart, Cindy Vitno, Arthur "Ace" Petro, Sally Douglas, Jason Bowers, and Jada Guds. John and Cindy are the lead singers, Ace plays the drums, Sally is the bassist, Jason is the guitarist, and Jada is the violinist. De has made a total of three studio albums with the record label Screamo. The band first came out in 2007 with their self-titled debut album which went triple platinum. It was followed up in 2008 with Retribution which went on to sell 1.5 million copies, mostly to the heavy metal single "Death or Destruction." In 2009, the album "Spit" was released and so far has sold 950,000 copies. In 2010 the band plans to release a documentary chronicling the bands rise and will focus on their making of a new album which is to be released in mid-2011.


Currently, the most popular sport in Troina is hockey. Followed by baseball, football, basketball, and boxing. Car and horse racing are among the most watched sports in the nation. Tennis, soccer, and volleyball are also quite popular among the youth of Troina.

National Holidays

Every July 28th, the nation of Troina celebrates National Sovereignty Day. This day is usually celebrated by fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, political speeches and ceremonies, and various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of Troina.

Every August 15th is Veterans Day. The entire nation of Troina remembers the fallen of the Troinian military and also honors those who serve today.

January 1st is New Years Day, when the nation of Troina celebrates the coming of the new year.

August 20 is Election Day, when a new president is elected into office

September 2nd is Inauguration day is celebrated which is when the new president is sworn into office.



Our economy is mainly composed of private companies accounting for 56% of employment, federal government accounting for 20% employment, and local and municipal government accounting for 24%. The base of the Troinan economy is the production and consumption of our own resources. Over $190 is made daily per capita in the nation. 28% of this goes to taxes. The nation's annual GDP is about $300 million yen. Of that 10% goes into defense, 25% goes into education, 10% goes into infrastructure, 10% goes into health care, and 5% goes into transportation, 10% goes into manufacturing, 5% goes into retail trade , 10% into mining, 6% into the treasury, and 9% to pay off debts.


Currently, there are 700 vehicles for every 1,000 people. The nation is currently what's known as a "car culture." Because of such a large amount of cars, the nation currently imports oil the majority of its oil. The government of Troina currently has super-efficient cars that get 60 mpg on the highway and 56 mpg in the city. Around 80% of the cars in the nation are hybrids while the other 20% are a mixture of SUVs and trucks.


The Troinan energy market is 12,000 terawatt hours per year. Energy consumption per capita is 5.8 tons of oil equivalent per year. As of 2009, 50% of this energy comes from petroleum, 20% from coal, 10% from renewables, and 20% from natural gas. Nuke Inc.is currently constructing three nuclear power plants. Construction is expected to be done by 2013 and is supposed to cost a total of $20 billion yen.

Budget Breakdown

Note: All of this is based on the $500 million yen GDP.

Defense: $50 million yen

Education: $125 million yen

Infrastructure: $50 million yen

Health care: $50 million yen

Transportation: $25 million yen

Manufacturing: $50 million yen

Retail trade: $25 million yen

Mining: $50 million yen

Treasury: $30 million yen

Debt: $45 million yen

International and Military Relations

The nation of Troina enjoys amazing ties main allies, the Isle de Malvinas, Zargathia, and Promised LandCurrently the nation invests $30 million annually or 10% of its GDP in its military. Of this most goes to R&D so that the nation may still have a ''serious'' technological edge when war occurs. For the most part, the nation of Kitex wavers between isolationism and being quite open.

The president holds the title of Commander of the Armed Forces and is in charge of the Army, Marines, Tank Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard. Troina currently has a total of 30,000 Army and Marine personnel on active duty. The rest are in the reserves. The nation sports an all-volunteer military, yet the draft may be instituted if the situation calls for it through the Random Selection Phase. Also the military currently has ties with major defense companies such as Legion Inc. which is responsible for making the body armor Kitexian troops receive. The government regulates the price defense companies may charge the military for their equipment. For every unit sold, the company may only make a 150-180% profit.

The military of Troina


The Troinan Army currently has 100,000 troops in it (includes active and reserve units). Currently the primary weapon for all Troinan services is the M16A3.

Structure of the Troinan Army

The Army is made up of 100,000 troops. 20,000 are the "regular army" who are the active-duty soldiers and are the first ones that are deployed during times of war and crisis. The other part of the Army is the reserves. These soldiers preform only part-time duties as opposed to full-time ("active duty") soldiers, but rotate through mobilizations to full-time duty. When not on active duty, reserve soldiers typically perform training or service one weekend per month (inactive duty for training or "Battle Assembly") and for two continuous weeks at some time during the year (annual training). Many reserve soldiers are organized into Army Reserve units (troop program unit or TPU), while others serve to augment active Army units (Individual Mobilization Augmentee or IMA), or are simply in non-drilling control groups of the Individual Ready Reserve ("IRR").

Special Forces of the Troinan Army

Special Forces are asked with five primary missions: unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, special reconnaissance, direct action, and counter-terrorism. The first two emphasize language, cultural, and training skills in working with foreign troops. Other duties include combat search and rescue (CSAR), security assistance, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, humanitarian demining, counter-proliferation, psychological operations, and counter-drug operations; other components of Kitexian Special Operations Command or other Kitexian government activities may also specialize in these secondary areas.

Troina's Death Brigade that was formed during the Rebellion has been broken up from the 100 man force down to about 25 SF groups, 15 of which are in the reserves. Currently, Troina has a total of 50 SF groups.

Tank Corps

The nation of Troina only purchases tanks right before going to war, as it is more cost effective, but we do have a total of 5,000 engineers and actual combat operatives constantly working on tanks that private companies let us borrow, keeping their skills sharp. The Tank Corps is currently composed of 1,700 M1A2 tanks.

Marine Corps

There are currently 40,000 Marines (including active and reserves) as the TMC are a truly elite unit. Of the 40,000 Marines, only 10,000 are on active duty. They have must first pass a physical and then go through 13 weeks of training that is to make them the best of the best. The TMC is, without a doubt, the best and most elite fighting force that the nation of Troina has ever seen. They are truly able to operate on their own without any aid whatsoever.


The Corps responsible for providing force projection from the sea, using the mobility of the Troinan Military Transportation System (TMTS) to rapidly deliver combined-arms task forces.

The Marine Corps fulfills a vital role in national security as an amphibious, expeditionary, air-ground combined arms task force, capable of forcible entry from the air, land and sea.

While the Marine Corps does not employ any unique combat arms, as a force it has the unique ability to rapidly deploy a combined-arms task force to almost anywhere in the world within days. The basic structure for all deployed units is a Marine Logistics-Ground Task Force (MLTF) that integrates a ground combat element and a logistics combat element combat component under a common command element.

The amphibious assault techniques developed for the War of the Coalition evolved, with the addition of air assault and maneuver warfare doctrine, into the current "Operational Maneuver from the Sea" doctrine of power projection from the seas.

Coast Guard

The Coast Guard as a maritime law enforcement mission (with jurisdiction both domestically and in international waters) and a federal regulatory agency mission as part of its mission set. It operates under the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime. The overall mission of the Coast Guard is to protect the public, the environment, and Troinan economic and security interests in any maritime region in which those interests may be at risk, including international waters and Kitexian coasts, ports, and inland waterways.

The Coast Guard is currently made up of 5,000 saliors with a total of 1,500 boats that may be customized to fit a .50 caliber machine gun on its turret.

Miltary Radio Assistance

The Military Radio Assistance (MRA) program keeps track of and fixes all the radios for soldiers. Also they can pinpoint the general area of each radio when it is being broadcast and during war the MRA is in charge of making sure that radios are not on the same frequency so that orders do not get confused.


On September 27, 2009, President Shiznay, Defense Secretary Rusa MacNell, and Chief of Staff of the Air Force Edward Mack, revealed a total of 5 squadrons of F-15 fighter jets. President Shiznay made this statement "Today, the nation of Troina has become that much stronger. With the creation of this air force, we can protect ourselves from any and all air attacks, patrol our skies and airspace, and also send aid to allied nations. Long live Kitex!

Military Structure

Division= 10,000 soldiers

Brigade= 2,000 soldiers

Battalion= 1,000 soldiers

Company= 200 soldiers

Platoon= 50 soldiers

Squad= 5 soldiers

OOC: This may be updated from time to time.

Edited by kitex
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