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Monaco Madness


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Message to the Government of France from the desk of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia:

RE: Monaco


We are glad to see the rightful government of France restored after an apparent massive miscommunication. During the crisis however, Grøenlandia came into possession of the Monaco state along your coast. We would like to hold a meeting between our two governments in the city of Monte Carlo, Monaco to determine the status of Monaco, as we would like to ensure we have not infringed on your lands and at the same time retain this piece of land. Please feel free to arrive in Monaco anytime as I myself shall be visiting as well.


Steingrímur Vilhjálmsson

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Federal Republic of Grøenlandia Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Having known that since the moment of their return to Paris that much of French territories remain in dubious ownership, the Foreign Ministry had been working overtime in preparation of settling all potential disputes. The message from Grøenlandia was thus received with no surprise. Special Envoy Lorelei Shimazu, who had only just arrived back from a disastrous exchange program, was quickly noticed and packed off on her way to Monaco.

Fighting off the temptations of ditching the badly-paying job, Lorelei looked at the Mediterranean coast from the windows of her government jet, wondering who she'd be meeting when the plane lands in a moment.

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The small private government jet smoothly landed at the very small Monte Carlo airport. The airport was modern but not particularly striking nor beautiful. The sight of construction could be seen all around as buildings were being built and asphalt laid. Grøenlandian construction crews were working around the clock to modernize this small enclave on the coast and Monaco was a hive of activity.

The plane made a complete stop and the door slowly opened. The customary carpet and 20 man honor guard was present and Foreign Minister Steingrímur Vilhjálmsson stood 20 feet away with his entourage of aides, waiting to meet the envoy.

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Dressed in an impeccable suit, Lorelei exited the plan, appreciating her carpet and honor guards. Walking up to the Minister, she extended her hand, smiling warmly. "Hello, I am Lorelei Shimazu, here as the representative of the French people. I have been entrusted with the full authority of the government in reaching a final solution on Monaco."

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Steingrímur Vilhjálmsson shook the extended hand, warmly stating "Welcome Miss Shimazu, I am Foreign Minister Steingrímur Vilhjálmsson and I too have the full authority to reach an agreement over the fate of Monaco. Please, if you are ready we can begin the talks immediately or if you prefer I can have a hotel make accommodations for you."

Vilhjálmsson turned behind him and opened the door to the limousine, offering his other hand to Miss Shimazu to help her get in.

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The Prime Minister got into the limousine and after shutting the door the trio of limousine slowly started the journey through the city. They had to take a dozen detours to avoid the constant roadblocks from construction in the streets. After driving for a few minutes they reached a block with very little construction. There was a plain building that looked to be made for business and logistics purposes than to be aesthetically pleasing surrounded by a small lush garden. The limousine stopped and the door was opened for the French envoy. They walked up to the building and Vilhjálmsson opened the door. "I'm sorry the building isn't all that impressive, although it serves its purpose and at the moment we are preoccupied elsewhere here," he stated regretfully as he opened a door at the end of the hallway, allowing Miss Shimazu to enter first.

It was a barren conference room, with a small circular table cluttered with documents and maps of all sorts. Along the wall building blueprints and maps of the French coast with different marking plastered every inch. Vilhjálmsson and an aide seated themselves after Miss Shimazu had done so and the aide handed folders to both of them.

Vilhjálmsson spoke "Let's get down to business. I don't know how badly your government wants to reclaim this land, however we are certainly interested in holding onto it. Plans for a naval base are already being drawn up, and it would provide a strategic trading and military hold for us in the Mediterranean."

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Lorelei shed a glance at the rather messy table and the occupied walls, wondering just what sort of facility Grøenlandia is planning to build here. That got her wondering about just why Grøenlandia, with its territories half a continent away, would be interested in having, what did the minister say, 'military hold' in the Mediterranean? Well, they have those shady types back in Paris to figure that one out, she decided.

"Well Minister, we're not opposed in principle to housing foreign military on our soil. Of course, if your interests are limited to the naval base that I see you're trying to make here, then I believe our interests are broadly speaking aligned. France above all wish to have Grøenlandia recognise our ultimate sovereignty over the area. In exchange, we are happy to lease sections of our coastline to Grøenlandia, to fulfill whatever interests the Republic may have.

"The biggest question that I have, is just what does Grøenlandia plan to build here, and whereabouts? Monaco only have 4km of coastline and all of it looks pretty built up from where I was on the plane. Have you given thoughts to what to do about the locals?"

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"I can assure you the only military presence we would consider building here is a naval base. We have no plans to house soldiers, other than maybe a small garrison for defense. We also plan to add some skyscrapers and improve the commercial harbor as we feel this can be an important Mediterranean trade center. The economic benefits this would provide us could be incredible.

As for the locals, yes we are concerned for their well being. Should any of them decide to move to France or emigrate elsewhere, they would of course be allowed to. All remaining persons would be granted citizenship of the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia and gain all benefits including access to schools, healthcare, justice system, etc. and I can assure you they would be cared for

One of the main reasons this location is ideal is due to the unique land holdings of our nation. If you look at a map, you can notice that the FRG is basically divided and is located in Greenland and Central Asia. By building a port in Monaco, it would provide an ideal stop for ships going between the two.

Here is a map of the land we would like to claim, the border being the green line:"


Edited by Californian
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"It seems to me however that existence land around the Monaco harbour is already extremely crowded as it is. I can't help but wonder where Grøenlandia could find the space to build the sort of military facilities that comes with a naval base? Obviously private homes well be purchased, but there's an awful lot of valuable commercial buildings including holiday resorts that would have to be demolished to make way for the base, including not a few skyscrapers that area already in existence. Not to mention of course historical sites such as the Rock of Monaco.

"Given such realities on the ground, perhaps Grøenlandia would reconsider the site of the military base? There is a good patch of lightly populated land a few kilometers east of where we are. Most Cape Martin is relatively free for use, and is well clear of the national transportation network. If Grøenlandia is willing to lease that area, it will have a substantially larger area than Monaco to work in. France will fund the land acquisitions and further help with the relocation of existing works. But I would expect that the cost savings will outweigh all of these and benefit both Grøenlandia and France greatly.

"Of course I appreciate that Grøenlandia also have commercial interests here, and building a entirely new commercial harbour plainly won't make much sense. To that end France will propose sharing the use of existing facilities here in Monaco. How does that sound to you?"

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Before the minister could reply, Lorelei took out a satellite photo to better illustrate the French proposal.


"As you can see, we are offering substantially more room for your naval base. Since it is practically next door to your current position, the strategic value of building a base here will surely be the same to Grøenlandia."

Here is a map of the land we would like to claim, the border being the green line:"


OOC: You realise that Monaco is only that tiny patch of land around the gray line which says France|Monaco? Just commenting on how tiny it actually is.

Edited by Teriethien
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"Well, since I don't see Grøenlandia's territories will stop being in two ends of this planet any time soon, I believe I will be right in assuming that Grøenlandia will retain a need this port for the foreseeable future. So, our proposal for the length of time would be a lease of 99-years, or an earlier termination by mutual consent. As for cost, we propose a token yearly rent of $3,000,000. Water and other utilities will be supplied to your leased zone at the prevailing local rates.

"If you agree, we can formalise this agreement straight away in a treaty."


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Vilhjálmsson seemed at ease "Indeed. These are very generous terms and we are more than happy to agree to them. If you would like to draft a treaty I would be more than happy to review it."

Pleased to see a satisfactory agreement reached so quickly, Lorelei beamed at the minister. "Thank you for your wise judgement. Please give me a moment," with that she pulled out her laptop and called up a prepared template. Filling in blanks here and there, a draft was ready within mere seconds. "Please see if this is all acceptable to Grøenlandia?"

Treaty of Monaco

Agreement between the Nation of France and the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia for the lease of lands in France to the Federal Republic for naval bases.

Article 1

France hereby leases to Grøenlandia an area in the vicinity of the town of Cape Martin, as specified here. France will be responsible for the relocation of all civilians currently residing within the relevant zone.

Article 2

The grant specified in Article 1 shall include the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to the areas of land in question, as well as all reasonable uses fitting the premise of a naval stations, but for no other purpose.

Article 3

The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia recognises that France continues to exercise ultimate sovereignty over the aforementioned areas of land and water, while France consents that, during the period of Grøenlandian lease, the Federal Republic shall exercise complete jurisdiction and control in the said areas subject to the terms of this treaty.

Article 4

France will make availalble the use of the Monaco Harbour for Grøenlandian commercial shipping for the duration that this treaty is in effect.

Article 5

The terms of this treaty shall last for 99 years, or until both parties consent to termination, whichever comes first. This agreement will lapse automatically if the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia falls, regardless of whether a successor state emerges.

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Lorelei opened another document and copied pasted a few articles in.

Treaty of Monaco

Agreement between the Nation of France and the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia for the lease of lands in France to the Federal Republic for naval bases, and other affairs.

Article 1

France hereby leases to Grøenlandia an area in the vicinity of the town of Cape Martin, as specified here. France will be responsible for the relocation of all civilians currently residing within the relevant zone.

Article 2

The grant specified in Article 1 shall include the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to the areas of land in question, as well as all reasonable uses fitting the premise of naval stations, but for no other purpose.

Article 3

The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia recognises that France continues to exercise ultimate sovereignty over the aforementioned areas of land and water, while France consents that, during the period of Grøenlandian lease, the Federal Republic shall exercise complete jurisdiction and control in the said areas subject to the terms of this treaty.

Article 4

France will make availalble the use of the Monaco Harbour for Grøenlandian commercial shipping for the duration that this treaty is in effect.

Article 5

The government of both Grøenlandia and France will work towards the elimination of all barriers to trade between the two nations.

Article 6

The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia and France pledge to not engage in hostile activities against each other, including but not limited to military actions.

Article 7

The terms of this treaty shall last for 99 years, or until both parties consent to termination, whichever comes first. This agreement will lapse automatically if the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia falls, regardless of whether a successor state emerges.

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"This looks perfect."

"I am glad to hear that. Let us sign the text," with that Lorelei took out a fountain pen and in neat, elegant characters signed,

Lorelei Shimazu, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of France

"Do you desire a separate announcement, and do you want your government to make the statement? Or alternatively I think we can publicise it right here."

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Treaty of Monaco

Agreement between the Nation of France and the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia for the lease of lands in France to the Federal Republic for naval bases, and other affairs.

Article 1

France hereby leases to Grøenlandia an area in the vicinity of the town of Cape Martin, as specified here. France will be responsible for the relocation of all civilians currently residing within the relevant zone.

Article 2

The grant specified in Article 1 shall include the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to the areas of land in question, as well as all reasonable uses fitting the premise of naval stations, but for no other purpose.

Article 3

The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia recognises that France continues to exercise ultimate sovereignty over the aforementioned areas of land and water, while France consents that, during the period of Grøenlandian lease, the Federal Republic shall exercise complete jurisdiction and control in the said areas subject to the terms of this treaty.

Article 4

France will make availalble the use of the Monaco Harbour for Grøenlandian commercial shipping for the duration that this treaty is in effect.

Article 5

The government of both Grøenlandia and France will work towards the elimination of all barriers to trade between the two nations.

Article 6

The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia and France pledge to not engage in hostile activities against each other, including but not limited to military actions.

Article 7

The terms of this treaty shall last for 99 years, or until both parties consent to termination, whichever comes first. This agreement will lapse automatically if the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia falls, regardless of whether a successor state emerges.

Signed for France,

Lorelei Shimazu, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of France

Signed for Grøenlandia,

Steingrímur Vilhjálmsson, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia

With that Lorelei shook hands with the minister and took her leave, wishing Grøenlandia a bright and prosperous future with France as a friend. She left carrying a copy of the treaty back to Paris for safekeeping.

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