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The Red Council: The Daily Actions of the Red Sands Cabal


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OOC: Now that he reoccupies Novak/Raochin, wouldn't voodoo have records of the Red Sands Accords and everything they'd done?

OOC: I'm still trying to figure out how Voodoo now occupies Roachin without 1) a standing army other than the currently frozen Lavo's and 2) with me and zarfef resisting.

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OOC: I'm still trying to figure out how Voodoo now occupies Roachin without 1) a standing army other than the currently frozen Lavo's and 2) with me and zarfef resisting.

OOC: Yah, me too... But once that's resolved, the point still stands.

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OOC: Now that he reoccupies Novak/Raochin, wouldn't voodoo have records of the Red Sands Accords and everything they'd done?

OOC: I think the fact that our tanks are opening fire on them generally reveals that already :P. Raochin also could have taken the documents with them as such would garuntee the royal family and other members protection in any Red Sands Country...

EDIT: Well, I've just welcomed him... with a swath of chemical and conventional weapons :P.

Edited by Zarfef
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OOC: I am going to RP the destruction of alot of things, I have my evil character doing that. In fact, I'll just RP it here.

The Raochin screen popped into existence, the Avatar was a man in all black, his face in the shadows.

"Good evening Gentlemen, I presume this is the Red Sands meeting up link yes? Good."

"To make things short, I am Matthew Smith, Minister of the Ministry of Intelligence. I'll have you know that I have the up most respect for evil organizations and their secrecy. So when I leave all evidence of your organization will be destroyed, along with most of Raochins defensive infrastructure."

"On the case of further military incursions, I cannot help you, but Merlin would be more than willing to lead whatever forces remain of the old Raochin. I suggest you find him for that department. By our gatherings about half of the original forces were able to escape into the mountains. I'm sure you could make use of them. As for where Merlin would be, probably trying to find the Aether commanders."

"I'll be off Gentlemen, good day to you."

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OOC: Unfortunately after having nuclear weapons blow up the Aether Empire, it's a shame but I think I can't actually communicate via the network grid :P. But I think I can send a call.

From the southern private communication network along the Aether Front in Operation Moses.

Zarfef: Sorry about the wait, I've had some problems as of late, I wish to speak to the Executive Minister.

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Before the NoN-CMBT Forces in Northern Sudan/Southern Egypt severed the wire communication lines in preparation for a complete withdrawl into NoN territory, a final message was sent down the soon to be defunct line.

In response, an equally short message was sent.

You have much to answer for. We trust you know which channels you need to go through. Tread. Lightly.

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Zarfef: I am sure that by now you have heard the news, both of the collapse of Raochin and the... the rather disturbing set of events taking place back home in Aether. To be honest, I never expected such a massive retaliation in the form of nuclear weapons and I am afraid the death toll is catastrophic. It is ironic that one nation labels another a terrorist and then a completely unrelated nation to the entire event launches a host of nuclear weapons only to be heralded as freedom fighters.

Zarfef: We had forseen a danger to our soldier and civilian population before the event and ordered all populated areas to evacuate, but it is rather difficult to avoid such a wide-scale destruction. Only our soldiers who were mostly stationed on the northern end of the Aether Empire were able to survive. We appear to be... "cooked".

Zarfef: All the same. I want you to know that this is necessary. If we do not injure those who strike us, what is to stop the lions of the world from devouring us one by one. They must know pain to know they cannot do this without suffering consequences. Zephyr has fallen and so has his land, and by the end of the day, the Aether Empire as you know it will vanish with the sand for a time, but with the setting of the sun, this world will think twice before enacting such a wasteful war of agression. And eventually, the sands will shift and we will rise again.

Zarfef: However, we must part for a time friend. With the implementation of nuclear weapons in this war, the battle cannot be won and with no Aether Empire or Raochin left to strike, you are the only target these mad-men will go after. I ask of you that you do not let this happen.

Zarfef: The missiles are readied, the weapons are powered up and within the next several days, I will wrought a destruction upon Rebel Army as has not been seen within the last several thousand years. By the time I am done, the only words proper for such an event will be that quote from Krieg, that it shall be an event so terrible "that generations yet unborn will cry out in agony". Or something along those lines.

Zarfef: I hear that Raochin's family has managed to escape that terrible place and you if even I alone survive this battle, I assure you that history has not heard or seen that last of me. I do not intend on dying in this place, though I have been long ready for such an end given what I am doing.

Zarfef: That stated, taking a lot longer then necessary, I beg of you. Please withdraw from this conflict and return home. This battle is now ours, as it was the children of my nation and the soldiers of my army that went up in that massive wall of fire. This is my hour and it is my responcibility, along with the responcibility of every Aether soldier... to prove what mettle we are made from. To claim a final victory for our people at the end of a terrible and seemingly devestating defeat.

Zarfef: You need not worry for us. For I pity the soldiers of any nation that shall stand against us, they shall be wiped away like the sands struck by the tide. But the Red Sands, even if only in my own heart, shall always remain.

Zarfef: Will you do that for me, Executive Minister, leader of the Nation of Nod? Will you leave me my battle, as it rightfully now mine, as this is something I must do?

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"Your actions have inadvertently destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives, and have endangered countless numbers of my civilians. As we speak, the radioactive evidence of your folley sweeps across North-Eastern Ethiopia. Thousands of my people have become little more than walking ghosts. They know not of the painful demise they will experience within the coming days, weeks, months.

The NoN had every intention of ceasing military actions once Roachin fell and Novak was re-established. Had we known you intended to continue this blind crusade further, we would have cut our ties with the Red Sands sooner. While we strictly adhere to a code of "Brothers-in-arms, honour in sacrifice" ... there IS no honour to be had in defending those who do not wish to fight. The moment the Roachinian Royal family decided to leave for the Americas, the moment the Roachinian Government ceased to protect its people from the Novakian menace, was the moment that Zephyr's Government failed us for the last time. They failed us once, during the EAW and shame be upon them. But for them to call upon our unwavering aid in their defence, recieve it unquestioningly, only to give up and flee when the situation was dire... leaving US to fend for ourselves once more?

Shame be upon myself, and my Executive Ministry for being their fools. The sacrifices of your entire nation and the upcoming strife my people will face was quite and unequivocally unneeded.

If it wasn't for your steadfast actions during the East African War, we would have shot you on site and closed our borders to the remnants of your Empire the moment you launched those Banshees and needlessly put more Red Sands lives in peril.

We owed you a debt in blood in those times.... Now, we declare that our debt is paid in full. We have allowed your passage through our lands for the last time. Zarfef, of the Aether Empire, you are free to disappear into those sands you seem to love so much, however, you are officially declared a Non-person within the Nation of Nod. Any and all records of your existence will be promptly removed from our databases. The planned effigies of your troops within the Kolfe Memorial will remain, but with all Aether Markings absent. We declare that those figures serve not only as an everlasting memorial to their sacrifices, but also a monument to all of your sins. This will be the only hint of our past involvement with you, from now on, within the Sovereign Nation of Nod, you do not exist. DO. NOT force my hand further.

We will grant this final request of yours without delay, chance of revocation...or remorse. The NoN formally declares that it is withdrawing all NoN-CMBT forces from Southern Rebel Army, any military assets within the former Aether and Roachinian Kingdom holdings recalled and a Declaration of Severance from the Red Sand's Accords. We have allowed Aether refugees to enter the NoN via the Red Sea, and our White Gowns will see to it that they are given the same palliative treatments and care that our own Citizen's will 'enjoy'. We will spend all that is needed in easing their pain while keeping their fates unknown to them. Such deception is unbecoming, however we feel it is in everyone's best interests.

So, Zarfef, now the sole citizen of the Aether Empire, what are your intentions?"

OOC: Don't take this too harshly, I was just venting some OOC in there and trust me, there isn't NEARLY as much hard feelings OOC'ly at all.

However, you did kind of endanger my RP's existence by attacking Voodoo, especially without consulting me... I've stated dozens of times that I do not intend to reroll at all.

Not to mention Zeph's unannounced actions too... that wasn't just IC frustration in there...

I think ill take this time to be a bit more isolationist.... school's picking up fiercely... I think i'll devote my time to internals for a bit, and any threads that genuinely interest me for now.

I actually do want to RP the fall out effects as long and as detailed as I can bear.

I've left a slight back door here... the EM has said nothing about Ziggy and from what I can tell in the White Cross thread, him and Nyani have a friendly relationship. I'm sure she'd adopt, or anything else you'd want to do... within reason.

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Zarfef: My intentions you ask? I think I'll keep those to my self for a time, good work Executive Minister, I knew I could count on you, you are an excellent leader. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have much work to be done within the shadows... An evil lair is not rebuilt in an evening, but as we have seen, nations fall in a day and yet ideas simply are.


Zarfef laughed as he hung up the phone from his end and then without a word more walked off into the churning makings of a sand storm dissapearing into the depths of the shadows from which he came. But in the shadows he would not remain forever, for the world focussed too greatly on the desserts of Dubai and knew not just how wide a field this man would play. According to the rumors spread about, he died a heroic death launching a massive final assault in Egypt in the belief that Operation Moses would see the destruction of Rebel Army, but no body would ever be recovered.

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