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"If you think about it their religion isn't that different from any other. The catholics claim their pope is the voice of god, the Christians in general designate an individual in the past as god in the flesh. While religion in general is banned in the Dominion there is no reason why the religion of the furions is any more stupid than any other." - Mathew Kaine

"We tolerate Christianity because at least it seems to be based on human kind and thus we allow it to not be punished too heavily in our Imperial Kingdom. This religion however, is based on some bird like creature and is in our opinion dangerous and therefore is deemed illegal in our nation."

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"We tolerate Christianity because at least it seems to be based on human kind and thus we allow it to not be punished too heavily in our Imperial Kingdom. This religion however, is based on some bird like creature and is in our opinion dangerous and therefore is deemed illegal in our nation."

"All I'm hearing is a hypocrite trying to justify himself.


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The Republic of the United Netherlands recognizes the Nation of Furon and proposes exchanging diplomats to formalize our mutual recognition.

The ancient 17th and 18th Century Republic of the Seven United Netherlands had excellent ties and until 1853 we were the only country that could trade with Japan. We therefore ask whether the Dutch can establish an embassy on their old trading post (once given to them by the Shōgun Iemitsu) , the Island of Dejima (in Nagasaki Bay) ?

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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Promised Land officially recognizes the nation--missionaries are free to come here on behalf od this...religion, but we warn them that it is unlikely they will win many sane converts.

"We'd rather have you figure it out yourselves."


Well, WE would like to know why you think it hypocritical. We don't see any contradictions in their statements.

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"In response to Tasmania's rather... aggressive stance towards Furon citizens (Furians? Furions? ...Furionians?), we wish to make the following statement. Whether they follow God, Allah, Arkvoodle, the Mother of Chaos or the Flying Spaghetti Monster shouldn't really matter. In the end, we cannot claim to know better, therefore all religions are accepted in Zargathia as part of the people's freedom of opinion. We believe it is every person's individual choice which religion he or she feels content with, and making such an important decision for them would only be insulting their ability to decide for themselves."

(Furions. :v) We thank Zargathia for their support, even if it wasn't directly applied to Arkvoodle or Furon.

"If you think about it their religion isn't that different from any other. The catholics claim their pope is the voice of god, the Christians in general designate an individual in the past as god in the flesh. While religion in general is banned in the Dominion there is no reason why the religion of the furions is any more stupid than any other." - Mathew Kaine

the Christians in general designate an individual in the past as god in the flesh. - Followers of Arkvoodle do not believe that he was a mere mortal man, no, not in the least. The Mighty Arkvoodle, God of all Furions, came to Earth, eons ago, from the far reaches of the cosmos. He merged into the very essence, the very being, of the Earth itself. He is one with it.

The Republic of the United Netherlands recognizes the Nation of Furon and proposes exchanging diplomats to formalize our mutual recognition.

The ancient 17th and 18th Century Republic of the Seven United Netherlands had excellent ties and until 1853 we were the only country that could trade with Japan. We therefore ask whether the Dutch can establish an embassy on their old trading post (once given to them by the Shōgun Iemitsu) , the Island of Dejima (in Nagasaki Bay) ?

Sadly, we cannot give out such land at this time. We would like to exchange diplomats, but that is the most we can do at the moment. President Pepe is very busy stabilizing the new government, as well as the region.

Promised Land officially recognizes the nation--missionaries are free to come here on behalf od this...religion, but we warn them that it is unlikely they will win many sane converts.

We wonder why so many continue to declare our religion odd, or use it as a reason of mirth, behind our backs or otherwise. We can look at any other religion and declare it odd - the only thing that separates Arkvoodle (the true religion, but in the eyes of the beholder, no less), is time. It is a relatively new religion, however we can only ask that people respect it, or at the very least, disrespect it on the same level as other religions.

We may however, be asking too much, from certain nations.

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