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Final Acts of War


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OOC: The last post has been heavily edited and changed. I suggest you give it a re-read.

I'll try and finish this roleplay this week, and then start on the return of Diberia (I've decided to put Aperture to rest, other than the civilian part; they are very badly damaged and need time to return to full strength). /OOC

"Get out!" Yelled Jerrey, "F***!" He got down from the turret, pings of high calibre bullets resounding through the metal of the machinge gun, damaging it beyond repair. The bullets continued to ping and nearly puncture though the hull of the vehicle. Jerrey crawled down to the passenger seat of the jeep, armed with his rifle. He grasped Kalmerg's soldier.

"We need to get behind this vehicle NOW!" Kalmerg grimaced.

"Behind? As cover?"

"YES!" Kalmerg gave Jerrey a query look, but turned the vehicle around. Jerrey grabbed the radio. "All vehicles, turn to the side and get out! Roxas WILL stop this accidental fire, I have trust in his speed. But you all need to survive a few minutes before that happens, to turn about!"

Once the jeep stops, Kalmerg and Jerrey quickly jump out of their jeep, but the two rebels in the back are not so lucky, being hit with a single high-calibre sniper bullet through the "apricot" of their spines. The other jeeps are more lucky than this, although a smiler did get a bullet through a leg and another pinged off the side of Sentinel's leg.

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"Calling all Imperial units, this is Special Operations force ZOM dash niner, blue-on-blue fire. Repeat, blue-on-blue fire. Cease bombardment of Rebellion assets, over!" Roxas shouted into his Vox equipment to be heard over the fire. Sentinel hissed in agreement as another bullet smashed into his frontal armor, deforming before wildly ricocheting off.

The reply took several seconds. "By the Imperator, Zombie force? We thought you were lost long ago in this accursed jungles of the Primordial Annihilator. Blessed be the day you are recovered to fight on against the enemies of the Holy Imperium!"

Roxas stared dumbfounded at his Vox while the words ran around and around in his mind. 'Holy Imperium? Blessed? Oh God.'

"Roger Roger, we'll call if we need to evac or walk, over."

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Just prior to the recognition of friendliness by the Holy Imperium soldiers, Kalmerg shot off a few rounds in the direction of the incoming fire from the hood of his jeep before ducking to dodge the subsequent bullets. Jerrey spurned and grabbed Kalmerg's rifle barrel, pushing it down to the dirt and earning a hard look from Kalmerg in response, as Jerrey didn't want him to die in vain against an ally. Kalmerg knew he should not fire upon those that may be their saviors, but when they almost take off your head... well, he does not care if they are friend nor' enemy at that point. That is what he learned from Aperture, and wasn't going to let go of the haunting souls of lost comrades either; in his chest pocket laid dozens dog tags.

Jerrey stayed under the vehicle even after the bullets stopped raining upon them.

Roxas called over to Jerrey, "They know we are here Jerrey, so you can come out now." Jerrey peered over the vehicles behind him and saw Roxas standing tall in front of his jeep. Jerrey grinned and cheeriness came out of him in happy laughter.

"We made it! We finally made it, all of us! Well done everyone! We have had our casualties, but their sacrifices were not in vain, for we have saved the heart and soul of Diberia!" His grin was wide now and was joined by his fist, held high in the air at their accomplishment. Kalmerg, on the other hand, just got up, brushed the dirt from his legs, and made a small smile on his grimy face. Immediately he proceeded to one of the fallen Rebel's and took his dog tags (as he was once an Aperture soldier that knew one of Kalmerg's best friend's when they were alive), dolefulness alive and well within himself.

Jerrey hopped into the drivers seat, Kalmerg climbed back into the turret, and the vehicles headed off for the Imperial front line command center...

(OOC: lol now what?)

Edited by JerreyRough
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At Jerrey's sign that it was safe to come out, Ix'Chimalxochitzin got out from behind the jeep. Dust and dirt from the ride as well as the dive out of the car when they were taking fire managed to hide the fact that she wasn't entirely human, though that still left her green eyes, giving off the appearance that they glowed somehow. In a way, they did as that was how the Zombie Killer gas she had been hit with worked, but it was something she had grown too accustomed to to even notice anymore.

Shifting her grip on the rifle, she kept her finger close to the trigger in case one of the snipers changed their mind, but kept the weapon pointed down so as not to provoke them either. Climbing back into the jeep, she hoped Jerrey knew what he was doing when the lot of them headed for Imperium lines...

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Meanwhile, far in the west in Aperutre's final stronghold...

Explosives and bullets rocketed the western Imperial lines as they marched forward

"Enemy assault squads approaching on the left!"

"2nd Mechanized Pigbull Tanks need support!"

"Pig pullers on route to 1st Mechanized for repair!"

"Requesting assistance on the left flank!"

"We're being over run!"

Sweat beaded on Gham's forehead. They were being over ran, and the zombie virus had failed to do its job. The Imperium just knew their tactics too well, and even their new "P.I.G." line of vehicles wasn't quite as effective as they hoped it would be. Even now, the Imperial soldiers were only a hundred kilometers from his base of operations, and he had no where left to run. The Imperium surrounded them in the north and west, the rebellion to the east, and the Imperium again somewhere in the south. His troops were so crowded together that they couldn't even surrender because of the torrent of fire ripping them apart; they were trying to fall back to the stronghold for a final battle, but the Imperium was advancing faster with its fresh and elite troops on their heels.

But Senior General Gham had a final card to play, and he wanted the Imperium close enough to take maximum effect of it...

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OOC: What now? What about Harley Pole's heroic action that you promised? :P And feel free to say that two more of my troopers died.

But I want some survivors--the shock value of finding out Australia's now united under a Queendom will be priceless.

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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OOC: What now? What about Harley Pole's heroic action that you promised? :P And feel free to say that two more of my troopers died.

But I want some survivors--the shock value of finding out Australia's now united under a Queendom will be priceless.

OOC: /self-facepalm I forgot completely about that :(.

There is still one final part to the story, and they ain't out of the action yet. I still promise that heroic action (and/or a glimpse of Sean within the stronghold).

I also still have to RP the bad thing that will happen to Jerrey Rough as well...

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OOC: Consider these events to have happened before the Imperium merged. In real time, this war is over and Diberia is on the road to recovery (a thread that should arrive tomorrow), hopefully with assistance from the Holy American Empire.

I'd also like to not think of Jerrey as a holligan; pretend he never danced/threw his hand up in cheer. He is just happy, that's all. ;)

I'll be referencing the Rebellion as Diberia/Diberians from now on.


The jeeps bumped down the demolished road, and into the Imperium's front lines. Imperial infantry divisions were spread out over the Aperture fortifications, some of them getting into APC vehicles and heading for the west, where the hardest and only remaining fighting remained against Aperture's stronghold. Kalmerg creeped down into the jeep, almost afraid of the armored troops, and was far from being as relaxed as Jerrey. He didn't like being near the people that nearly killed him dozens of times over, with their identical uniforms making a mass of troops where there was no difference. Kalmerg didn't feel uncomfortable with the Rebellion only because they didn't have all-around uniforms for their troops, or rather their nation of troops, because most of the living are from various military groups and could not afford to make uniforms for their troops; only clothing.

The vehicles continued to bump along the road into the checkpoint of the advancing Imperial battlelines, with the sun at their backs and covering their advance. Once group of these men, with a few heavily armored Imperial troops in their squad, came to the vehicles.

"Halt! Inspection!" One yelled out. The group took positions around the slowing vehicles, ready for any suprise. Jerrey opening his door, got out, and asked...

"Who is in charge here? I have an important message for them, and am willing to give up all firearms to speak with him!"

OOC: Osnap timeframe stops me from writing more. :(

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