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Final Acts of War


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The troopers, who would normally be unconcerned, had seen newer versions of the zombie viruses spring up, most likely bioengineered. While they worked constantly to counteract them, it was better safe than sorry. They immediately began donning their safety equipment.

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"Bio hazard in the area! Put on protective gear!"

*Click* The intercom turned on. "Must be remains from the missiles we saw. The disease usually dies on its own by now, its bacteria ya'know. Never can be too careful though, so don't let that possible fact stop you." Jerrey don's his full-face breathing apparatus. The driver of Jerrey's jeep looked back, shrugged, and continued his march towards the building, thinking that Jerrey's fact was true.

The gas station's building was not very large, a mere gas bar, but the soldier still kept his gun at the ready. He pushed the metal door to the side, screeching against the payment. His solar light-sensing flashlight flickered to life on the front of his AKM rifle, revealing what was the chip section of the store. Several rows of shelves hid possible ambushes, and the soldier was careful. He finished opening the door, moving his flash light left and right. Nothing in sight. He watched and moved to one side of the dark, metallic building, finding no ambush nor' any food. He moved to the other side, walking slowly by the final rows. Still nothing. There was only the iron back door and the dark, cold storage room left, but he didn't bother checking what would now be vacant.

Moving back to the food isles, he search for anything, throwing the boxes down on the floor in anger at finding nothing. Not even any tools were left, only three tins of spinach. And he didn't like spinach.

THUNK! Suprise flared in the soldier's eyes, bringing his weapon and flashlight to bare towards the sound. Adrenaline rushed through his veins, his eyes watching for anything alive and hunting.

It was a can, a can of spaghetti to be precise, and it was located where it wasn't before on the counter top of the shop. "What the hell! Who are you?" Yelled the soldier, not seeing anyone around. Something moved in the corner of his eye, and he moved the gun to that direction. There was nothing. Then something jumped over the counter, disappearing behind the chest-high isles. He moved the gun back in that direction, the can clanging on the floor. 'Damn it! Gotta dash for the door!' The soldier ran for the door, two hunting zumans running to beat him to the door. He fires the AKM blindly in their direction, wounding one in its leg.

The soldier runs out the door and jumps on the pavement, heart thumping and sound gone from his ears. His breath heavy from the sudden mad dash, he yells, "Zombies in ...(puff)... in the ...(huff)... in the building!"

Kalmerg doesn't waste any time. "You heard him!" he yells, "Fill that can with holes! Time for a little bit more of a harvest!" He grins, preping his machine gun, taking aim, and blasting his weapon at the building. He sweeps from side to side, listening to the zuman shout-screams and laughing. "F*** you, zombie half-breeds!" His weapon continued to thunder and rip holes through the building. The soldier runs for the vehicle and gets in, bewildered.

---- Shortly After ----

The gas stopped flowing. A few personel got out and checked what they feared: the tanks of gas were used up. But then one saw that one vehicle was still filling up. Most of the vehicles were half-full and needed more gas. One man yells over to Jerrey.

"Yo! What with this slow flowin' s***? We 'ot to be done fillin' by now!"

"These are old, very old. Which means older methods of retreaving gas from the chamber below."

"Well, Mr. Know-It-All, in case you didn't notice there are explosions and gun fire not seven miles from here! And, in case you didn't notice, we don't need a f*****g full tank of gas for that!"

Jerrey grunted. "Yes, but what happens if we are shot upon and we need to run away, hmm? I don't wish to leave anyone behind if I can stop it."

"Then what about your little speech about leaving people behind?"

Jerrey gave him a dark look. "Thatt will only be done if neccessary, and we are in no rush to meet the Imperium, now with the troops we seeked to defend now zombified."

The other soldier raised his eyebrow, shrugged, and got back to watching the perimited with his machine gun, watching for movement...

OOC: More coming later!

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Hearing Jerry's shouts, and the subsequent gun fire, Nick pivoted the .50 cal machine gun at the shop and let loose. Thumb sized bullets tore softball sized holes into the concrete and metal, pulverizing whatever zuman inside that was unlucky enough to get in their paths. The happy smilers, despite wanting to turn and let their own guns loose, kept them pointed at the jungle, waiting for anything else to come at them.


In the other jeep, all four of the individuals were quick to act. Vesker, Roxas, and Sentinel all leveled their weapons at the store and fired. Then they noticed Steve heading the other way, brandishing a combat knife.

"Battle's the other way, Mr chuckles!" Vesker yelled over the roar of gun fire. Steve just shook his head and charged into the jungle with a battlecry that sounded like a banshee. Seconds later, the severed head of a zombie hurtled out of the vegetation and plopped to a halt and the feet of the three. They turned, and with great annoyance, saw several zombies and zumans shambling out of the jungle growth. Steve materialized too, covered in blood, hacking away at the horde passing him by.

"Zombies from the jungle!" Vesker shouted over the din of gunfire.

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The zombies inside of the building were not quite dead yet. A screeching sound from one of the dieing zombies echoed around, going at least half a mile in any direction. Shrieks came from the forest in all directions, even from down the road. The zombies all knew they were here, and they didn't have the firepower of the Imperium.

Kalmerg fired a few more bullets are the building, managing to silence the communicator zuman. But it was too late; zombies started swarming from the forest. Kal swiveled his weapon and blasted apart zombies coming in his direction, eyes gleaming in glee at the gory bloodbath. Meanwhile, Jerrey Rough barked into the communicator, taking a few zombies down with his Mateba Grifone rifle in the process.

"Get into a ring formation! Nick and Stone, your vehicles are filled up so don't get infront of me, my rebel squad, and Roxas's vehicles!" Then he gasped, "Oh s***!" Two elephambie's ran into the clearing, immedietly taking the attention of Kalmerg's heavy machine gun. It yelled in pain, but continued its ramp towards the jeeps, ready to knock one on its side with a muscled punch. More low-pitch elephambie growls rose from the forest.

"Hot damn! Musta been o' heavy dose of whatever made them big n' strong zombies!" Yelled a soldier in the fifth vehicle.


OOC Note: If people claim the below is going "over the line", then I can remove it easily enough. /OOC

George Romero's Survival Guide to Diberia - Zombie Apocalypse Edition

Chapter 5, Section 4: The Communicator

The Communicator Zuman are just like any other zuman; they have the urge to eat human flesh and a lesser want to eat animal. However they are not as good at running, nor' are usually found on the 'front lines', but rather save their breath for seemingly simple shrieking. This shriek, usually complicated with smaller degrees in pitch and different sounds that other communicator's can discern, tells the location of a food source and how deadly it is. This can result in either much, much more zombies flooding an area, or a far lesser amount.

The Communicator Zuman is an "evolution" from the original way zombies contacted one another; one would simply shriek and other random zombies would shriek, then more, then more, etc; however, this was only telling the location by where the most shrieks are and were headed, and the smarter Zumans figured that they needed a better way. Of course, if there are no zumans in the horde then there are no communicators.

Unless it has not seen you yet, then there is no way to stop a communicator from calling more zombies to the area. The best way to deal with it is to kill it, preferably before it shrieks, but only in a way that causes very little noise and hits the neck area; because there may be other communicators in the area.

Edited by JerreyRough
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Ix'Chimalxochitrzin found herself in the proverbial trenches, so to speak, and her gun kept steady as she shot one zombie after another in the head. Looking at her, one might get the impression that her rifle had had a recoil dampener mounted as the barrel barely moved between shots, but then again not many knew of her enhanced strength. When the sounds of elephambies started being heard in disturbingly many locations at once as two origins of said growls broke into the clearing.

Her clip now empty, the Mayan momentarily dropped her rifle, running to intercept the pair. The injured one was closer, getting ready to take out one of the jeeps, but before it could reacit iut would find a small fist hitting it in the side of its face. A fist hitting it at around elephambie levels of strength, which in layman's terms meant that it was thrown off balance, eating dirt as the turrets kept firing on it.

As for the second elephambie, she turned to glare at it, her green eyes providing a somewhat unnatural and eerie glow to her small form. One on one she did not stand much chance, as even though she had the strength of one she lacked the layers of muscle that gave it its durability. Therefore, she tried to dominate its mind, to force it to accept her as its superior, its leader, the Alpha of the pack. It had worked twice before and under less dire circumstances, but the lack of old wounds and scars told her these had to be fairly new, and hopefully malleable. If not... she was in for quite a fistfight.

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Stone, the driver of his vehicle, nodded in confirmation of Jerrey's orders, moving the vehicle in to complete the rear-guard of the circle. Harley Pole on the turret sprayed the wounded Elephambie with more bullets, but didn't launch a grenade for fear of harming allies--allies like Ix, who was currently staring down the second Elephambie.

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Steve was happy. Scratch that, Steve was loving this. He was in his element. It didn't matter how many times he'd gone up these types of odds before, nor would it later. Odds didn't even matter. As long as there were a large group of enemies that Steve could lay in to and do what he was made to do, he was happy.

From one to the next he went. Slicing, and shredding; jabbing and stabbing. His knives were slick with zombie blood. All the while, Steve laughed. It was like target practice. Grab a weapon, and lay into the unfortunate training dummy. The dummy, in this case, was whatever poor zombie that was within arm's reach.

Steve soon found himself joined by the other Happy Smilers. They seemed a bit more professional and methodical, in comparison to Steve's slash-and-laugh attitude. Hardly saying more then a grunt, the six other soldiers tore into the zombie ranks like buzzsaws into jell-o. But the tide of zombies seemed endless, and although they were doing considerable damage, the seven Smilers couldn't be everywhere at once. The zombie groups that weren't near the Smilers were edging closer.

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OOC: For the roleplay, if you wish to call them a 'tank' (as some would likely call them), rather than Elephambie, they are welcome to. /OOC

Wounded but still in the fight, the first Elephambie continued its trot towards Jerrey's jeep, rapidly closing the distance inbetween itself and the jeep. Realizing the heavy calibre machinegun was not helping, not to mention not slowing it down enough, Kalmerg decided he needed something with more juice. He proceded to pull out an old GTI RPO-A Schmel, still in amazingly good condition. The Elephambie roared three dozen meters away from the jeep, raising its fists and jumping for the death blow. Then Kalmerg fired the RPO-A.

The Elephambie exploded (visual: see

), its body made into mincemeat and its front eradicated. Blood drenched Kalmerg, as he laughed underneath his gas mask and reloaded his weapon. The driver rebel just stared at where the Elephambie used to be and the blood splatter on the window, and Jerrey just shook his head at the seemingly mad man, hoping he didn't make the mistake of letting him come on this dash for his impressive battle skills.

"Much closer and that blast would have killed us!" Yelled Jerrey.

Kalmerg laughed at Jerrey, "Ha! Afraid of a little blast? You havn't been living on the front lines much, have you?! Ha ha ha! I'll keep you alive, sir!"

"Just be sure that includes all my limbs and Ix over there! Don't fire on the other one, its too close to her!" Kalmerg grumbled, putting the reloaded RPO-A down where it was before and returning to turn back the hordes with the machine gun.

The other elephambie, confused at what this little glowy green-eyed thing was doing. The 'tank' thought twice about attacking; the glowy green did harm to its buddy before the wounded one exploded, and it didn't know what made the explosion, whether if it was her or someone else was not of its concern; survival was. It belowed at her, then smacked the closest zombie down with a massive fist, roaring at the zombie and eating it. It now served her, if only to survive longer.

"Ix!" Jerrey yelled, throwing an AKM rifle in her direction. He was now out of his vehicle, alas just beside it.

Jerrey Rough's vehicle finished refueling, and Roxas's vehicle drove up and started chugging.

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Ix'Chimalxochitzin kept looking the elephambie straight in the eyes up until the moment it turned to smash a zombie, not even looking in the direction the explosion had been in despite feeling dirt shower over her. Raising her clenched fist in front of her face, she then pointed at the oncoming zombies. The simple order had been understood, and the elephambie threw itself into the fray as the Mayan turned around to catch the AKM, proceeding to fire into another group of zombies with it, her accuracy surprisingly good since her strength allowed her to ignore recoil.

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Pole sighed in relief--his gun had been aimed at the 'tank' in case Ix's '[ersuasion failed, but it had not. Now he resumed fire on the pieces of the horde that were still assulting them.

The troops in the vehicles had no clear lines of sight to the enemies bneyond their friends, and so held their fire for the moment.

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During the turmoil, nobody noticed as one of the other Happy Smiler troops was bitten. The said trooper, Chuck, promptly killed the offending zombie, and hurried off to rack up some more kills, not really caring or noticing the bite. One would think that if an airborne form of the virus doesn't affect them, getting bitten wouldn't effect a Happy Smiler either. Well, we'll see now won't we?


The zombies had pressed forward, reaching the survivors but a few feet in front of them. Hundreds of zombie corpses lay strewn about, but the tide still came. For every zombie cut down, another took it's place. Back by the jeep, Vesker had ran out of M4 ammo, and was now using his Remington Shotgun. Vesker knew that if something didn't happen fast, their positions would be overrun, and even the Happy Smilers and Ix would be zombie chow.

Edited by DrKintobor
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OOC: Heh, sorry about no response during the weekend; I was writing those RP's in my first block computer class :P. RP coming tomorrow at some point.

EDIT: I think I'll work on this thread more before continuing. My not get a post in today. Sorry! :(

Edited by JerreyRough
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A slight whining sound permeated the air, underlying the much louder explosions and stuttering hammerfalls of high-caliber ammunition being fired rapidly. After a few seconds the whining transformed itself into a much louder veritable deafening sound not unlike that of a wind tunnel. A single lance of silver energy smashed through a line of Tanks. The subsequent vortex as air sought to fill the vacuum blasted across the path of the weapon sucked in countless zombies by sheer air pressure.

Sentinel unshouldered the weapon, power-cells popping out from the sides. He hastily dug into a pouch on his belt, bringing up fully-charged cells in exchange for their drained counterparts which went into another pocket. In the future they could be recharged and used to power the weapon again.

In the meantime, he would have to make do with what he had.


Roxas' Apollo armor was severely outdated by the definitions of current Imperial Combat Armor. Nevertheless the sheer skill of its' user compensated for any material disadvantages it may have had, such as failing armor plating and a saturated environmental system.

His experimental Micro-Grenade launcher wrought huge holes in the swarming sea of zombies, blasting dozens into various squirming pieces with every amazingly overpowered shot. But the weapon was one-of-a-kind, and a few dozen craters later he was entirely out of ammunition for it. With a swear of disgust Roxas threw it into the back-seat of the jeep and drew his Thunderburst.

Roxas was still amazed the rifle continued to function. Countless other rifles had been cannibalized to feed the constant need for new parts in a high-intensity war zone. The blood-drenched casing was cracked in half a dozen places and a few rather large dents in the gun marked where it had been used as a bludgeon of last resort.

Through co-operation with the scientists left over from Diberia's original government, the gun had been modified to chamber .50 Action Express rounds specifically made to debilitate an angry zombie. The supersonic bullet fractured once inside a target, oftentimes exiting only to become embedded into the apparition next in line.

The weapon had a ferocious kick befitting its' burst nature. A three-shot burst would have thrown the weapon out of an unsuited human's hands; as it was the Thunderburst smashed a bruise into Roxas' shoulder through the armor and rudimentary Newtonian Fabrics.

Whole ranks of undead found gaping holes through their vitals or, less commonly their heads burst like overripe water-melons. Even without the micro-grenade launcher, Roxas was holding his portion of the line. With the laser weapon held by Sentinel used for picking off Tanks or concentrations of zombies, it was a matter of time before the river of undead thinned out into a trickle.

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"Well, I feel next to useless..." Perez muttered, as he picked off a single zombie from his seat next to Sentinel.

Then he remembered an experimental device he'd been working on in the spare time between fights. It had the shape of a model tank, made specifically for the terrain to be found in Diberia. But that just allowed it to move. More importantly, it had a speaker and a small recorder somehow embedded in its innards. It was battery-powered, and miraculaously enough, it had a battery that worked.

Withdrawing it from his pack, he considered if now was the time to use it...but with all the holes being put into the zombie ranks by Roxas and and Sentinel, he decided that this fight was probably almost over, and so he returned it, blasting a zombie that got too close to the vehicle in the head.

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The zombie horde was thinning, and not a moment to soon. Vesker sighed in relief as he noticed the lack of zombie masses. He'd used up all his ammo for the M4, almost all the ammo for his shotgun, and he was dangerously close to resorting to his sidearm. Of course, Steve had extra ammo for Vesker's guns, but those were only a few clips for his M4 and a handful of rounds for his shotgun. Still, Vesker pushed on with renewed vigor, blasting any zombies that came within his range.

On another part of the battlefield, Steve and the rest of the Smilers were having a race to see who could kill the last zombie. It could go any way as one never knew if the zombie he was about to kill would be the last one. The Smilers had also gotten a bit...creative. They began drawing symbols and decals into the zombies as they gutted them. One Smiler had even went to far as to carve a crude portrait of Emperor Kintober into an unfortunate zombie.

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"Showoffs," Stone muttered, blasting a zombie that looked like it was about to take the head off a Smiler.

"And the ungrateful !@#$%^& probably won't even notice I just saved his life, or if he does, won't feel grateful," he muttered again, putting two rounds into the head of another undead threat.

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Though Ix'Chimalxochitzin still fired some rounds on occasion, it would soon become clear where her strengths lay. Whether through intimidation, fear or simply a desire to survive, her zombie horde was starting to grow, the amount of zombies infighting with one another quite noticeable if the human forces would be concerned about conserving ammo. When a second, larger group of zombies and elephambies arrived, they too wasted little time in attacking the remaining zombies, beating one of the enemy elephambies into submission and into their own ranks as the Mayan glared her authority over it.

As she stood there, making various hand signals to conduct the battle, one would have been blind not to notice that she was the one directing the zombies against one another. With only a few dozen enemy zombies remaining, she ordered her forces to withdraw behind the treeline to keep them out of the crossfire, allowing the enemy to be the distraction in having them escape safely.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OOC: For the moment, no OOC tags will be needed.

I'd like to ask you guys: should we continue this RP? I honestly don't think I have the time to, especially with other matters I need to get done. I'd rather write up what happens at the end (at a later time), without any major drama and the such. If you guys wish to add anything, feel free to post it!

I'd also like to get Diberia back on the main scene ASAP! :P

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Well, you're the GM in this and if you don't think you have the time for it then a major writeup it is. I'm fine with it as long as Ix'Chimalxochitzin survives of course, and we (ironically) discussed through PM already where she'd end up at so i guess she's all accounted for.

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I'm pretty much in agreement with Amyante.

As long as at least one of my troopers survives to come home (Harley Pole can die as long as you make his death meaningful somehow), I have no objection to whatever you decide to do. Except zombifying any of them.

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Well, you're the GM in this and if you don't think you have the time for it then a major writeup it is. I'm fine with it as long as Ix'Chimalxochitzin survives of course, and we (ironically) discussed through PM already where she'd end up at so i guess she's all accounted for.

Yes. Originally, I planned on them contacting the Imperium via radio, possibly after being shot at briefly by the Imperium, and then successfully coming into contact with them; thus stopping the steamrolling of the Rebellion. Throw some drama, fancy words, maybe a character death, etc. and you got your roleplay! :P

Well, including some more information on Diberia and just how major and/or Mafia-like the Gundrans are (and a few more chapters on the Diberian zombie guide).

I'm pretty much in agreement with Amyante.

As long as at least one of my troopers survives to come home (Harley Pole can die as long as you make his death meaningful somehow), I have no objection to whatever you decide to do. Except zombifying any of them.

Oh, I had some plans for Harley to meet up with Sean (eventually), so I don't think I'll kill him off. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

November 10th, Section 14. Current New Age Calender date: 10.11.14

1700 Hours IST (Imperial Standard Time)

Jerrey's jeep squad managed to make it out of the abandoned refueling station alive, with no casualties. They continued their push towards the Imperial front lines, but Ix's zombies started to lag behind because of a sudden rise in the number of tank zombies, which there were one per every three normal zombies. Even with the heavy machine guns and Sentinel's supreme firepower, a tank zombie smacked into the side of the jeep with five rebels inside, damaging the engine and reducing their speed; the tank zombie was then blasted apart by Sentinel. Jerrey ordered them to slow down for the broken jeep, but then several more tank zombies charged at the vehicle from the forest. Seeing that they were as good as dead, Kalmerg "mercifully" aimed his heavy machine gun at the ruined vehicle, smiled, and killed its screaming inhabitants. Jerrey stared bewildered at the wreak, misery and dread ransacking him at the sight of it. Zombies threw themselves on the wreak, eating the corpses of the fallen.

November 11th, Section 14. Current New Age Calender date: 10.11.14

0634 Hours IST (Imperial Standard Time)

Jerrey leaned on the machine gun of his jeep, half asleep as the jeep rattled through the Rebellion-Aperture Infantry no-mans-land. The zombies stopped attacking a few hours ago (he guessed they out-distanced the horde due to the jeeps' speed), so he had switched positions with Kalmerg. The sun was just behind some mountain in front of them in the distance and made a beautiful sunrise; to Jerrey, it was perhaps what he loved most of Diberia.

But he did not think about how it would soon blind their vision of what was in front of them...

* * * * * * * * * *

Diberia's no-mans-land is a massive circle around the heart of Diberia, going through rain forest and abandoned city alike. This region has been the center of the warfare that has raged for the last decade inbetween Aperture forces and the famed Rebellion, where neither side gained much land and thus the war slowly degraded the land they constantly fought in for years on end. Tanks, guns, ammunition, explosives, armor, sharpenel, cloth, mud, and remains of bodies are all that remain in this zone. Few roads are still clear enough of debris to be deemed drivable, even though the land has been defaced and was mostly flat.

0802 Hours IST (Imperial Standard Time)

Jerrey's group of Rebellion rescuers neared the Aperture side of the no-mans-land, and were all the more cautious. However, it was difficult to determine if there was anyone there because of: the massive numbers of zombies, the fact that they havn't been shot at yet, and the rising sun blinding them. Jerrey figured that the zombies were proof that Aperture was completly killed and they did not have to worry about them, as most other people in the squad also thought, but the Imperium would not know who they are.

Luck then made an appearence for the group as Roxas's newly-repaired Vox started hissing sounds out of it. Roxas then told this to Jerrey though the radio and attempted to contact the Imperial forces.

Men in several of the jeep started cheering, but they were stopped by the cracks of sniper fire from the fortifications they were nearing...

Edited by JerreyRough
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