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Operation Der Reise

Markus Wilding

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“What‘s this now? Do they think anyone is really going to buy that load?” says one confused soldier to the rest of the members of his unit.

“It‘s the last desperate act of a dying government trying to save their @#$% from being sent to labor camps.” replies the unit’s leader. “Ignore it, we‘re only a few blocks away from the Yacranian‘s Parliament.”

The enemy attempt at taint the loyalty of the army had ultimately failed. The only anti-propaganda technique the Slavorussian commanders use is the national anthem, played over the loudspeakers. The anthem acts as a rallying cry, and calls the Tsar’s armies to defend the Rodina. When they return home they’ll all be heroes, they’ll have all the things promised to them by the Yacranians and more, the Prime Minister has even promised them a parade when they come home. Truly nothing the Yacranians can offer could trump what they know they’ll return home to.

A huge force of Slavorussians begins to congregate around the Parliament Building. The ground forces set up a multi layered perimeter around the building, guarded by armed guards, tanks and watched over from attack helicopters in the sky. Nothing comes within 5 city blocks of the Parliament and nothing leaves the perimeter. The Slavorussian special forces take a few hours to set up, and form a plan on how to proceeded.

When the time is right Slavorussian Special Forces teams make their move. They shatter windows and bombard the building with tear gas. As the teams storm the building they toss concussion, flash bang and smoke grenades in to distract and incapacitate the Yacranian soldiers. Slavorussian soldiers take no chances, they use highly aggressive tactics as they enter the building, and neutralize any perceived threat.

“Surrender” they shout as they enter. Anyone who refuses to fallow their orders is given a free ride to the gates of St. Peter. The Slavorussians move relentlessly through the building with one target in mind, the perpertrator of this fiendish war, Markus Wilding.

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The only response would be the same voice as before announcing "We have Markus Wilding in here. If you wish to take him alive, you will need to kill every last one of us." and then a storm of lead from predeployed MG9s. They were intent on keeping Yacrania alive as long as possible, even if that means giving their own lives for it. Molotovs are made on the spot and thrown down, and the last remaining flamethrowers wreak havoc on the ground floor. They are desperate, and running out of ammo. The weapons they had carried to the frontlines were nonexistant, all that remained were the MG9s and Kar98ks, nothing even close to Slavorussia's weaponry. Tear gas does disorient several on the floor, but even though slightly effected, men higher up do everything they can to provide suppresing fire below. Panzershecks, never designed to be shot indoors are used, regardless of what may happen to them.

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Slavorussian casualties in the parliament building skyrocket while they try to stave off the vicious attack. Despite the mounting casualties the Slavorussian special forces continue their assault inside the building. They take cover behind pillars, sculptures, tables anything they can find. From behind the limited protection they have Slavorussians focus their attacks on Panzershecks, while snipers set up in buildings and on rooftops pick off unsuspecting enemy soldiers one by one. Anyone foolish to step in front of an open window receives a one way ticket to the afterlife.

The Slavorussian commander receives word that the Yacrians aren‘t going to surrender. Discouraged by their stubborness he turns to his adjutant, “If they have a death wish then our only choice is to oblige them.” The commander walks over to his jeep, grabs a loudspeaker from inside, then aims it toward the building and says, “If it‘s your wish to perish today then so be it, we will cut down everyone of you to end this war and capture the criminal Markus Wilding.”

ooc: I haven’t been in the mood to post much lately, but I’d still like to rp this until the very end.

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