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Drakorian Press Conference


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King James Drake approached a tall podium on a stage in Tbilisi, waving and smiling at the crowd. Adviser Dan Donegan stood at a second podium next to his, wearing his usual sleeveless leather jacket and long hair. Drake shook Donegan's hand and then set both of his on the sides of the top of the podium. "Welcome to Tbilisi! I hope you've found everything to your liking. Today, myself and my good friend and adviser, Daniel Donegan-" Donegan waved. "-will be answering questions. There's very little that will offend us, so ask whatever's on your mind."

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"That's one of the questions I won't answer," Drake replied cheerfully. "You have something green on your shirt, by the way."

The reporter checked his suit, and indeed something green was on his suit. It was a dollar bill sticking out of his suit pocket. "Oh! I've been looking for this for a while. Thank you!" The reporter pocketed the dollar bill into his wallet. "Now, I've got another question for you...what do you think of New England?"

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The reporter checked his suit, and indeed something green was on his suit. It was a dollar bill sticking out of his suit pocket. "Oh! I've been looking for this for a while. Thank you!" The reporter pocketed the dollar bill into his wallet. "Now, I've got another question for you...what do you think of New England?"

"You're welcome." Drake gathered his thoughts for a second. "We've had little contact with New England, but we'd really like to start sometime soon. They're an honorable nation, and they stick to their morals."

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"You're welcome." Drake gathered his thoughts for a second. "We've had little contact with New England, but we'd really like to start sometime soon. They're an honorable nation, and they stick to their morals."

The reporter nodded as he scribbled down on his notepad. "Hm, thank you for your response. Now, what is your position on weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including but not limited to nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons, and the like?"

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The reporter nodded as he scribbled down on his notepad. "Hm, thank you for your response. Now, what is your position on weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including but not limited to nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons, and the like?"

"Well, I classify WMDs into those three main categories. Nuclear weapons are sometimes necessary, but we believe that they shouldn't be used against civilian targets. Chemical weapons shouldn't be used, even on a small scale, as the chemicals can sometimes be carried by winds into the civilian population. Biological weapons should always be banned, no exceptions. So our stance on WMDs varies by the type of weapon it is."

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“Your Majesty, the Moscow Star‘s readers want to know if you have any leads on the recent attacks, on yours and your ally‘s nation, and if so what action do you plan to take?”

"We have no leads as of yet, but our main concern so far has been to find and save as many people caught in the rubble of the attacks. When that has been done with, we will divert our attention to finding and reprimanding the terrorists."

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A guy dressed in a medieval tunic stood up. "What's your opinion of the Catholic Church?"

Donegan waved his hand. "Meh."

Drake replied, "I have no quarrel with them. Their intentions are good, and whilst I don't agree wholeheartedly with the Church's ideals or methods, a fairly large number of Drakorians have found the Church to be a sign of God."

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The reporter nodded as he scribbled down on his notepad. "Hm, thank you for your response. Now, what is your position on weapons of mass destruction (WMD), including but not limited to nuclear weapons, chemical and biological weapons, and the like?"

OOC: hey, that's MY question! :mad:

IC: What does Drakoria put more priority on--the safety of its people, or the freedom and education of its citizens?

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OOC: hey, that's MY question! :mad:

IC: What does Drakoria put more priority on--the safety of its people, or the freedom and education of its citizens?

"We try to make all three a priority, and we'll never jeopardize their freedom for safety. Our people are what built Drakoria. Our people are the blood and backbone of our nation. As such, I do all in my power to protect them, and to allow unbiased education, and to preserve their rights."

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"But if you had to ultimately put priority on one over the others, which would it be, and why?"

Drake paused, thinking. "Well, if I failed to prevent such a scenario, I'd go with safety. That way, I could remove the threats that endangered the people, and restore freedom and set education back up. If I failed at this, I would step down as king and let my heir to the throne."

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"Well, if there are no further questions, Mr. Donegan and I will take our leave," Drake said. He turned away from the podium and said something to Donegan. He was cut off by a crack and the sound of splintering wood. A bullet had struck Drake's podium.

"HOLY-" Donegan shouted as he and Drake ducked behind their podiums.

Panic ensued as the crowd tried to get out of the line of fire. A second shot nearly hit Donegan's hand, which he quickly withdrew. The Liberty Guardsmen were already moving, fighting the crowd to get to their king.

Drake looked at Donegan, mirroring the look of shock on his face. He looked away and at the stage they crouched on, having heard a faint beeping sound. Donegan seemed to hear as well, for he looked at Drake and swore under his breath. "GO!"

Drake and Donegan made a break for it, running for the end of the stage. The beeping continued, then ended in one, extended beep. Donegan pushed the king as far away as he could and dove away himself.

The stage exploded as they hit the ground. They could hear the Liberty Guards cursing and calling for them. Drake looked up at the stage upon which he had been standing seconds earlier. All that remained was burnt wood and blackened earth. Bits of scorched timber had flown into the crowd, wounding several.

Then the Liberty Guardsmen were around the king and his adviser, creating a human wall, rifles raised, scanning the buildings across from the conference. Drake and Donegan stood, legs bent slightly. Two of the guards handed them their handguns, and the wall of soldiers escorted Drake and Donegan away, to the mayor's office building nearby.

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