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The Epoch of Civilization

Chancellor Bismarck

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The rain finally let up. The Priest peered out of his boat, gazing upon the shore in the distance. Sand stretched in all directions, with green mountains in the background. It seemed like his presence had not been noted.

"Thank Him for that," the Priest thought. He slowly rowed his boat to the shore, and began his journey north...

Katakus Village, Southern Golgotha

The man had arrived at around dawn. He stumbled into the village, wearing a strange black outfit with a white collar. The villagers backed away from him, fearing that he was sickened with plague. The Medicine Man came out, and put food on a table on the outskirts of the village for him to eat. The strange man kneeled before his food, and took out a strange wooden symbol made of one vertical and one horizontal cord, the horizontal one being slightly smaller than the vertical. He muttered things in strange tongues, and a fire appeared on the food.

The villagers were frightened, and scampered back in fear. The man stood back up and said perfectly, in their native tongue, "There is no need to fear me. I bring tidings from the Lord our God, whose prophecy has come to pass."

The Natives stopped whimpering, and gazed at the man. He held up his cross above his head, and shone with a brilliant light. All the villagers immediately bowed down on their knees and praised the miracle.


Several months passed... the tale of the man spread throughout all of the south, and many gathered to his word and sermons. Soon, many Golgothans had converted to worship the God of which he spoke of, and his works continued to spread like wildfire. His popularity was ever on the rise, and eventually every Golgothan had heard some tale of him.

Latticus, Federal Circle

Jonathan Sinclaire sat down for his cup of tea. It was seven o'clock in the morning, and the King was awakening to a new day. His aides scurried about him, preparing breakfast and bringing him the news. The Golgothan Daily Herald was placed in front of him, and its headline was the same as it had been for the past week.

Mystery Man Works Miracles: Sparks Controversy

John scowled. He was sick and tired of hearing about this "miracle worker" who performed so called "impossible acts of God". He had created quite a stir in the country, with people for and against his mass conversion of the People. Civil Unrest was not yet apparent, though one could only see it coming.

He was about to toss aside the article, until one sentence caught his eye. "The Priest is said to be planning a trip to the Capital, to address the citizens of Golgotha." He stood up.

"Carl, it is time that something was done. That man will not reach the outskirts of this city. As far as I'm concerned, he is a nuisance and a false prophet. Contact the military, and post decrees throughout the city: Any information concerning the location and whereabouts of the so-called "Priest" will be rewarded. If found, capture dead or alive. Grants, deeds, and money to be had."

"Yes, Your Majesty," said Carl, and he walked out of the Chamber.

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Elsewhere in the Capital

"... Yes, that is correct. This man goes around proclaiming a false religion, and stirring controversy in our country. He is a disruption and should be treated as such."

"But what if they say is true? That he is a Prophet from God?"

"What a bunch of !@#$%^&*. That guy wouldn't know Jesus if he-"

Mark turned off the television.

"God, I hate these talkshows. A bunch of know-nothing people trying to sound smart."

His friend, Jenny, turned and faced him. "Possibly. But I've been reading that Priest guys' works, and I've got to say, it... makes me think differently."

Mark couldn't believe his ears. His eyes nearly burst out of their sockets. "You've been WHAT? Jenny, you know that's illegal! If they find out about you..."

"Mark, they won't find out about me," Jenny said, matter-of-factly. "Besides, I hear that half the people in the Ministry of Information believe in this guy anyways. They won't crack down on it even if the King wanted to."

"That's blasphemy! I won't hear any of that in my household!" Mark shouted. "The King is the rightful ruler of our country, not some whacked-out dope guy who shows up out of nowhere, proclaiming to be the Speaker of God!"

"Are you truly so shallow? Don't you remember when the King took power? Through oppression, terror, and outright denial of freedoms for the people? I think it's time for a change."

Mark stared at Jenny, open-mouthed. "How dare you... How dare you! GET OUT! Get out before I report what you've just said to me! They have censors and surveillance everywhere! I will NOT have my head for what you've just said in my house!"

Jenny opened the door. "Fine, Mark. But if you ever feel the least bit curious, you know where to look." She dropped a copy of "Testament of God" on the table, its black leather cover reflecting in the daytime sun.

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