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Buryatia Junta convicts ousted President

Imperator Azenquor

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BNN 2 (Privately owned channel): Massacre in Revolution Square

“Ten minutes before the issued deadline for protesters to leave the square, we have confirmed that the Army pushed into the square with columns of APCs and soldiers. The sudden offensive surprised the protesters who rushed towards the exits causing a stampede.

In a carefully coordinated move, the soldiers used the APCs to block each of the exits to the Square forcing the protesters to confront the armed soldiers. Our reporters at the scene have told us that the soldiers have detained several hundred people in the square including several of the Buddhist monks.

The most appalling situation occurred when the soldiers decided to stop attempting to arrest protesters. Lines of soldiers marched up to the crowd, raised their rifles and opened fire on the unarmed protesters. As the loud shots rang out, protesters panicked and attempted to flee for shelter but the soldiers ruthlessly continued their advance.”

[***Grainy news camera footage is shown in which a group of protesters rushes towards a military line, then several shots are heard and some of the protesters fall to the ground while the rest run for cover***]

“In response to the barbaric acts committed by the military, several protesters began to defend themselves by throwing any objects that they could find at the military lines. A few protesters who happened to be licensed owners of firearms returned fire in the direction of the military lines.”

[***Grainy news footage showing a soldier shooting at a man hiding behind a dumpster is shown. After several shots are fired at the man, he collapses. In what is called a “live broadcast” viewers with a keen eye would notice that the same man who was shot minutes earlier reappears in the footage as one of the “citizens with a firearm returning fire”***]

“In an attempt to avoid being slaughtered by the government forces, several protesters have gathered in the center of the square waving white flags. We at BNN 2 will do our part to ensure that the gross and appalling conduct of Buryatia’s military forces in handling the protests is broadcast both locally and internationally so that the world can see what is happening in the country.” –BNN Reporter

===On BCNA (State owned) TV station===

[***Static and a “We are experiencing technical difficulties” message***]

===On VBN (Privately owned) TV station===

[***Static and a “Signal not found” message***]

===On BTV 3 (Privately owned) TV station===

“We state that our reporters on the ground in the square have confirmed that the news story presented by the BNN Network is absolutely, positively a …”

[***Station suddenly goes to static***]

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As she watches the broadcast, Amyante can't help but shake her head at the apparent lack of patience. A classified message was sent out to the border area to let Buryatian refugees pass into the country -- after being checked for firearms, of course -- while an official message was issued to the Buryatian government.

Zargathia expects this apparent impatience not to remain unpunished. You rose to power seeking justice, and we trust Buryatia to remain true to that goal.
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<<A Classified Message to the Buryatian government>>

We question Buryatia's recent human rights record. Is it necessary, to slience all protestors using force? Especially since they were protesting peacefully unlike the recent violence caused by the Pan-Asian Party? I hope Buryatia remains committed to the goal of justice.

-Catherine Reznov

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===BCNA (State owned) TV===

“Good evening. We have been having several technical difficulties with our broadcasting equipment which have now been fully resolved. First we wish to address the blatantly false news item being carried on the privately owned BNN 2 network. Reports of a massacre in the capital city are absolutely untrue. We at BCNA have started an investigation into what caused our equipment, as well as the equipment of several other stations to fail just before the alleged massacre began.

Our own reporters who were covering the protest in the Square reported being attacked by armed men wearing plainclothes who seized camera equipment. Our reporters proceeded to use their cellular phones to attempt to capture exactly what was happening at the square as the military moved in. Our reporters monitored the situation in the capital, and had interviews with several protesters before compiling this report.

Our first reporter interviewed several protesters who said that they saw several busses enter the square carrying armed men in civilian clothes towards the military lines. Those interviewed allege that the armed protesters then proceeded to embed themselves in the crowd moments ahead of the government deadline.

We confirm that the military began arresting protesters as they moved towards the center of the square before gunshots rang out. Several persons at the protest said that the first shots were fired from inside the crowd and appeared to be aimed at a nearby military line. It is believed that whoever fired those shots hit several protesters and a soldier. The military units were caught by surprise and reportedly fired rubber bullets in response.

As the crowd retreated, the man who fired at the military was spotted and fired upon with live ammunition. The military and the government have launched an investigation into the matter, but it is abundantly clear that the reports of a massacre are false.”

[***Cellular phone footage shown of the military approaching the protesters. Two men in the crowd pull out firearms and fire at the military killing two protesters and injuring others. The military fires rubber bullets at the crowd, then uses live ammunition to shoot the two armed men.***]

“We also have evidence that some of the footage from the BNN has been altered in an attempt to misinform the public.”

[***Footage shown of a man firing at the military then hiding behind a dumpster as the military returns fire killing him***]

“This footage was altered by the BNN to imply that the military shot at this man before he shot at them. Several protesters who have given statements about the incident report that the BNN claim is absolutely and categorically false.

We have monitored hospitals in the capital as well as military hospitals as we attempt to estimate the death toll from the incident in the square. So far we can confirm that 20 unarmed civilians were killed and 30 civilians were injured, while 32 armed persons were killed and 8 detained and 12 soldiers were killed and more than 80 soldiers were injured. These numbers may change as more information comes into the news room.”

[***Footage shown of soldiers ferrying injured protesters out to a makeshift military hospital at the edge of the square. Persons with serious injuries are flown by helicopter to the Yakutsk General Hospital***]

“Foreign Minister Onatopp and General Zelin are scheduled to hold an international press conference into the incidents in the square tomorrow morning. The military and the judiciary will be continuing their investigation and are set to file a report to the government as soon as their investigations have been completed.

In the square, several protesters remain but the situation is calm. Most military units have withdrawn to the outer limits of the square to permit forensics teams to enter and gather information.”


===BNN 2 (Privately owned) TV channel===

"The government continues their illegal massacre of peaceful and unarmed civilians. Despite our coverage of the events unfolding in the square, the military continues to advance and to crack down on freedom of speech. Estimates from the Yakutsk General Hospital indicate that there have been 4,000 civilians killed so far as the government attempts to retake the capital. The number of deaths is guaranteed to continue to rise as our reporter in the square tells us that gunfire is still being heard.

Our reporter interviewed a soldier who claims that the government ordered the military to 'demolish the protests using any means necessary'. The soldier, who wished to remain anonymous, claimed that the military was authorized to 'use lethal force as much as is necessary'. This shines a light on the absolutely reprehensible conduct of the military and the government.

Already the BCNA, the propaganda arm of the government, is seeking to discredit the independent press and to sway public opinion in their favor. Their efforts will undoubtedly fail as we remain undeterred in our goal to report the truth to the people and to the world, regardless of the consequences."


***Classified response to Catherine Reznov, Yuktobania***

"The government of Buryatia, throughout the entire protest has acted to defend the human and civil rights, as well as the safety of the entire population of the country. Contrary to Yuktobanian government's assertion that all protesters are being forcibly silenced, this is not a matter of freedom of speech it is a matter of law and order. People have a right to protest, but they do not have the right to break the law in such an attempt to protest.

In several of the protests so far, including the one that occurred in the square, there have been armed anti-government militia attacking the forces of the state. This is unacceptable and the state reserves the right to respond. It is the presence of these armed wings of the Pan Asia Party, and their allies, that is a major concern of the government. This is why we have repeatedly insisted that people obey the law and understand that the entire nation is under martial law and protests (regardless of their intent) are strictly banned.

In no case whatsoever has the government of Buryatia, or any agent thereof, deliberately used lethal force against any civilian. We ask the government of Yuktobania if they would rather the government cease to intervene to stop the armed wing of the PAP in the name of 'freedom of speech'. Should we permit protesters to be used by the armed wing of the PAP as shields so that they can carry out attacks against the state?

We are certain that if we were not dealing with the PAP's armed wing and if they continued to attack people, that we would be attacked for not defending our citizens. If the government of Yuktobania can suggest a more effective strategy to combat these serious threats, then we would welcome their input.

The government will be holding a press conference regarding the events that took place in the capital tomorrow morning at the Foreign Ministry. The Yuktobanian government is welcome to send a representative to this press conference."

-General Zelin, Joint Military-Civilian Committee


***Classified response to Zargathia***

"The government of Buryatia remains steadfast in our goal to ensure an orderly transition to a civilian government. We have no intention whatsoever to change our position that all protests, regardless of their purpose are banned as required under martial law. Once the threat from the armed anti-government militias has been dealt with, then the government will be able to lift the declaration of martial law and to permit protests. We will be holding a press conference tomorrow morning at the Foreign Ministry of Buryatia to discuss the recent developments in the capital, as well as the misinformation being spread by certain television broadcasters. We ask the government of Zargathia to refrain from passing judgment on the state or the army until all of the facts are revealed.

We also reiterate that the Zargathia-Buryatia border will remain closed from the Buryatian side for the next few days."

-General Zelin, Joint Military-Civilian Committee

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*** Classified ***

We are aware of this, and have no intentions on involving ourselves with Buryatia's domestic concerns. We merely seek to convey our hopes that this incident will receive a full investigation once order is restored.


Queen Amyante Tojimaru

Zargathian Transitional Government

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<Classified Response to General Zelin>

Of course, we do not support the PAP or it's right-wing paramilitary groups, we just want to make sure that those that are not a part of that group are being killed. Your government has every right to eliminate such foes. When things calm down, we will investigate on this issue.

In the meantime, a Yuktobanian representative will be at the press conference tomorrow.

-Catherine Reznov

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Frankly, both versions of the events leading to the break-up of this peaceful protest sound supsicious to us.

While obviously there is more at work than just the peaceful protestors and the over-enthusiastic military, we cannot help but question the real motives behind the martial law in Buryatia.

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“Good morning and thank you all for coming on such short notice. Without any further delay, let us begin. First I will be making a statement, and then there will be a Q and A session immediately following my statement”-FM Onatopp.

The Foreign Minister takes out several sheets of paper and places them in front of her before she speaks again:

“As you are no doubt already aware, the government of Buryatia has for some time been combating the Pan Asia Party (PAP) a now banned organization. Since the declaration of martial law, due to the Queen’s assassination, we have been utilizing all of the resources at our disposal to find the person or persons responsible for the assassination and to see that they are brought to justice. Our efforts have already yielded tangible results in that regard. Several former Zhukovsky Administration officials were found to be either directly or indirectly involved with the assassination plot.

Additional evidence was found showing that the assassination was bankrolled by the political arm of the Pan Asia Party (PAP) who utilized several bank accounts to transfer millions of dollars in payment fees to an offshore account set up by the assassins. This information was acquired from interrogation of former President Zhukovsky, the two assassins, and three members of the Pan Asia Party’s Financing Committee. All of these persons verified and confirmed the information about the financing that we received. Several documents taken from the Headquarters of the PAP supported our conclusions.

A search of the Office of the President yielded several important documents. While I cannot comment on the nature of all of these documents, I will confirm that the two assassin’s names appeared on a list of persons to be pardoned by the President at the upcoming Independence Day celebrations. The evidence and testimony was so overwhelming that the ruling of the court was the conviction of the former President and several of his Aides, as well as the banning of the Pan Asia Party.

The state of martial law was extended as it was necessary to determine if the allegations that the PAP had created an armed wing were correct, as well as to ensure the safety of the general public during the period. The statements of the Pan Asia Party leading up to the protest yesterday were increasingly hostile and stated openly their intention to overthrow the government and to reinstate their member Mr. Zhukovsky as President of the country. The Pan Asia Party has sought to take advantage of Former President Zhukovsky’s relative popularity among the people of Buryatia to claim that he was unfairly convicted by the government in an attempt to kill democracy. This claim is absolutely false.

In line with the declaration of martial law, all protests regardless of their purpose or intent are strictly prohibited, and those who violate that prohibition may be arrested. As such, our security forces sought to use non-lethal force whenever possible to disperse the protests as well as to arrest some of the protesters. We reiterate that regardless of if the protest is peaceful or violent it is equally illegal and will not be permitted to continue.

As more information about the PAP’s activities came to light, it became more and more vital to ensure that people are kept off of the streets and large public gatherings are prevented from taking place. Investigations by forensics specialists and the Yakutsk Police Force into the explosion at one of the previous protests has concluded that a small explosive device was placed in a trashcan and set off in an attempt to cause significant casualties. Our intelligence and security camera footage from the area, reviewed afterward, identified the person who planted the explosive who has now been taken into custody for questioning.

Now we arrive at the protests that occurred yesterday. As on previous days, a moderately large group of people decided to ignore the martial law declaration and to march to the square in the capital city. Yet again state security forces were deployed and an ultimatum was issued by the government. As the time of the deadline neared, military forces were deployed to the outskirts of the square and were ordered to prepare to detain as many protesters as possible before dispersing the protest. Just ahead of the deadline, the state owned BCNA TV, along with the privately owned VBN and BTV 3 had a simultaneous equipment failure. This equipment failure prevented any of the above television media from broadcasting until the failure was corrected.

Investigations by police and technical staff into the matter have yielded evidence that all three equipment failures were as a direct result of sabotage. The person or persons who carried out this sabotage are yet to be identified, but they will be brought to justice. This sabotage meant that when the government deadline passed, only reporters from the privately owned BNN 2 were able to broadcast. Using this ability, the staff at BNN then deliberately made a false report accusing the government of carrying out a massacre in the square. These accusations could not be further from the truth.

BNN showed poor quality footage claiming to show the military attacking the protesters. We will state from now that 80% of the footage shown on BNN was edited and 20% was interspersed with the other 80% to attempt to bolster their fraudulent claims. We have signed witness statements from soldiers, protesters and medical staff that were at or near the scene that provides significant evidence that the BNN report is false.

Several witness statements claim that a group of armed persons wearing civilian clothing were present throughout the protest and opened fire at the military in an attempt to provoke a similar response. The military used non-lethal measures as much as possible in their attempts to disperse the crowds while lethal measures were used against the armed persons. In such a situation, civilian casualties were inevitable. What remains in dispute is the number of civilians killed or injured in the protest, and whether those civilians were killed by government forces or the plainclothes militia present in the square.

We cannot comment on the number of casualties until the final report by the police and forensics specialists is completed and published. We can however state that the estimates of thousands of civilian casualties, as pronounced by the BNN, is just as inaccurate as the rest of their coverage.

That is the official statement, I now welcome questions on this matter.”-FM Onatopp

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Zargathia congratulates Buryatia on the swift progress in this matter, and wishes it luck in uprooting these criminals whose organisation has embedded itself deeply into the Buryatian community. We support the junta in place and will continue to do so, therefore our stance on the matter remains the same as it had been.

After the letter had been signed and written, Chief of Security Ulrica Rajani nudged Amyante in the side.

- "Told ya it was odd that they were shootin' back... Peaceful protesters and monks wouldn't be carrying guns to that march in the first place."

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