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Vilho Gustafsson requests a meeting with Slavorussia


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After Minister Lavrov’s plane lands in Finland, he briefly greets the press. He answers a few of their questions, then asks to be taken to the meeting with Finnish officials.

He is taken to Prime Minister Gustafsson's office in an armored limousine, which passes though the capital and arrives at the parliament building.


Prime Minister is there to meet him in his office, and Lavrov is briefly frisked for weapons before being allowed in. "Ah, Minister Lavrov, good to see you, sorry about that, standard security, you know how it is in this business. I'll make this short and simple. For a long time now, Finland and Slavorussia have been allies. We even devoted 2 divisions to helping with the CSSR mess, and promised full military backing should it have turned badly. You supported us in our war against the Nordic Socialists. Why not make this friendship official, with an MDP?"

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“That’s alright. During the occupation I was frisked quite often, I’ve gotten accustomed to it by now, it‘s just a minor annoyance.”

Sergey chuckles nervously thinking about what he’s about to say next. “Mr. Gustafsson, the Prime Minister expects me to be honest with you. As you know we were on opposite sides of the issue over North Italy. Although we agree that the way Croatia handled the situation, especially toward the end, was wrong, the Prime Minister wants me to inform you that we‘re still actively working toward a regime change in a North Italy. We can‘t sit on the sidelines and ignore a government that would use lethal force as a first method to end a riot.

Anyway Premier Medvedev just wanted to be sure everything was out on the table before you agreed to sign anything.”

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"As long as you don't resort to violent means or block Finnish trade, your opinions about North Italy are fine. It's the standard treaty, nothing too fancy." He smiles, and pulls a paper from a file. "Take your time in reading it."

Article I: Recognition

Both signatories recognize the Sovereignty of the each other. Under this Agreement, both signatory nations shall not invade, claim, or otherwise compromise the each other’s Sovereignty.

Article II: Mutual Defense

Under this agreement, both signatories are to come to the each other’s aid in event of war and otherwise. As such, an act of aggression and/or war on one signatory nation is, thus, an act of aggression and/or war on the other, and shall be dealt with appropriately.

Article III: Intelligence

If any of both signatory nations receive information of any kind that is crucial or otherwise important to the well-beings of both signatory nations, they are expected to share the said information with the each other.

Article IV: Economics and Trade

Both signatories agree to abolish tariffs between trade with each other. In the wake of war, internal issues (Such as revolutions) or deficit, both signatories agree to help in the rebuilding of their country. Any goods being sold to each other will have a reduced price.

Article V: Cancellation

Upon wishing to cancel this agreement, the signatory must give seventy two hours notice. Cancellation is prohibited in times of war.

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Sergey reads the paper a couple times to make sure everything is in order, then nods and reaches for the pen.

“I can sign this now, which means it has the Foreign Ministry‘s mark of approval, but as a formality I‘ll need the Tsar and Prime Minister’s signatures. Once they‘ve done that our alliance will be official.”

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Sergey reads the paper a couple times to make sure everything is in order, then nods and reaches for the pen.

“I can sign this now, which means it has the Foreign Ministry‘s mark of approval, but as a formality I‘ll need the Tsar and Prime Minister’s signatures. Once they‘ve done that our alliance will be official.”

"Good to hear, your plane will be refueled and ready by the time you get back to the airport" He gave the man a firm handshake. "Oh, and be sure to extend my invitation to the Slavorussian government that they can visit here any time. We're preparing to build an entirely new government complex over in Helsinki, which will put this one to shame."

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"Excellent! I’m going to charter small jet and have one of my staff take this back to Moscow, as for myself I have to make a stop over in Bavaria. I promise you the treaty is in good hands though."

OOC: Okay, guess we play the waiting game for your meeting with Bavaria, and then we post a treaty thread. :awesome::D

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