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Buryatia requests meeting with Slavorussia

Imperator Azenquor

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Buryatia's governing Special Military Committee for the Restoration of Order and Constitutional Normalcy in the United Kingdom of Buryatia and Her Dependencies and Protectorates (S.M.C.R.O.C.N.U.K.B.H.D.P.) requests a meeting with a representative of the Slavorussian Empire to discuss the boundaries of Buryatia's EEZ with the EEZ of the Slavorussian Empire. This is due to the accession of Novaya Zemlya to the United Kingdom of Buryatia.


General Zelin, Chairman of the S.M.C.R.O.C.N.U.K.B.H.D.P.

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As soon as the Slavorussian Premier's plane lands at the Yakutsk International Airport, he is met by the Foreign Minister of Buryatia who welcomes him, then escorts the Premier to a conference hall on the 58th floor of the Zhukov Tower.

Inside the conference room, the large table was covered by a large map of Central and Eastern Russia. As soon as Foreign Minister Onatopp showed the Premier into the conference room, General Zelin walked over to greet him.

"Premier Medvedev, welcome to Buryatia. I am General Mikhail Zelin, Chairman of the Special Military Committee. I hope that your trip was an enjoyable one."-General Zelin

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Dmitry glances briefly at the map, while shaking General Zelin’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to be here General Zelin. I was just thinking that this is quite a tall building for a diplomatic meeting, does Buryatia do a lot of government related things here?”

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"The Zhukov Tower is the central hub for Buryatia's Foreign Affairs. All Diplomatic meetings and conferences, as well as embassy communications are managed from within the building. The Diplomatic Corps staff in the tower do everything from translation of important diplomatic messages, to appointing Ambassadors and Diplomats."-General Zelin

The General walks to the conference table and takes his seat. Once the Slavorussian Premier joins him at the table, he points at the map.

"With the recent accession of Novaya Zemlya into the Union, we now have a maritime boundary with the Slavorussian Empire. For the period before their accession, the regional government did not have the ability to manage its Exclusive Economic Zone effectively, and did not hold any negotiations regarding where that boundary should actually lie.

Due to the island's proximity to the Slavorussian Empire we thought it best to discuss the matter with you before any EEZ boundary is set. Although the standard limit is 200 nm, it is clear that this is not possible by either of our nations. On this map, you will notice the territorial waters of Novaya Zemlya in green. We are here to decide on where the boundary between our EEZs should be."-General Zelin



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"In situations like this we generally cut it down the middle. For instance the line would go halfway between Vaygach Island and Novaya Zemlya, and continue between the coast of Novaya Zemlya and Nenetsia and eventually out into international waters."

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"We understand that is the usual method of resolving such matters, however it is difficult to determine where the midpoint is without knowing the borders of Slavorussia's territorial waters. Once we have this information, then we will be able to draft a proposal using the midpoint principle."

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