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Border Reinforcement


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The general was a tall, somewhat muscular man. He wore a green suit with a black shirt and tie underneath and sat at a large oak desk. that had a small all black telephone on it, quietly smoking on a cigar. His gray hair was rumpled and in a general mess from the recent stress he'd been under. The room was quite large, with white walls and blue shag carpeting that needed to be replaced as it was beginning to smell moldy. The general then looked at his watch and the clock struck 9am.

It's time.

The general then picked up the phone and quickly dialed a number and hung up.

Kitex's first border reinforcement began (OOC: Border Reinforcement is done only by active duty soldiers, 20,000 of the Kitexian Army and 10,000 of the Kitexian Marine Corps)

Battalions 1 through 5 of the Army went to the western border of Kitex (it was particulary easy as the Humvees have not yet been equipped with all-wheel drive tires, thus most of the bases are at the borders). Battalions 6 through 10 went to the southern border. Battalions 1 through 5 of the Marines trudged several miles through the bitter cold to get to the northern border and Batts. 6 through 10 went to the eastern border.

Several Brigade commanders radioed back to the general in the office "Everyone is in place. Kitexian borders are 100% secure, sir."

"Very well everyone, return back home."


Yet the military of Kitex was wrong. A small group of ten people had slipped through after they had gone home. 2 men and 2 women from some unclaimed region had slipped through the nation's military base defenses and had gotten to the capital of Kitex, Shiftyville. The first man was tall and had jet black hair with a thick beard. He had a quite demeanor and his skin was quite pale. The man's most interesting feature was his eyes. They were a gray, like the sky on a cloudy day. It seemed that he was in charge. The other man was short, had his hair dyed blue and his eyes were a piercing pitch black. He seemed to have a hidden hatred for everyone and everything. Quite dangerous was he. The first women had blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Her figure was slim, yet not too thin. From the looks of her, she seemed quite intelligent. The other women was a chubby redhead with soft baby blue eyes, she had amazing people and persuasion skills and everyone in the group liked her. There they began to plan the destruction of Kitex through trying to get people to rebel.

OOC: Please forgive me if this isn;t good, usually I write so that is it quite descriptive, but I do not have a lot of time right now.

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