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Multi-National United


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Global Leader in Innovation and Technology

Multi-National United is a research and development corperation, assisted by armed forces for our own uses. MNU has for years developed new technology, starting with our solar panels that brought us to where we are today, to our more recent developments like the in-progress Real 3D technology. It is our goal to bring new, outstanding, and useful technology to the entire world. Our headquarters are located in Dragonisian City, formerly Bengaluru.

As of July 16th, we are part of Dragonisia and the Dragon Empire. Our CEO, Paul Cortez, is now an adviser to Anthony Davis.


Paul Cortez, CEO of MNU.

Loactions of Facilities:

MNU Headquarters : Dragonisian City

Top Secret Research Facility : Camiguin Island

Nanosolar Technology : Central Imperial City : 200 Acres of land


Major News

Paul Cortez is now the Dragonisian Defense Minister! A congradulations to him!

MNU became MNU on July 24th, shown here.

Our project Real 3D is now public information, however our logs are still classified informatoin. {July 21, 1:21AM -7GMT}

We are currently having a sale with our Nanosolar Panel's at a 50% of regular price for VINO and VINO 2. Additionally, there is a 10% sale to the general Public. Panels must be ordered [in the next week].


Research Programs

Multi-National United continues to do research in areas like Real 3D technology, but we cannot progress much further without funding! With our resources stretched thin, we need as much money as possible to fully understand and develop our latest technology. We will not meerly increase the wages of our employees either, but put the funds into a larger and better workforce.

Due to research having some variation in how classified and restricted the information is, we have divided the levels of restriction to the following catagories: RO, VINO, VINO 2, and OPEN. RO for Researchers Only, where the CEO, researchers, and a select few others know of that research. VINO stands for "Very Important Nation Officials", VINO 2 is for the second-to-have-access-to group, and OPEN is when all information is open to the public (or at least most). Note that in some cases there is public information, reguardless of the catagory; additionally, this is used for varying testing dates of such technology.

Project: "Real 3D". R&D Status: Early Research Stages.

Classified Level Status: RO, VINO.

Information: Real 3D is a project to create a system for both commercial and military purposes. It will eventually use a variety of incoming data for a variety of uses with its "Real 3D" component. The "Real 3D" is a special pair of glasses (or one) that has an LCD on it. The LCD would use an onboard computer, incoming data, and its position to create a 3D image from the person's perspective on the glasses. Using tracking technology and small, accurate gyros, the system can "show" a 3D image infront of them; wether it be in a command room showing 3D terrain on the center board of information and unit/combat data, or a trooper recieving data of a landmine infront of them (and, say, a floating danger sign spinning). Additionally, using the gyros to detect when the person moves, the image changes perspective according to their movement; so if they walk to the other side of a 3D boat from the front end, it will appear to the person that they are walking beside the boat. This technology finds its movements via satellite and its accurate gyros.

Logs: 005 . 006 . --|

More Real 3D uses.

All Green technology is located here.

---More Coming as they are Started---



---Coming Soon---

OOC: This is more or less a factbook, but one where you can post in it. Note that OOC is still located in this thread.

It can be assumed that the patients have been applied for and accepted, other tahn in the cases of technology overlapping with one that someone else already has.

Edited by JerreyRough
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