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IRC at esper.net: not for me?


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I can't attach at esper. My IP is banned, and it has been banned before I ever attached to esper. Note that I'm supposed to have a dynamic IP, but for some reason my ISP (almost?) always assigns me the same IP (banned on esper.net).

After having used the channel esper.net provides to handle this situation, I found that my IP is banned by SORBS. The reason is that somebody had a virus, and they sent out spam emails, from said IP. Of course, I'm in no way linked to that spam (my PC is clean from that, and was anyway off at the date/time the spam occurred).

Trying to have the IP un-banned at SORBS didn't work, even if they are fully aware that it's a dynamic IP (in fact, they routinely ban dynamic IPs, I guess because the people can always bypass the ban "using their ISP e-mail smtp server..."). Contacting esper.net about it didn't work either (they simply ignored me).

I really don't understand where's the point in banning from IRC dynamic IPs, for spam e-mail. It just randomly hits innocent people, it has nothing to do with IRC misconduct, and has nothing to do with effectively detering/stopping spam (on e-mail or elsewhere). Anyway, believing this doesn't help me.

Any idea, anybody?

(Note also that my IRC is fine on synirc and coldfront).

Edited by jerdge
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