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The Healing Process

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Ministry of Defense:

Citing the increased mobilization of neighboring militaries, chiefly those of the Nordic Confederacy and Molakia the Armed Forces of the Slavorussian Empire are taking necessary steps to defend against another Nordic imperialistic invasion. Government owned factories have been converted to wartime readiness, meaning they produce only the goods and equipment used and consumed by the Imperial Armed Forces. The Armed Forces can expect to see thousands of tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as planes, helicopters, guns and medium and intermediate missiles.

The Ministry of Defense is funding A nationwide project to shield civilian and military targets from EMP attacks. Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov says that the Ministry’s budget can easily accommodate the shielding upgrades, but other projects like repairing the missile defense and radar networks may cost more than previously expected.

Ministry of Education and Science:

Minister Andrei Fursenko reported that hundreds of public schools have been taken over by Provincial governments and are experiencing massive changes. Thanks to increased government funding Slavorussian students will have brand new textbooks and clean safe learning environments. With the addition of standardized public school uniforms and the introduction of a new discipline techniques, the Slavorussian government expects next years test scores to improve by a considerable margin.

Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Environment:

With no more oil flowing into the Free Slavorussian provinces several nations around the world have stepped up to assist Slavorussia in reducing its dependency on oil, and at the same time using more environmentally friendly methods to power our cities and homes. Slavorussia is preparing to switch to fusion power, and electric powered vehicles.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:

Slavorussia hopes to begin pursuing closer relations with a broad range of nations, including Molakia, Mariehamm, Canada and New England, while continuing to isolate itself, or rather defend itself from countries it considers dangerous and aggressive.

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Ministry of Defense:

***G-14 Classified***

Slavorussia's Defense Minister reports that Slavorussia plans to build a nuclear bomb should be completed within the month. The Defense Minister affectionately named the project the "Berlin Project" after the capital city of the country who convinced the Slavorussian government of the importance of a defensive nuclear arsenal.

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The Ministry of Defense is funding A nationwide project to shield civilian and military targets from EMP attacks. Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov says that the Ministry’s budget can easily accommodate the shielding upgrades

Slavorussia is preparing to switch to fusion power

We question both the cost of shielding existing civilian infrastructure and the existance of fusion.

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Molakia wishes the Slavorussians to know that any military buildup in our lands if for defeating the remaining Nordic Rebels. Also, Molakia is extremely open to relations with slavorussia. We wish to heal the wounds between our brothers, our fellow slavs.

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We question both the cost of shielding existing civilian infrastructure and the existance of fusion.

We are receiving assistance in many areas of our modernization from much more advanced countries like Canada and the RA. Canada especially has expressed an interest in helping us switch from fossil fuels to fusion. (ooc: apparently it does exist in cnrp.)

Molakia wishes the Slavorussians to know that any military buildup in our lands if for defeating the remaining Nordic Rebels. Also, Molakia is extremely open to relations with slavorussia. We wish to heal the wounds between our brothers, our fellow slavs.

We know, but we don't want any nordic rebels coming to Slavorussia and disrupting the recovery process.

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We question both the cost of shielding existing civilian infrastructure and the existance of fusion.

OOC: He'll need the NPP wonder for fusion. Perhaps he meant fission, nuclear reactors and stuff.


We are receiving assistance in many areas of our modernization from much more advanced countries like Canada and the RA. Canada especially has expressed an interest in helping us switch from fossil fuels to fusion. (ooc: apparently it does exist in cnrp.)

Currently, Slavorussia does not have the necessary infrastructure for fusion, but we'll gladly help with fission power plants. And we will gladly sell electricity made with fusion once our reactors are up and running. Of course the juice will be incredibly cheap, cheaper than any you've seen before.

OOC: As said, NPP needed for Fusion power. I think I did say fission when I offered to help, Justinian. But w/e.

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We are receiving assistance in many areas of our modernization from much more advanced countries like Canada and the RA. Canada especially has expressed an interest in helping us switch from fossil fuels to fusion. (ooc: apparently it does exist in cnrp.)

The Canandian fusion program is still in development.

As for the civilian EMP shielding, we are certain that it would put a large burden upon Slavorussia's economy.

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OOC: He'll need the NPP wonder for fusion. Perhaps he meant fission, nuclear reactors and stuff.


Currently, Slavorussia does not have the necessary infrastructure for fusion, but we'll gladly help with fission power plants. And we will gladly sell electricity made with fusion once our reactors are up and running. Of course the juice will be incredibly cheap, cheaper than any you've seen before.

OOC: As said, NPP needed for Fusion power. I think I did say fission when I offered to help, Justinian. But w/e.

ooc: Yeah I mean fission, /fail on my part.

The Canandian fusion program is still in development.

As for the civilian EMP shielding, we are certain that it would put a large burden upon Slavorussia's economy.

Please excuse my accent. I mean fission, not fussion.

The emp shielding program mainly applies to high risk targets. Thank you for your concern.

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Ministry of Internal Affairs:

Slavorussia’s Department for Defense of Public Security and Order (Okhrana) In St.Petersburg has begun to investigate the disappearance of the Tsar, and other members of the military stationed in that region during the war. They will be coordinating with local authorities and Armed Forces investigators. The investigation has rounded up a few dozen witnesses for questioning, all are expected to retell their stories before a parliamentary investigation committee.

Ministry of Defense:

The Armed Forces have begun an aggressive recruitment campaign to replenish the ranks of the army. Currently the Slavorussian Ground and Air defense forces have 75,000 personnel on the pay roll. A sharp decrease from the 500,000 on the books prior to the war earlier this year. The Army has been posting recruitment posters in schools and on college campuses, something that was largely frowned on before.

Other general actions/announcements:

Construction companies have come in to begin repairing fire and smoke damage done to the Grand Kremlin Palace and the Imperial Parliament Building only hours before Slavorussia’s surrender. Investigators say there is little evidence linking the attacks to anyone responsible, and that it would be ok to begin repairs.

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Office of the Prime Minister:

Premier Medvedev submitted, Lord Vladimir Putin‘s, name to parliament to fill the open position of Deputy Premier early Friday morning. Premier Medvedev says he’s confident Parliament will approve Lord Putin especially considering Lord Putin’s long service to the Empire. Immediately after his graduation from St. Petersburg University in 1975, where he obtained a law degree. Lord Putin enlisted in the Slavorussian Armed Forces. Fallowing graduation from the one of the premier military academies in the country Lord Putin joined the Committee for State Security’s (KGB) sub department the Imperial Intelligence Agency, and worked as an agent in several European countries during the 80’s. In 1991 he was promoted to director of the IIA, and by 1994 he was appointed Chairman of the KGB. He retired two years later and pursued a seat in the Imperial Council. In 2000 he successfully won the race for the Kremlin and governed the nation during one of the largest economic growths in half a century, despite strong opposition by the Dark Hand controlled parliament. Lord Putin was forced to withdraw his name for reelection after several threats were made against him and his family. Premier Kolesnikov kept him on as an unofficial advisor. Many believe him to be the driving force behind the Dark Hand’s expulsion from Slavorussia.

The Duma is expected to approve Premier Medvedev’s appointment of Lord Putin first thing Monday morning.

Ministry of Internal Affairs via the Department of Immigration:

In a recent press conference Minister Rashid Nurgaliyev said, “I’m happy to report that we’ve successfully freed 1.5million Slavorussias from the yoke the Nordic nations. The majority coming from the German, CSSR and Novak occupation zones with smaller numbers coming from Arkhangelsk and Nenetsia”

Of course the Minister made these comments before Novak’s secession from the “Greater Nordic Reich” and Slavorussias change of policy toward the Slavic Empire. Minister Nurgaliyev says as long as there are Slavorussians seeking freedom in free Slavorussia, immigration quotas will remain suspended.

Ministry of Defense:

Construction has begun on stationary components of Slavorussia’s defense network. Gun turrets defense walls and military barracks are high on the list of necessities. However the Defense Minister has reversed his position that the current defense budget will be enough to rebuild Slavorussia’s defense infrastructure, and has requested additional funds.

Additionally Slavorussian factories have begun work on the first order of weapons for the Slavorussian Armed Forces.


Slavorussia has received enough shipments of weapons grade uranium to begin building a nuclear warhead, and has ordered at least 20 ICBM’s to deliver Slavorussia’s nuclear deterrents.

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Office of the Prime Minister:

As expected Parliament approved Premier Medvedev’s appointee Vladimir Putin as Deputy Premier. Moments after being approved the Premier signed the appropriate documents to have Vladimir Putin put on the government payroll.

Ministry of Defense:

There’s been concern lately about military activity to the west. The Slavorussian government knows all too well the consequence of ignoring obvious signs of war, so the army is asking for 250,000 volunteers to join the Slavorussian Imperial Armed Forces and activated the majority of the country’s reservists. The Ministry of Defense is urging factories to finish the initial arms orders if and when war breaks out.

Edited by Justinian the Mighty
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