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The Magadan Conference

Razgriz 2K9

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A message was sent in to the heads of state of the Hanseatic Commonwealth and the Vaule Socialist Republic. it read as follows,

To: The governments of the Hanseatic Commonwealth and the Vaule Socialist Republic

From: The Government of the Yuktobanian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic

Re: Diplomatic replations, Yuke plans of aquiring Magadan Oblast.

The Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Yuktobania extends an invitation to Vaule and the Hanseatic nations, to a meeting in Magadan, in Magadan Oblast. To discuss plans to acquire Magadan Oblast, as well as setting up embassies and other mutual cooperation plans. We await your response.


Victor Zakhev

Victor Zakhev

Prime Minister of Yuktobania

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A Vaule Rep arrives after a short teleconference meeting with his Hanseatic counterpart.

"It is unfortunate, however we reject Yuktobania's request to acquire the Magadan Oblast. We would rather have a government form within that area rather than to have the area transferred. However after private discussions with our Hanseatic counterpart, we are prepared to consider the possibility of transferring the Koryak Okrug to Yuktobania's control.

We are open to the idea of exchanging embassies, as well as the discussion of mutual co-operation."-Vaule Representative

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"Agreed, Yuktobania has always been a well respected nation in the world, however the territory you have first sought out to possess both I and the Vaulian diplomat believe should keep under our control until a later time. Perhaps under Yuktobania, perhaps under another government that chooses to rise up from the ashes of this land. However, we fully agree with the transfer of Koryak Okrug. We hope to see Yuktobania play a central role in Far East Politics and hope to see a great friend birth from this."

-Robert D'esrail, Foreign Minister of the Commonwealth

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I understand my friends, and we will gladly accept the transfer of Koryak Okrug to Yuktobanian control. We are also open to the idea of mutual cooperation and the idea of exchanging embassies.

-Catherine Reznov-Yuktobanian Foreign Minister

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