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State of the Kingdom address

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Sisters and Brothers of the Planet Bob,

It is my pleasure to address you on the state of the Kingdom of Cochin. The Kingdom is secure, strong and prosperous.

We have now a flourishing trade and are well disposed with a number of Wonders that have been constructed. We are hoping to improve our strategic posturing in that dimension very soon.

With the valuable trades that Cochin has procured the people of the Kingdom are happy, however the lingering effects of Global Radiation Level is a matter of concern and it has affected the economy of the Kingdom in a tangible measure.

The Royal Cochin Defense Forces had fared very well in the previous conflict and all arms of Cochin's Military, the army, navy, air force and special forces (intelligence) had acquitted themselves well bringing honor to their services and victory to its nation.

However the King realizes that the waters are still turbulent and many unseen conflicts may be looming in the approaching future. Indeed the prospect is one of a shady, dark gloom, but the Kingdom shall be prepared. We shall man our defenses and build up our capabilities.

Denizens of Planet Bob,

The Kingdom of Cochin is here!!!

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