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Ten Thousand troops to investigate


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Ten thousand Dranaggan regulars are being sent to scout the now completely silent Terrestian Empire. No contact has been made with the inhabitants in some time, and the worst is feared.

The Terrestian Empire occupies the Eastern Peninisula North of the Ross Ice shelf, and has been an active community until all communications with their nation abruptly stopped. Their fishing vessels are no long found in the ocean, and their ports appear devoid of activity according to passing trawlers.

The troops being sent in are to recon the silent nation, and to secure for investigation if oddities are found.

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You do not need 10,000 armed soldiers to investigate something like this. This is clearly an act of expansion. There is nothing wrong with expanding your territory, so it is curious that Dranagg would try to conceal their intentions.

A simple plane mission or satellite would have been sufficient for "investigating."

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You do not need 10,000 armed soldiers to investigate something like this. This is clearly an act of expansion. There is nothing wrong with expanding your territory, so it is curious that Dranagg would try to conceal their intentions.

A simple plane mission or satellite would have been sufficient for "investigating."

Considering that all of our planes are large slow cargo planes, and we have no satalites, makes troops our only option.

We are sending troops because it is nearing winter and they are prepared for the cold. Also the fact that unless the population froze to death, at once, there might be a problem that a small survey team might be ill equiped to deal with.

We will only comment once on the fact that the Terrestian Empire occupies a large area that requires a large number of personnel to investigate the entirety of. Should the obvious locations, such as towns and ports, be found empty.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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Why would you need 10,000 troops to investigate some people who may only just not want to talk to you?

Considering the previous, and extremely friendly, relations we had with the Terrestian Empire their vanishment has caused some worry. With the possible threat of invading hostiles and brigands we are required to send troops as a precaution. As to why ten regiments worth are needed it is because they are also transporting a massive ammount of food and winter weather gear should the problem be a natural disaster brought about by the extreme cold of the approaching winter season. Coupled with the potentially vast expanses that might need to be searched the large deployment is thought adequate, and possibly short handed.

Their orders are to first find any traces of the Terrestians. If they find none, then they are ordered to find what happened to them. During the time of that investigation the military shall occupy the area to keep things secure until some kind of answer can be found.

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Considering the previous, and extremely friendly, relations we had with the Terrestian Empire their vanishment has caused some worry. With the possible threat of invading hostiles and brigands we are required to send troops as a precaution. As to why ten regiments worth are needed it is because they are also transporting a massive ammount of food and winter weather gear should the problem be a natural disaster brought about by the extreme cold of the approaching winter season. Coupled with the potentially vast expanses that might need to be searched the large deployment is thought adequate, and possibly short handed.

Their orders are to first find any traces of the Terrestians. If they find none, then they are ordered to find what happened to them. During the time of that investigation the military shall occupy the area to keep things secure until some kind of answer can be found.

So, initial attempts to contact a nation not speaking to you is with an illegal invasion force of 10,000 men? Interesting. One could think a simple, much less foreboding scouting force of say, ~100 men could investigate the capital, with airlift of more troops and supplies on short notice should they be needed.

This is nothing more than an annexation.

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So, initial attempts to contact a nation not speaking to you is with an illegal invasion force of 10,000 men? Interesting. One could think a simple, much less foreboding scouting force of say, ~100 men could investigate the capital, with airlift of more troops and supplies on short notice should they be needed.

This is nothing more than an annexation.

Were this not Antarctica then yes a smaller force would be appropriate. Also if the world was not in an extremely hostile state then perhaps again a smaller force would be sufficient. Even if they had a central city to act as a captial that might be a good reason to only send a few.

As it stands none of this is true.

It is Antarctica, the world is full of very angry hostile people, and there is no captial where all their people stay as in Dranagg.

We are sending enough men to prepare for most any possible event taking place, and with supplies should the worst fears of the climate be found true.

One hundred men cannont bring that amount of equipment with them.

Had we more than these ten thousand regulars to spare from duties we would of sent more to ensure the possible need of large amounts of supplies.

Only in the event that we find the population gone, and the reasons of a non-sinister nature will we eventually annex the lands.

We find it HIGHLY disturbing that several nations are completely uncaring as to the fact an entire population has abruptly gone silent, and are more concerned with a relatively small military force being sent to find out why.

Edited by Tahsir Re
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OOC: Vladboot (leader of the Terrestrian Empire) is my friend IRL. I'll get him on to settle this.

OOC: Yeah, Tasher Re can have my land if he wants, except my joint island with the Marscurian Empire. I'm giving the entire island to Marscury. I never really got into this, but who knows, I may come back in the future.

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OOC: there he is! I put the thread up since I think you used to lurk :P Didnt want to just instantly say "Mine", but might as well strongly push the idea :awesome: Thanks though. If you come back I'll return them if you'd like.

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