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You should join the 26th of April. One reason is that we have alliance government spots open for either foriegn or Internal affairs. Also, if you need a trade circle I can help you find something. Lastly, if the seats fail to reacha consensus then we allow the peole to decide if the law is good or bad. Finally, you should join because we're small and becoming a close knit organization. Read our recruitment thread for more details

Zman1, President of War.

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Join the red guard our forums are located here http://z8.invisionfree.com/The_Red_Guard/index.php?act=idx

1) we have a commuinty of people who are used to fighting together and working hard.

2) expertise in the game and an opprotunity to learn how your nation can grow and be feared on the battle field.

3) a democratically elected govt with lots of input from members.

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The Roman Empire is for you

1) We defend our members. You will not have to fear any attacks or raids against you with our reputation of defense

2) You will get to attack. A LOT. In fact, our emperor just invited me to join him in tech raiding...how cool is that?

3) You will be a member of one of the consistently strong alliances in TE every round andddd

4) You will be a member of the black team more than likely, which means easy trades and trade circles.

Yup. The Roman Empire is for you!


And yes I did do 4. What of it?

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