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Imperial Alliance Factbook


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*This is strictly for OOC reference by any interested party. But it does function as IC, so essentially consider it classified*


Alliance Factbook

Founding Documents

Articles of Sovereignty


Article I: Power


The origin of truth cannot be denied without fallacy to the notion of strength or its modern manifestation of power. For power is itself the power to decide upon the norm. Therefore if power is sufficient its bearer may assert rather than be given authority to reign. As such legitimacy as it is often spoken of is in fact a lie. For legitimacy is not a quality given to a just ruler as an attribution of their justness but rather is an assessment made by the powerful upon those less powerful than themselves. Such an assessment is therefore made not based on a true conception of the good but rather is based on how inconsistent and rather incompatible their ruling ideology is to the other. Let us therefore divorce ourselves of deceptive ideology and the notion of legitimacy and simply assert the following. The moral world once thought absolute is now the matter of subjective understanding and power is the means by which particular notions of truth are thereby advanced within it. As such being a bearer of power and further being aware of how this world truly operates may it hereby be submitted that the state shall act always to promote the common security of the land, to maintain or improve welfare of all subjects, to further the interests of the nation abroad, and above all to serve the best collective interest of the people of the Alliance.

Article I: Power

Section 1: Sovereignty

Clause 1: The state shall be directed and governed by a single leader from which all power shall be distributed and stem. The office of this leader shall be that of the Imperial Regent. Said leader shall be sovereign and in the legal case infallible.

Section 2: Powers of the Regency

Clause 1: The Regent may issue edicts which may restrict or mandate any action or behavior.

Clause 2: The Regent may define the state under him or her in any fashion that is deemed to be fitting.

Clause 5: The Regent may delegate the responsibilities of the state to any individual or group of individuals who may act as proxies to him or her.

Clause 3: The Regent may pass judgment on any subject, legal dispute, or legal case and therefore is the supreme judicial authority.

Clause 4: The Regent may act as commander in chief over the military, and command it in any way seen to be fitting.

Clause 5: The Regent is immune from all law.

Clause 6 The Regent may select and choose a specific successor or may transfer total power to another individual of his or her choosing upon resignation or death.

Section 3: The Rite of Force & Blood

Clause 1: He who is born of strength may rule. If a Regent dies without naming a successor his oldest living descendant may take his place.

Clause 2: He who possesses the strength to rule may do so. If the previous Regent was slain in combat, assassinated, or killed by another he who has slain him may take his place.

Clause 3: If the previous Regent was the last of his line and died of natural causes then he who bears the strength to reign may do so.


Thomas Devereaux: devereauxsignature-1.png

1st Regent of the Alliance

Articles of Order


Article I: The Parliament

Article II: Executive



As per royal decree the following edict is hereby issued.

Article I: The Parliament

Section 2: Division & Representation

Clause 1: The Each province of the nation is to be divided into ten regions. Each shall be further divided into smaller districts each to have about one hundred thousand. Each district shall send forth a single representative to parliament. While representing a small portion of the population, each member of parliament is also response for representing the collective interests and will of all citizens of the Swiss nation. This responsibility to the whole should always be of higher priority than the part which chose them. If a province is too small to be divided in this fashion then one representative will be assigned to every one hundred thousand individuals.

Clause 2: Selection shall be conducted via a fair democratic process. Elections will be held once every six years. The entire parliament shall be up for re-election at that point.

Clause 3: There shall be no limits on terms.

Section 2: Powers & Scope

Clause 1: The Parliament is imbued with the full scope and power of the Regency with exception to violating the will of the Regent.

Clause 2: The Parliament can issue laws which restrict action, and mandate behavior.

Clause 3: The Parliament may pass Judgment on any individual subject to its jurisdiction.

Clause 4: The Parliament may delegate its authority to any individual or group to act as its proxy.

Clause 5: Parliament may expel one of its members.

Clause 6: The Parliament may select an individual among the citizens of the Alliance to lead its body both as its voice to the nation, the world, and the Regent, and the executor of its policies as the head of government. This office shall be referred to as the Magistrate of Parliament. The parliament may also remove this individual.

Clause 7: Parliament may issue a declaration of war.

Section 3 Process & Procedure

Clause 1: All Decisions of parliament of any form require a majority consensus.

Clause 2: Reasonable debate is required prior to any vote, closure of debate is determined by a majority decision.

Clause 3: Individual code of conduct, rules and procedure may be determined by the parliament.

Clause 4: Any member of Parliament, or the Magistrate may bring legislation before the body.

Clause 5: Parliament must convene at least once a month.

Article II: The Executive

Section 1: Description

Clause 1: A duality shall exist between the affairs of state, there shall be those which occur within the nation, and those which occur outside of it. As such there shall be an interior and an exterior ministry each led by a committee of executives each managing a particular branch of the central government.

Clause 2: The leader of this wing to which both committees are answerable shall be the office of Magistrate, the appointed executor of Parliament’s will.

Section 2: Powers of the Magistrate

Clause 1: The Magistrate may choose not to execute the will of parliament if he or she feels it violates the best interest of the people. This may be in the form of wholesale disregard for a particular policy, or particular aspects of policies.

Clause 2: The Magistrate may staff the executive branch to his or her pleasing. Members of the Executive Committees serve at the Magistrate’s Pleasure.

Clause 3: The Magistrate may act as the Commander in Chief of the military.

Clause 4: The Magistrate may lead parliament in its proceedings.

Clause 5: The Magistrate may act as the voice of parliament to the nation, world, and Regent.

Clause 6: The Magistrate may make administrative law as sub law required to execute a mandate or law of parliament.

Clause 7: The Magistrate may issue executive orders in the absence of parliment.

Clause 8: The Magistrate may call a special secession of parliament.


Thomas Devereaux: devereauxsignature-1.png

1st Regent of the Alliance

Governing Ideology

Theory & Practice of Neutral Pragmatism

On Truth:

Truth is a lie… these were the first four words written by my ancestor all those years ago. Simply put moral truth is a construction asserted by a given order and founded upon incomplete or circular logical foundations. Often times a society molds logic to support the logical ends the society wishes to be asserted; or in other cases merely raising a child within the moral environment itself. This generally causes them to develop an intuition which supports the “proper” logical conclusions. If you have ever heard someone refer to the concept of “common sense” this is such a system at work. To demonstrate this let us ask the question of why it is wrong to take another person’s life. When asking a normal person they may give a number of responses, some will say that it is a “sin” and that god wouldn’t approve, another might speak of rights and say that no person has the right to take the life of another, and others might speak of hypocrisy and simply say that because you wouldn’t want to die you shouldn’t take the life of others. However if we force each of these claims to answer the simple question of “Why?” if not once then in succession we will soon see that none of them have an answer. If you ask those referencing the desire of a god, why it is important that we fulfill this desire, they will ultimately simply say “because it is god” (or perhaps to prove my point even more they will say that they fear its judgment), in the same way if you ask the second they will ultimately respond with “because it is there right”, and of course if you ask the third why it matters if you are hypocritical, they will say “it just does”. In reality each of these statements are nothing more than simple excuses; their real purpose is to cover up the ultimate reality. Which is that truth is little more than a façade which conceals behind it a system which manages and implements force. This may be the police enforcing the law, or a society condemning those who do not act as expected, but either way the means of enforcement is always what makes or breaks the social norm. Therefore the governing ideology of Neutral Pragmatism utilizes an ages old idea that “might is right”, that if you have the force to maintain sovereignty then you may from that position of sovereignty dictate whatever concept of form you wish to be implemented.

However, this is not a concept limited to our society and to those who utilize this ideology. Our use of it is in fact just a realization of this reality. For every society utilizes this. Those who speak of inviolable rights are in fact just citing another source of the rights there state distributes to its people. Those who give there people the right to vote are not truly doing so because there is some mystical reason to do so but because those in power see it fitting to do so. Simply put any exercise of power, any assertion of morality, any construct of justice, or any act against, or in support of either by anyone for any reason is an exercise in this reality and is therefore no more legitimate, no more good, no more bad, or no more evil than any other. These categories are entirely subjective and whether one interpretation prevails or fails is reflective of the power behind it, not whether or not it is true.

On Politics & Peace:

The nature of the political is that of struggle. It is only in this environment of struggle that the political can therefore exist. By struggle I am referring to the clash of two concepts of form, or rather two conceptions of the ideal, and the many different roads to achieving such an ideal. All conflict in this world, be it open debate, and oratory designed to win the hearts and minds of others, forms of negotiation and diplomacy, or out right war are merely manifestations of the same conceptual battle being waged within the political. As truth is an assertion of force it is in this way through struggle that one conception of truth emerges; in this regard the political is always a competition of strength and the victorious party within it is always the strongest. If a weaker party is to prevail it is never because they were weak but in fact because they possessed a hidden strength.

Of course it is not always clear cut; many parties may struggle against one another, some will invariably merge, and ally themselves against others while some will dissolve altogether and form new groups based on their interactions with other parties. At times no party may prevail so surely as to totally eradicate all competition but may only temporarily gain dominance only to be plunged into the decline by their sea of rivals. This same reality applies not only to what is traditionally thought of as politics, but also on the international level. Where rather than individuals and groups rivaling for dominance there are nations and corporations. And rather than oratory and revolution there is merely diplomacy and war both two sides of the same coin that we call politics. In this way the world stage is inherently socially darwinistic, as only the strong be it in their ability to garner respect or their ability to propagate fear are the ones capable of surviving and asserting their own standard of truth upon the world.

On the matter of peace as a cause. There are two distinctly different notions of peace the first is the peace that comes when the political ceases to exist. This occurs when one party has vanquished all competition and is left to assert its will over all. Intermediary periods in between war could not accurately be called times of peace as they are simply periods of struggle within the political realm where war remains a possibility and there is still the near certainty that war will eventually come. The second is the notion of peace as a cause. This form of peace is itself a lie; as it betrays its own nature. The cause of peace is not really pursuing peace for it is making peace the subject of struggle. By participating within the political the promoters of peace have missed the point, and have decided to make peace a concept of form to be imposed upon the world. However in doing so they must simultaneously challenge all other conceptions of form as in order to truly achieve peace one conception (In the case of peace as a cause it must eliminate those who would utilize war or are capable of doing so) must vanquish all others. For peace is not in it of itself a conception of truth but rather it is as I said the absence of struggle. As peace must challenge the right of all others to struggle for their own cause it therefore must by its nature subjugate all others. While some groups may do so voluntarily many would never agree to remove their ability to ever struggle for what they advocate, as such the promoters of peace must hypocritically utilize the most direct form of political struggle, war. In this way those who promote peace as a cause must in doing so initiate the single greatest war in human history, that being a war against all those who would ever utilize war for any reason. Moreover it must thereafter maintain total and absolute dominance over the whole of the international arena; this is the only way war can truly be ended. In this regard war must be accepted for as long as there is struggle there will always be times that mere words are not enough and direct confrontation is required to either support words and agreements, or to repel the forces of aggressors.

On History:

History is truth… Like any other intangible conception history is neither factual nor scientific but rather a creation. It is complied out of the bits and pieces which are thought to have survived the test of time. This invariably comes together to form a narrative of a societies collective history. But let us think… did these bits and pieces survive the test of time as a rock long weathered by the desert wind might. A specimen with pieces missing, but in a state where that which remains is as true as they was many centuries ago. Or is the reality the matter more akin to that of the valley or mountain; has time itself comes to alter the reality of history? None the less as there is no true external verification of the past we are left with a grim reality that what we study as history may be in fact more fabricated than true. That the struggle to maintain the factual integrety of history may in fact just be a form of self deception, an attempt to do nothing more than convince ourselves, the historians, that what we assert is real. That in truth different compilations of the same “facts” real, or invented consciously or unconsciously are no more correct or true than any other. As such history simply becomes yet another construction to be designed and asserted by means of coercion. Though let us get to the subject at hand… Neutral pragmatism has been the public governing ideology of the Alliance for sometime however few truly know of its roots. It is falsely assumed that the Alliance’s previous Emperor, Othran was its creator and architect however the ideology as a consolidated concept in fact draws its origins for the Ancient Regime of historical Switzerland. Its true architects in fact were members of my own line. This simple ideology has filtered its way through society and has in fact perforated much of society through out the world. While it is not entirely obvious one need only look to any major business, or managerial entity, you will find this ideology at its core for it is the epitome of Consequentialist reasoning. In 1657 A man by the name of Alisdair Venbern met in Zurich with a small sect of individuals, his disciples. They were a small intellectualist entity which published small pamphlets on political issues of the day. They drew from a number of political and social groups and were more or less apolitical managers. When I say this I am simply referring to members that are archetypes in any organization, accountants, bankers, administrators, scholars and so forth. As the nation around them was more or less in a state of disarray (as it had just gained independence from the Holy Roman Empire) there was no that that could or would stop them from publishing there free opinions. These individuals came to essentially be a heretics as they were all more or less atheist in there religious standings and came to abandon the moral orders of religion for the moral epistemology of force. In 1657 at the meeting in Zurich a vote took place. The group had already become fairly contemptuous of the rest of the nation as no solid political organization had yet arisen from the disarray of the rapid independence only a few years earlier. The vote was whether or not to take the group to the next level , militant. Inevitably the vote was strongly in favor, and within a period of two years the group of influential individuals had amassed a strong military faction and placed Mr. Venbern at their head. As it turns out Venbern was simply his pen name, in actuality his name was Alasdair Devereaux. He and his forces grew rapidly over the following years, and eventually took control of the province establishing a noble caste system, and proliferating the discovered ideology. This continued until finally being absorbed by the armies of Bonaparte.

On Freewill:

Freewill is an illusion, it is constructed by an apparent cognitive process that is exhibited within every individual; this is the observable phenomenon known as choice. However what the world falsely believes is that the responsibility for the actions of an individual end with the immediate choice to commit those actions when in fact the responsibility for an action runs well beyond this immediate cognition. In reality decisions made my individuals are the result of a patchwork of factors. The most fundamental of these is the chemical factors, and biological wiring of our person’s which our genetic make up is responsible for. This component as it is a fundamental component of our make up greatly influences the way we interpret external stimuli, and pass judgment on this level alone a great component of action is therefore involuntary. Another factor responsible comes in the form of natural conditioning. At birth a human being has no pre-conditions other than those instilled by our biology, but as those are set up more as a framework for receiving information rather than actual “knowledge” the constructs such as hatred, love, race, religion, happiness, and so on are entirely learned, instilled within us from the moment of birth to the moment of death. Our understanding of the world is constantly molded and shaped based on the external stimuli and general experience we gain in day to day life. This interaction as well as communication with others builds and develops the very “rationality” that our higher brain functions operate under. This is the reason feral children are anything but human, because they lack the development responsible for rationality that only comes through interactions with other sentient beings. Ultimately this natural conditioning inherently to our community and experience of the world is what builds the very foundations for decision making and rational thought. In this regard every single decision made is the product of the social environment one was raised within as that psychological construct that we use to make choices was constructed via the external world. This alone renders personal responsibility for actions false. But a third level of this comes from the fact that the content which our system of rationality and cognition fills is the product of what we see around us. Meaning the value system one comes to understand and operate under is the product of one’s environment. Beyond this the idea of freewill is impossible to even understand, there is no deduced definition of it and it is impossible to define it; therefore we must simply realize that if we are not governed by some defined process, then the only alternative is randomness. Therefore when taking into account all three of these factors as well as the impossibility of freewill on a logical basis the only conclusion one can come to is that freewill is in fact false and the reality is that we are purely deterministic.

On Value:

At the core of any ethical conception there is the question of what that system values. Needless to say I don’t think it can be logically disputed that life is the highest and most important thing one could value as all other actions, policies, or considerations can only occur with the prerequisite of life fulfilled. That being said there is a two tier hierarchy associated with this. First there is the life of the agent making the decision, this is the most critical and important life and is set above any other life. The reason being is that it is uncertain as to whether or not life beyond life is even present, and more over it is even uncertain as to whether the present world exists once the observer has died. As such preserving the life of the agent is of the greatest importance. Beyond that preserving the lives of others is the mission of that decision maker, the goal being to maximize the lives one is responsible for after a decision has been made. Beyond life is a more controversial assertion and that is that the only tangible other thing of value beyond life is the material wellbeing of the collective society. All other assertions of value linking to religions, human rights, property rights, ideologies, and so forth are irrelevant, as the fulfillment of any of these concepts has no direct link to either the lives of human beings, or the quality of those lives. In fact many of them come at a detriment to those very things. Religions often call for self sacrifice, humility, and even martyrdom all of which fly in the face of the lives of people and the quality of those lives. Human rights can at times get in the way of proper decisions, and property rights can result in massive divides between wealthy elites and the underclass.

On a second level it is important to note that this system weighs long term benefits over short term losses, and vise versa. In summery the goal of the state which operates under Neutral Pragmatism is to protect as many lives a possible, and then to maximize the quality of those lives in the long term.

On Justice:

Justice is a system of ethics governing human interaction, it is distinct from a system of morality as morality is a system of ethics which governs the individual actions of a person. Morality can only exist as a part of justice, a tool of either an intelligent agent’s management of justice, or an unconscious system which exists by the nature of the society. Justice therefore only applies to the sovereign, be it a collective of people, or a single individual as this entity is the only one capable of managing society as it is the only one not subject to morality, or in the case of the Alliance, law.

Now let us dispel from our minds the idea that the means of a decision have any ethical significance unto themselves. For they do not. It is irrational to pass judgment on a brick which fell from a roof and struck a pedestrian on the head. It is irrational judge a bullet which killed a person by piercing there heart. Judgment can only ever be passed upon a person based upon the fact that they killed a person. Even when we judge a person more harshly for an especially heinous murder we are not judging them for how they killed the person, we are judging them for the additional suffering they subjected their victim to. Therefore a system which judges the means of an action is not really judging the means of the action but rather is holistically considering the ends that means produces. It is therefore a reality that all things can be simply weighed within a consequentialist framework. In the case of the Neutral Pragmatic system all things are valued based upon what effect they have on the lives of people, and then based upon how they may affect the material quality of the collective. Decisions are therefore made and judged just and unjust based upon whether the action would have a detrimental, or beneficial effect on these two core values within the appropriate hierarchy of value.

On Morality:

On the question of morality, while justice is itself consequentialist morality within the Alliance is conversely deontological (or concerned with the actions of the individual rather than their goals) as morality is formed by the law of the state. The General Administrator in his wisdom functioning as the chief manager of society constructs a system of laws designed to create internal harmony and therefore to maximize those core values of the neutral pragmatic system. The point being individuals functioning independently under the system of justice would produce a chaos of all people attempting to simultaneously weigh individual actions against their own survival and material quality as well as everyone else’s. As individuals do not possess a way to process all the needed data the result would be many different interpretations of what is just and unjust and therefore an ineffectual system. As such it must be left to one entity which can then synchronize the society to its interpretation. In this way the collective is essentially bent to the will of this overall system of justice through the mandates and restrictions of the law. In that way morality is a tool of the system to execute justice. This is fundamentally a negatively defined system as actions not specifically addressed are not considered immoral but are added to the permissible category of action.

Of course as freewill is itself an illusion when addressing the matter of punishment and judgment the system must be tailored to this reality. As no one can be held personally responsible for what they do the idea of the state existing to retaliate (or to get retribution for the crime against the victim) for actions committed is obsolete and is merely treating the symptoms of the problem rather than addressing the cause. Dealing with crime therefore comes in two prongs. First is to eliminate the cause of crime by treating the environment the criminal developed within, this will curtail future crime. This is achieved by first studying the criminal’s pathology, and then studying the environment they cultivated within. Causes are identified and eliminated. The second prong is to deal with the criminal himself; after being studied an assessment is made. If it is thought that the subject could be re-educated, or rehabilitated though either imprisonment, psychological therapy or some other process then that option is taken; if the criminal is deemed to be a long term threat to the safety of society then removal from the society is warranted either by life imprisonment or execution. In short the purpose of punishment within the society managed by a neutral pragmatic system is not to get revenge for a victim but rather to protect society from the criminal either by changing them or removing them. In this way criminality is treated much as a disease might. You wouldn’t punish a sick person for being sick however they still pose a threat to society and must therefore either be treated or quarantined to eliminate the threat they pose. Criminal activity is no different.


After the nuclear war involving the Ferrous Pacific Bloc and the fall of Wighton and the Imperium, remnants of the governmental bureaucracies and leadership structures remained in correspondence. The private corperation solex which had been the Devereaux family’s legacy fell under the control of the Othran family through Stephen Othran one of the lesser known partners on Solex’s Board of Directors. When the former Imperium fell under the protectorship of the PAC; the former bureaucracy fled to the Kreugland Islands and met up with their acquaintances there. Forming a political party they agreed to make Othran their leader as he now had vast external revenue flows as well as the already establish military force of the Solex Office of Security. (note Othran is in no way linked to the Imperium or wighton) The party now an official entity calling themselves the National Governing Party; being mostly the educated experienced bureaucratic elite quickly became heavily influential within the local government. Using this influence they party brought in Othran and appointed him leader together with the support of the bureaucrats and his own military forces the local leadership became irrelevant and was pressured to dissolve.

Political & Socio-Economic System

The Alliance is principally controlled by the monarchy both on the technical level that the Regency retains sovereignty over the nation, and on the practical level in that the democratic political scene of the parliament is dominated by the royally controlled, or "nationalist" party, the Central Governing Party. The CGP legally the only party, officially practices and promotes "Neutral Pragmatism", and promotes the use of the democratic process as a way of creating a meritocracy which aims at high qualification and performance rather than an environment of competing ideas. While elections are open, and there are a few non-CGP members of Parliament, but there is no significant alternative coalition or force to challenge CGP control. The CGP parliamentary coalition is itself is highly regimented and unified. Policies are debated internally, however the ultimate result of internal consensus is an external unified vote in favor. As a result of the CGP's dominance the Magistrate is always a CGP member. The Imperial Regent generally speaking stays out of the affairs of Parliament, and during times of peace leaves them to their affairs of state however he or she retains control of the party as its General Secretary. Due to this significant near total power over the CGP the Imperial Regent can subtly if necessary control the parliament to this end the Imperial Family, and its confidants have a demeaning view of the parliament as little more than a puppet theater for the public's benefit.

On the democratic scene education is universal. From the age of four, to fifteen a standard education which teaches a broad and general education hosts the nation's youth. From there a series of aptitude, and content based exams occur those which are in the top 20% of examees and those who are tracted into higher education and upper tier careers. The remaining 80% are tracted into trade schools, and pre-industrial worker programs. Both are instilled with a sort of collectivist mentality to which intelligent management and neutral pragmatism are the answer. The top 20% are then assigned within the bureaucracy; this whole process brings in a steady flow of new bureaucrats, and mandatory retirement regulations exist to keep about the same amount moving out. Within the bureaucracy people may move up based on their competence, and the most effective bureaucrats go on to be members of the committees running the ministries. The top echelons of examees and bureaucrats also becoming leaders within the CGP. The social system is further defined by the fact that there is a strict two child policy as well as a strict quota of men to women maintaining a stable population. With the help of universal access to birth control and other contraceptive technologies natural birth is a very rare incident, generally genetic engineering and subsequent artificial gestation are utilized to create the optimal population. Moreover to encourage coherence all major cities are rigged with generators that emit special EM fields, these EM fields are ubiquitous in the cities and are designed to entrain brain waves into patterns which suppress individual superiority and encourage collective superiority as well as obedience to the dominant norm. Similar practices exist in other forms of media in the form of subliminal messaging binaural conditioning and so on. This results in the absence of nearly all crime, and little to no political opposition from any group or individual. (Note: This is not a zombie like populous they seem very much like any normal society the only difference is their preferences and priority are altered to favor a particular set of decisions and collective logic rather than open to their own decision making and deduction.) High level government, members of the Scientific Core, and party member's are injected with an enzyme which resists the fields and are further aware of their existence allowing them to think objectively without influence.

The economic system is entirely centrally planned, the bureaucracy controls all means of production and labor, monetary policy is adjusted along with pricing and salary/wages to make things efficiently affordable for workers and bureaucrats alike. Foreign goods are generally unheard of with the exception of the top echelons of the bureaucrats and living conditions are satisfactory but generally austere. Almost all economic wealth is generated by exporting goods to foreign consumer markets; wealth is generally invested into public works; the military, or the expansion of the manufacturing industry. Most industry is focused on commodities rather than consumer items. Private property is somewhat of a blurred concept. There is no real way to know where the purview of the state and the individual begins or ends.

The internal economy of the Alliance is some what complex. The inherent lack of surface natural resources in the Kerguelens makes it impossible to really function as a primary economy. Therefore the province has been heavily industrialized to really turn itself into the centralized industrial heartland of the nation. The other provinces by contrast function with some industrialization but mainly as primary economies producing and creating access to raw resources. These are shipped back to the manufacturing centers of province I, and transformed into finished goods. These are in turn marketed both to the large domestic market created by the other provinces, and the large consumer markets around the world. This allows the Alliance to essentially function as both a closed and open economy depending on international politics and trade opportunities.

The Othran Doctrine

1)All things are relative to the subject, normative concepts are the product of dominance either through coercive force or social acceptance both are a manifestation of strength. Thus wars of liberation are culturally imperialist conceptions which seek to impose a personal morality upon a foreign people. The Imperial Alliance therefore rejects such actions and will not take part in them as it has no desire to see its own worldview spread.

2) Survival is a nation's basic motivation as it is a prerequisite to further policy. Agressive imperialistic policies provoke the action of foreign entities; The Imperial Alliance therefore shall only use war as a means of defense against entities it deems as threats to its own security or those of its allies as a threat to an ally is a prelude to destruction at home.

3) The Imperial Alliance announces a no nuclear first strike policy recognizing that the escalation resulting from their initial use use would only result in harm to ourselves and those we value as friends.

4) The Imperial Alliance announces a freedom of navigation policy in regards to neutral parties during times of peace as we wish to be treated with the same respect. Our only exception comes in regards to the policies regarding our territorial waters and SEZ.

The Devereaux Corollary

1) Survival is a nation's basic motivation as it is a prerequisite to further policy. Aggressive imperialistic policies provoke the action of foreign entities; the Alliance therefore shall only use war as a means of defense against entities it deems as threats to its own security or those of its allies, as a threat to an ally is a prelude to destruction at home.

2) As all things are relative to the subject we shall not engage in wars of liberation as their world view is distinct from our own, moreover we shall not pass judgment on the internal actions of any sovereign nation as we will not accept judgment of ourselves.

3) As the world is now globalized, and geo-graphical boundaries, cultural, ethnic and racial boundaries have been made unimportant as man has progressed we shall not consider colonialism an offensive act in so far as the governments meet the needs of the people they rule.

4) Strategic Weapons, defined as chemical, biological, or radiological weapons shall never be used as a first strike Option. They shall only be used once an opponent has chosen to escalate the war to justify their use.

5) Civilians will never be considered targets in a war and an effort shall be taken to avoid civilian losses. Civilian losses are however acceptable if said losses occur in the targeting of a military target or an installation directly perpetuating the war effort.

6) As we would expect to be treated no differently surrender terms in a war shall not be used as a means of crippling, or destroying the nation beyond what the war itself caused. As such if we are victorious in a war we shall not demand the dissolution of those we have conquered. Nor shall we keep land gained during the conflict unless for a specific military or strategic purpose.

7) Reparations for offensive wars shall not be demanded, nor shall we pay reparations for offensive wars against ourselves.

8) The Alliance considers grudges to be counterproductive, self destructive, and politically un-realistic; thus conclusion of war regardless of victory or defeat shall absolve any past transgressions the other party may be guilty of. However should the other party refuse to relinquish its mal feelings toward ourselves we will have no choice but to consider them a threat.

9) The Alliance makes its agreements in good faith and shall always make an attempt to abide by them; should two agreements conflict then it will honor both by putting neither at a disadvantage. We will however reserve the right to withdraw support for any war we feel is unjust.

10) The Alliance will make its own choices, and shall not alter its foreign or internal policy at the demands or wishes of others.

The Following Overrides both the Othran Doctrine, and the Devereaux Corollary. It has since been revoked, the Devereaux Corollary governing foreign policy.

We issue a three pronged policy.

First, the Alliance is henceforth closed to all non alliance citizens/subjects. We will embark on a path of isolation and internal development. As always the Greater Alliance will continue to be off limits to any foreign interaction, however this will be furthered to include all of the alliance. Limited entry points namely SAZ I (Madeira Islands), Mc Donald’s Island, Norfolk, and limited Exception zones in Provinces II, and III will be open to trade, and commerce. Mc Donald’s Island will remain open for Diplomatic Envoys. Other than that all entry into the Alliance shall cease, those here on temporary visa’s shall be ejected to their homelands.

Second, The Alliance is embarking on a policy of Non-Intervention. We have grown sick of the laughable self-righteousness of some who lead moral crusades to retake the earth from injustice. Their true intentions and underlying ambitions do not escape us. We wish to have no part of it nor do we wish to be an instrument of such personal conquests. As such as long as this doctrine continues to exist, we will not intervene in any international matter for any reason. We don’t care what other nations do, we do not wish to know what other nations do, nor do we wish for other nations to do anything. We will only act to defend ourselves if needed.

Third the Alliance is issuing a declaration of neutrality. We will no longer take sides in the conflicts of the world. Nor will we participate in any organization which seeks to promote conflict or which may draw us into conflict as a product of our membership. We will continue to interact on the economic and business levels but on the matter of military affairs and politics we wash our hands of the world.

Henceforth until further notice, the defensive clauses, and aggression clauses in the following treaties are to be considered suspended. These may be-reactivated at a future time.

Alliance & GNR (MDP Bloc)

Alliance & TADP (MDP Bloc)

Alliance & CSSR (Perma MADP)

Alliance & Ardoria (MDoAP)

Thomas Devereaux: devereauxsignature-1.png

1st Regent of the Alliance

Policies regarding entry into and from the Alliance are laid out below.

Policy regarding territory.

Province I (Kerguelen Islands) will will be closing its boarders to all outsiders for an indefinite period of time. Immediately around the islands for approximately 20 KM territorial waters shall be established. No foreign ship, plane, submersible regardless of affiliation may enter this zone. Othran's Island (former Mc'Donald's Island) to the south shall be our new foreign port of entry for all commerce, trade, foreign embassies ect. Any unauthorized ship entering these waters will be hailed and given a warning before military intervention occurs. Immediately beyond this covering the entire Kerguelen Plateau, and stretching 200 KM beyond it a special zone shall be established. Foreign commerce vessels, diplomatic envoys, and allies military vessels may enter this zone at will but must submit a navigation plan upon doing so. No Foreign entity may operate within this zone be it for the harvesting of resources, fishing, or any other economically exploitative purpose.

This policy does not effect the other provinces of the Alliance, all other civilian ports, and free waters are open for foreign use and trade.

Entrance into the Alliance will further be significantly reduce. No foreigner may step foot on the Kerguelen Islands. Othran's Island is open to any with economic, or political business with the Alliance. Our remaining provinces will be open to high level political leaders, or representatives of said leaders, and to others to go through a permission process and have been properly credentialed/ undergone a thorough background check.

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Solex Energy Corp
Board of Partners

Senior Partner: Stephen Othran (Othran Trust)

Full Partner: Vladimir Kaine (Kaine Trust)

Full Partner: Allison Alexander (Alexander Trust)

Full Partner: James Patterson (Patterson Trust)

Full Partner: Jeffrey Avers (Avers Trust)

General History: Solex is a massive Multinational Energy Conglomerate it was founded by an individual named Spetimus Devereaux the Great Grandfather of Michael Devereaux. Its first energy project was the construction of a Solar Power Sattilite (SPS) above the old Imperium, soon after it began to receive many international contracts and built a series of arrays. They further were given an exclusive contract on all domestic oil production in the Imperium, the wealth produced from this generated billions for the company. This lasted up until the Directorship of Michael. What should be noted is that Solex was a way for the "noble" houses of the Imperium, and their associated trusts to profit and thus perpetuate their own power. Solex was exclusively controlled by the Devereaux family though its board of partners which was essentially all members of the Oligarchy which reigned over the Old Imperium profited tremendously.

When the Old Imperium fell these families essentially became a group without a nation and moved into the Western Sahara a region technically under the control of Whigton. Making a deal with the nation they were able to establish control in the region and re-create the Imperium. Michael was appointed Imperial Regent, and the reign lasted nearly ten years. This finally came to an end with the Ferrous Pacific war. After the nation was devastated, and the many SPS's rendered unrepairable by the EMP detonations, and many nuclear explosions Solex nearly went bankrupt, and ultimately lost its leader when Michael was forced to flee into Naboo.

The group while they had their own private fortunes were worried about the massive liabilities associated with the company which were now resting upon them. They were approached by Stephen Othran, the heirless son of an extremely wealthy family. He proposed a solution. As the Devereaux trust held controlling interest the whole of their fortune would go to pay off the massive debts accrued by Solex, his own fortune would absorb the rest. In exchange Othran would be given controlling interest of Solex. In the wake of destruction the group and the bureaucracy which served them moved to the now lawless island that Whigton once occupied. Pooling their fortunes they rebuilt the demolished state and restaffed it establishing a new order in its place. Over a period of ten years they transformed it into the nation that it was when it finally declared its existence. To rebuild Solex Othran proposed the creation of an array for the new Nation which would eventually be paid for using the fiat currency that would be created by the nation. From there each time the nation gained a new territory it would add another array funneling more money into the corporation. In this regard Solex became the Domestic energy supplier of the Alliance and literally the only private corporation that was allowed to exist. It is now headquartered out of the Alliance's province one (Kerguelen Islands), maintains four arrays, and holds a monopoly on domestic fossil fuels and energy production. Revenue has since returned to positive flow. Outside of the Alliance it presently maintains no arrays, but works with many other nations and companies to develop energy production.


Solex Energy Corp

Total Gross Revenue: (IC) 512.275 Billion

Net Income: (IC) 51.34 Billion

Employees: ~80,000

Solex Office of Security

The SoS is the private paramilitary organization charged with protecting assets belonging to the corporation, as well as important executives. There are approximately one hundred thousand military operatives employed within this force. The group has a single nuclear powered aircraft carrier along with a few escort ships. It is literally a small army.

The Royal Swiss Bank


Board of Directors

Royal Governor: Thomas Devereaux

Chief Executive Officer: Charles Price

Head of Banking & Account Management: Stewart Hammon

Head of Loans, Investment & Investment Banking: James Callaway

Head of Accounting: Alexis Gold

Head of Currency Exchange: Viera Salone

Head of Swiss Franc exchange: Johnathan Reed

Head of Bank Security: Sam Patterson

General Information:

The Royal Swiss Bank is an internationally operating entity which seeks to provide a wide variety of secure banking services to all ranges of clientèle. It is headquartered out of Zurich Switzerland and is one of the few organizations allowed to retain its autonomy with in the Alliance. Its Royal Charter issued by the Regent one of his last official acts grants them this status and places the Office of Regent as the Royal Governor over the company itself. The company itself further issues its own private currency, the swiss franc, as a form of economic hedge. The Franc itself is backed by gold. A list of services and general policy below.

Standard Services

Personal and Cooperate Accounts

Intrabank wire transaction

Interbank wire transaction

Accounting services & investment management

Safety Deposit Box

Currency Exchange

Issuing of Unregistered Bearer Bonds

Credit lines to qualified individuals or entities

*All of which is by law kept utterly confidential between the bank and the individual.

Advanced Services

Anonymous Numbered Accounts

Intrabank Transaction between Numbered Accounts

Interbank Transaction between Numbered Accounts

Anonymous Numbered Safety Deposit Box Accounts

*Both of which bear no link to the account holder and are secured via identification number, and secure pin.

Special Service

We will also be issuing a private currency to act as a hedge in the unstable speculation markets, the Swiss Franc. It shall be pegged to a gold Standard. Every Franc will be guaranteed to have a reciprocal amount of gold appropriate to its value. Gold can either be exchanged for Franc's, vise versa, or fiat currency for francs assuming it is worthwhile.

Privacy Policy

According to the bank's charter, by law the bank may not share any information regarding clients, transactions, or accounts with any foreign or domestic authority for any reason. The bank may reserve the right to refuse a client service or otherwise not do business with an entity for any reason as it is a business and no one is guaranteed service.

Swiss Franc

Symbol: F$

Initials: RSB

Present Exchange Rate: 20 Franc's per Gram of Gold. [ooc]1franc = 1.5 USD[/ooc]

RSB Gold Reserve: 10450 Metric Tons

Total Available Swiss Francs: F$209,000,000,000

Denomination: .05 .1 .25 1 10 100 500 1,000 10,000 100,000

*Higher Denominations are more common than lower denominations as the currency is used as a hedge rather than a real circulating currency.


Total Employees: ~200,000

Total Revenue: 571.12 Billion

Net Income: 50 Billion

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Territories & Land Holdings

The Alliance

Imperial Regent of the Alliance: Thomas Devereaux

General Secretary of the Central Governing Party: Thomas Devereaux

Magistrate of Parliament: Mathew Kaine

Ministry of the Exterior: Executive Committee

Michael Gates: Executive of Foreign Affairs

Vladimir Kaine: Executive of Military Affairs

Allison Alexander: Executive of International Commerce

Andrew Simons: Executive of Intelligence

Ministry of the Interior: Executive Committee

James Patterson: Executive of Internal Security

Lauren Evans: Executive of Public Works

Allan Clancy: Executive of Industry

Thomas Ambrose: Executive of Research & Development


According to Alliance Census records the population of the Alliance is 67 Million.

Official Language: Züritüütsch

Official Currency: Alliance Credit (Issued by The Alliance Central Bank)

*Alliance Credits are fully electronic, transaction occurs via account to account wiring. There is no circulated currency.

GDP is Estimated at 2.7 Trillion

There is no actual tax rate as there is no private sector or income to tax, however roughly 65% of what an individual would earn under a capitalistic system is returned to them through the imperial credit system and state issued items and housing, making the practical tax rate 45%. The rest is divided among the different sections of the bureaucracy appropriated by the individual boards running both the Internal and External Ministries. Right now roughly 80-90% is dedicated to the internal ministry and 10-20% dedicated to the external ministry. The external ministry is primarily the direct cost of military upkeep, intelligence operations, and diplomacy as well as the bureaucracies that manage foreign trade, and the whole of the external ministry. The Internal Ministry handles everything else. So overall while "taxes" are quite high the cost of living is significantly lower than most nations and public works makes up for concerns of housing, transportation, basic food needs, and so forth and leaves the rest of an individuals credit open for individual savings, and miscellaneous use. Banking is centrally controlled and currency is issued to the state at a low interest rate. To control runaway debt and unpayable interest the currency is re-denominated when needed.


25 Nuclear Weapons


10 M-35 Titan Missiles (Compound Orange)

Province I of the Homeland (The Greater Alliance(Switzerland))

Provincial Governor: Mathew Kaine (Directly Controlled by the Magistrate of Parliament)

Troop Presence: 410,000 Soldiers 4100 Mechanized Units

In accordance with annexation negotiations Switzerland became the capital province, and center of the Alliance. Its present state is the product of a well planned and organized reconstruction of the nation. Roads were reorganized into hexlev, and maglev systems for intra, and inter city traffic. All cities were either domed or bulldozed entirely, and a series of large scale automated industrial facilities were created making Switzerland the second industrial heartland of the Alliance. Zurich was rebuilt entirely to be the capital city of the Alliance, and the cultural icon of the nation. In the governmental district there is a large parade ground in front of which stands the Imperial Palace the home, and primary offices of the Regent. Across from that is the Executive Estate of the Magistrate of Parliament, and between the two is the House of Parliament itself. The nation is also the educational center of the nation, in Geneva the Grand Academy of Sciences, as well as the great library stand as centers of innovation and free thought. There is a large service industry in addition to the secondary economy fueling a large domestic market for domestically produced goods.

Province II of the Homeland (Nova Swiss (Romania))

Provincial Governor: Travis Holms

Troop Presence: 25,000 Soldiers 250 Mechanized Units

Province II was the first territory outside of the Greater Alliance that was Acquired it is therefore the most "transitioned" territory the alliance possesses. It was and still is under the control of Mathew Kaine the son of Vladimir Kaine, the nation's head of military affairs. The city construction in this province mostly reflects the building style of the Imperium which was essentially to dome cities. Like the Kerguelens there are no private vehicles and each city has an internal maglev public transportation system. Between cities there is an extensive hexlev network that can transport people and goods rapidly around the province. Unlike province I & III, province II primarily focuses on the primary industries and works to mine, and harvest the raw-resources of the territory. There is a large service industry as well as a large consumer population so the province makes a good domestic market for finished goods produced in the Greater Alliance.

Province III of the Homeland, (Kerguelen Islands)

Provincial Governor: Mark Samson

Troop Presence: 25,000 Soldiers 250 Mechanized Units

Province III is Composed of two distinct landmasses. The first being the Kerguelen Islands, and the Second being Mc Donalds Islands. The Kergulens are host to 3 subterranean cities and make up the industrial heartland of the Alliance. Connected via a sub-hydro hexlev are Mc Donald's Islands which is one of the diplomatic, and international business centers of the Alliance. It is also a major open port of entry into the alliance. It is host to a single subterranean city. Beneath the islands is an extensive sub-continent rich in a diverse portfolio of mineral resources. The Alliance has begun a series of seafloor mining projects which seek to exploit these resources. This activity helps the Alliance supplement a large portion of its primary resource imports. Internally all manual labor is handled by Suboids, and all manuefacting is handled by fully automated factories. There is a small population of service industry workers to serve the needs of the large population of management and executives that run the industries.

City Name: Centre

Type: Subterranean, largely secondary economic sector 5 industrial parks.

Major Industries: Metallurgy, Metal Working, Composites & Plastics, Chemicals (Civilian & Military), goods manufacturing (general).

Population: 4.4 Million

Upper Tier: 4 Million

Lower Tier: 300,000

City Name: Imperial Authority I (IA-I)

Type: Subterranean, Secondary Economic Sector/Tertiary Economic Sector 5 Industrial Parks

Major Industries: Bio-technology; Scientific Corps; Genetic Manipulation; Health Care; Pharmaceuticals Pod Farming.

Population: 4.4 Million

Upper Tier: 4 Million

Lower Tier: 300,000

City Name: Imperial Authority II (IA-II)

Type: Subterranean, Secondary Economic Sector, 5 Industrial Parks.

Major Industries: Electronics/High Tech, Oil & Synthetic Fuels Refinement, Small & Heavy Arms Manufacturing, Sub-continental Mining; Raw materials refinement; Electrical Production (SPS/Geo-thermal).

Population: 4.4 Million

Upper Tier: 4 Million

Lower Tier: 300,000

City Name: Imperial Authority III (IA-III) (Mc Donald's Island)

Type: Subterranean, Tertiary/Quartinary.

major Industries: Financial/Diplomatic/shipping.

Population: 2 Million

Upper tier: 1.8 Million

Lower tier: 200,000

Article on Kerguelen Defenses


The small island ( kerguelen Islands) in the south Indian ocean, which serves as the capital province of the Alliance is undergoing a series of new construction projects to fully fortify the island against outside invasion or attack. A map of said projects in their final stage is shown below. The first picture shows a series of longrange anti-naval emplacements located on the eastern section's highest mountain. The emplacements have two main weapons. The first is a set of rail guns capable of either very long range or line of sight targeting of entities, its only limitation is the curvature of the earth and the limited line of sight. The second weapon is a series of GPS guided Artillery systems which utilize the Osiris satellite system to target forces beyond line of sight. These will be primarily anti-naval units. *Housed underground until needed*


The second is a series of emplacements.

Pink Circles: Anti-Air Systems

-Surface to Air Systems capable of longrange interception of enemy aircraft and missiles.

-Flechette Anti-Air capable of eliminating and either badly damaging or destroying enemy aircraft, or missiles. (Fired from small Gauss Cannon systems)

-High Accuracy explosive rounds capable of destroying enemy aircraft. (Fired from small Gauss Cannon Systems)

*Systems are housed underground and are elevated to the surface when needed

White: Ground forces sectional Command (subterranean)

-Nexus for tunnel systems in the general area of the sectional command centeres.

Red Squares: Mid to long range anti-naval/armored systems (anti-ship missiles/short/mid ranged artillery) (housed underground until needed).


The inner walls of the cities, military installations and hexlev tubes will be specially lined with wire mesh creating a faraday cage effect. This will shield the cities from EM fields. Wireless communications transmitted within the cities will be recaptured and transmitted to the outside world via external antenna. Wires leading to and from the city will have special coating, and may be shut off at any point of need. The major electrical producing facilities in the center of island (geothermal plant/solex recantenna array) shall be hardened against EM fields as well.

Commentary on the Island's Defensibility.

The Island ([OOC] as I falsely assumed in the past[/OOC]) is not a volcanic plume but in fact is a small up cropping of a much larger subcontinent submerged beneath the ocean. The geology is primarily granite, and therefore provides a very sturdy natural bunker for subterranean objects in general. As such when systems are lowered into the island they are fairly well protected at least from initial hits be it cruise missiles, bombs, or artillery (that is not specially designed to penetrate bunkers). Granite is also impermeable to a point and therefore would make the need for the pumping of any ground water minimal. As all defensive structures, the three major cities, and all internal transportation is subterranean (required due to the mountainous topography & climate) the island is fairly safe even without defensive structures. The three cities are entirely subterranean with the exception of several surface points. They are water tight, but further have internal pumping mechanisms to remove water should damage to the water seals occur. The natural impermeability of the granite should however minimize the need for pumping. The cities are united through a network of underground "hexlev" transportation systems (blue bar) which are essentially large maglev trains which employ six magnetic rails around the central pod rather than just two below it. This allows the easy movement of goods and people between the cities in peace as well as the easy deployment of soldiers during war. A secondary military system exists (gray bar) which is used exclusively by the military to move forces and operators around to the different military emplacements. This allows the Alliance to employ ambush and surprise attacks on invading forces as well as rapidly redeploy to areas that need troops. Overall the Topography of the island makes it horribly in-navigable for ground forces and especially larger armored units forcing invading forces to resort to air units which can be easily dispatched either by infantry based anti-air weapons or the anti-air network itself. Moreover the climate and lack of surface cover makes it a nightmare to fight in. In the winter the climate essentially turns the islands into snowy blocks of ice, and in the summer they become grass lands surrounded by ice capped mountains, box canyons, and large and small rivers. The lack of surface infrastructure adds to the in-navigability of the island. Moreover the island has two very readily available sources of energy. The first is its Solar Power Satellite array which beams energy to an recantenna field in the center of the island, and the second is the geo-thermal energy accessible from the inactive but present volcan activity. Both of these supply indefinite amounts of energy to the island.

The result of this is that an enemy force would have to resort to really three strategies, and the first would be to besiege the island and disallow access to external resources. While pod farming could supplement food indefinitely particular mineral resources would be necessary to maintain an indefinite war effort and mining of the submerged subcontinent surrounding the island could be inhibited by a siege. The siege itself though would have to be done beyond line of sight requiring very a very large naval force to fully cut off the islands without coming into range of either the rail guns or the long range artillery this one while its possible isn't entirely viable as the islands could potentially hold off indefinitely assuming the artillery systems could hold back navies far enough to allow for the mining of the sub-continent. Without access to that though the islands pod farming could allow them to hold out for several years. The second option would be to do a prolonged air-campaign which would result in heavy losses from the defensive systems alone not even including the Island's own air force. Depending on the capacity of the invading force the air defense systems could be worn down and forces could take out the long range anti-naval forces allowing them to move in and blockade the island. After this helicopters could be employed to slowly take control of the surface, and bombers could utilized bunker busting bombs to penetrate the cities. This would result in massive civilian losses, but over all would result in massive losses for the invader and without a massive multi-lateral force the invading air force wouldn't be capable of wearing down both the native air force and the defensive structures. The third option is simply to nuke the island with several high yield nuclear weapons. Anything other than these or a combination of them would result in an un-winnable war. This should theoretically make the island nonstrategic to attempt to take, as any conventional strategy against it ultimately ends in defeat, or requires the commitment of large numbers of forces either maintain a long term blockade or break the air defense.

The Kerguelens will be a fortress.

Province IV of the Homeland (North Western Siberia)

Provincial Governor: Amanda Swan

Troop Presence: 25,000 Soldiers 250 Mechanized Units

Province III was the second territory acquired outside of the Alliance. As the war had destroyed most if not all infrastructure, and refugees had been forced to flee, the Alliance had to start from scratch. It built a series oh naval defenses, along with a single major city and a naval base. As all citizens were born and bred in the Greater Alliance, and all construction was new this was very quickly a canidate for full province ship. Like province II, province III focuses almost exclusively on primary resources though it also has a large service industry economy as well and therefore is a healthy consumer market for the secondary economy of the Greater Alliance to export to. Cities in this region are reflective of their environment and are therefore subterranean.

Province V (Madeira Islands)

Provincial Governor: Jeffrey Avers

Troop Presence: 25,000 Soldiers 250 Mechanized Units

Province V is the product of a trade, what was previously Province IV (North Africa) of the Homeland for a small island belonging to the University. It is primarily a trade center, and military base of the Alliance. It is home of a sizable primary economy which is engaged in fishing, mining, and seabed mining. It has a large service industry and makes a good domestic market for the finished goods of the Greater Alliance. A transitioning plan was implemented and completed upgrading it to full provinceship.

Sub-Administrative Zone I (Norfolk)

Viceroy: James Heart

Troop Presence: 10,000 Soldiers 100 Mechanized Units

What was originally a full scale economic colony of the Alliance has since been reverted to a simple military base and civilian port. The whole of economic infrastructure and city construction has been ceded back to the Ardoria.

Sub-Administrative Zone II (Antarctica)

Viceroy: Robert Sheldon

Troop Presence: 10,000 Soldiers 100 Mechanized Units.

Sub-Administrative Zone III is mainly a Scientific research point for the Alliance's aero-space projects. There is some primary economic activity which sends resources back to the Greater Alliance, and there is a civilian port which works to trade goods with the pacific nations.

Vanguard Division

This is a division of the Alliance's military which focuses on rapid deployment and high mobility. It is comprised of a sizable mechanized division, along with a sizable troop division. It can be deployed into any theatre in at the most 24 hours.

200,000 Soldiers

2000 Mechanized Units

Royal Marine Corps

A special division of the Alliance military directly under the command of the Imperial Regent. Specialized in all fields of the military, and considered the most elite soldiers in the Alliance. Troops are trained from a young age and spend most of their life time in the corp. Younger ages fill the role of soldiers, and as time progresses are promoted into command roles or fill other roles in the Corp.

Imperial Regent: Thomas Deveraux

Lord Marshal: Marc Stephens

10,000 Soldiers

100 Mechanized Units

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Arsenal Releases



T47- Ares


50 Meters


4 Meters


30 Meters


170,000 Lb. (77110.702 KG)

Maximum Takeoff Weight

500,000 Lb. (226796.185 KG)

Range Unfueled

6000 Nautical Miles

Max Speed

Mach 4

Cruising Speed

Mach 3.2

Service Ceiling

85,000'+ (conventional engines)


Capable of carrying all forms of guided missiles, and gravity/guided bombs, Air burst weaponry, and nuclear weapons.

Stealth & Evasion

Made of composite materials and designed to have a small radar signature, capable of high altitude and high speed flight using its standard engines allowing it to quickly strike and evade interceptors. Microwave emission tools allow it to heat the atmosphere and evade heat seeking missiles, and it is also capable of guilding allowing it to cut its engines and rapidly cool them in order to further evade such anti-aircraft weapons. Secondary rocket engines at the expense of some of its payload capacity can be equipped which will allow it to climb into low orbit allowing it longer range and fuel consumption.

Take off/landing

Capable of either conventional take off (with maximum payload), short take off with assistance, or total vertical take off at the expense of fuel and payload based on whatever modifications it is adjusted to have. Short take off, and vertical take off equipped versions may be launched from a carrier.


M35 - Vengeance


11 Meters


4 Meters


14 Meters


24,000-35,000 lb (10,885 kg)

Range Unfueled

6000 Nautical Miles

Max Speed

Mach 4

Cruising Speed

Mach 3.2

Service Ceiling

85,000'+ (conventional engines)


The primary ordinance are guided missiles housed in a central bay it, sight and shoot radar/heads up displays installed in the pilots helmet allow easy targeting of enemy aircraft as well as ground structures. A capable interceptor as well as bomber. Both of its wings are also equipped with cannons which are housed within the wings only minimally exposing them. Each can independently target and are also linked into the heads up display systems further allowing easy targeting of foes.

Stealth & Evasion

Made of composite materials and designed to have a small radar signature, capable of high altitude and high speed flight using its standard engines allowing it to quickly strike and evade interceptors. Secondary rocket engines at the expense of some of its payload capacity can be equipped which will allow it to climb into low orbit allowing it longer range and fuel consumption. Further the stabilizing ports on the underside of its wings can assist in turns making it is highly maneuverable giving it superior capabilities in dogfights with average planes. Tight turns and control ability can allow it to cut across the slower turns made by counterparts.

Take off and Landing

Capable of vertical take off and landing making it the primary aircraft employed by carriers.


M-45 Atlas

The Atlas is the centerpiece of the vanguard division, it is the means by which the division can rapidly deploy. This Drop ship is capable of lifting many LRV's. several light armored SSMI, and other lightly armored units. It is further capable of long distance transport as it is equipped with in-air refueling capabilities, and its VTOL capabilites allow it to drop into rough or uneven terrain as long as it has enough clear space. The rear cargo style door allows the Atlas to be used a platform for paratroopers.

Cruising Speed: 650km/hr

Range w/o refueling: 6000km

Service Ceiling: 9000m

Max takeoff weight: 200,000kg

Capacity: 20 LRV's, 5 SSMI, 3 AT, 100 Soldiers (seated).


M-55 Cradle

The Light weight counterpart to the Atlas the cradle serves as a rapid deployment drop ship capable of supplying the front lines with fresh soldiers and light weight armored units. Its small size allow it to rapidly land and take off minimizing loss and opportunity to draw fire. Capable of long distance transport due to its in air refueling capabilities. It can also be a platform for paratrooper operations.

Cruising Speed: 650km/hr

Range w/o refueling: 6000km

Service Ceiling: 9000m

Max takeoff weight: 50,000kg

Capacity: 2 LRV's, 1 SSMI, 30 Soldiers (seated).


B-37 Hawk

The B-37 Hawk is the premier reconnaissance as well as internal security platform. It is a UAV which can be controlled via programing, or remote. Furthermore is conservative engines are designed to give it a high time to fuel ratio giving it an extraordinary loitering time. While highly efficient it further can operate at high speeds which drmatically increases its range. Simplicity of design has further increased efficiency as well as decreased breakdowns. Light composite materials make up its hull dampening radar giving it exceptional stealth abilities. An on board recon pack is equipped with high resolution lenses, and cameras, and streams live data back to the security system it is attached to. Furthermore it is equipped with sensitive laser mics capable of picking up sound via surface vibrations. Furthermore it is capable of painting a target with a high intensity laser to aid guided bombs and missiles systems. Finally it is capable of deploying a number of weapons systems, the specially designed spike missile has been included as it has been deemed to be a fitting match for the hawk, a small article on the spike. The Spike is equipted with an electro-optical guidance system... The guidance system is highly original; in one mode it uses an electro-optical seeker, basically a video camera. Lock on before launch and it follows the target — even something agile like a motorbike. In another mode for night operation, the seeker can be set to home in on a laser spot, turning Spike into a laser-guided missile. In a test firing in February [2008], Spike engaged a remote-controlled van with a crossing speed of twenty miles an hour, at a range of a mile and a half. You can see the effects in the photo. Although the warhead weighs less than two pounds, high precision increases its lethality. It’s designed to penetrate the target before detonating, so it could be used to target the window of a specific room in a building rather than demolishing the whole thing, like larger weapons.. the Hawk can carry up to 100 spikes which can be deployed individually or all at once. Each can further be individually guided, and target individual targets.

Range: 10000km

Maximum Speed: Mach 4

Service Ceiling: 20,000m

Weight: 9000Kg

Mechanized Units


LRV (Light Reconnaissance Vehicle) (OOC: Yes I know so original :P)

Lightly armored, agile LRV. Is propelled by a hydrogen fuel cell engine. Belt fed machine gun mounted to the back. Max speed off road is estimated 200 KPH. Can hold up to 3 people, machine gun can be removed to insert seating for two additional passengers or cargo.


Striker Shock Mobil Infantry

The SSMI is equipped with a large 30mm anti-material cannon capable of dispatching both air and and ground armored units with relative ease. Their depleted uranium cores are capable of puncturing most armor with exception to the most heavily armored units. Their secondary anti-personnel weapons can further engage enemy infantry with relative ease these are also given a dense core and are also capable of puncturing body armor and unhardened structures. This unit is capable of reaching high speeds over open land its ability to rapidly advance and throw slower and smaller units off guard makes it a deadly unit on the battle field. It is light enough to be inserted into the battle field via cradle drop ship.

Primary Ordinance: T-27 20mm Cannon

Barrel Length: 2m

Number of Barrels: 7

Rate of Fire: 5000 Rounds Per Minute

Cartridge size: 20mmx110mm

Effective Range: 2km

Secondary Armorement: P-35 13mm Anti-personnel Machine Gun

Barrel Length: 1m

Number of Barrels: 3

Rate of Fire: 1250 Rounds Per Minute

Cartridge Size: 13mmx71mm

Effective Range: 2km

Top Speed: 128km/hr

Number of Operators: 4

Weight: 14 metric tons

Width: 2.5m

length: 7m


HA (Armored Tank)

Nearly impregnable, heavily armed, requires three operators very effective against other armored units as well as infantry. Very demoralizing.



Demon Class Corvette

Heavily armed compact ship capable of rapid water movement.


Archon Class Battleship

Heavily Armed capable of missile deployments, and armed with several deck level rail guns.


Daringer Class Aircraft Carrier

Heavily armed with several rail guns, as well as their own aircraft's and flight crews.


AMD Class Nuclear Submarine

Is a capable missile submarine may launch ICBM's as well as launch torpedoes.

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Defensive Systems (AA)
Province I employs the use of the javelin missile systems as designed by the Military's R&D department. Each system is set up with ten launch ports which draws from an individual magazine each holding a maximum stock of one hundred T-45's. The Magazines are Large racks stored beneath each barrel. A missile fires one at a time in an identical sequence and one barrel can be fully preped to fire another missile by the time the barrel just before it in the sequence has fired. This allows a continuous deployment of missiles allowing one missile system to manage a large enemy air campaign. Missiles fire at a rate of one missile per .5 seconds, making the reload time 5 seconds. The barrel can swivel 360 degrees. Each air system can utilize the Osiris satellite system which can paint a target in laser. Each missile is programmed to track a particular frequency of light allowing multiple targets to be targeted at once. However if the Osiris system is for some reason down radar as well as line of sight laser targeting can be utilized by a missile system. Each system takes about an average of two hours to fully reload and there are an average of twenty such systems per missile site on the Island. Each system is further designed to either move close to or penetrate the given structure before detonating upon which explosives wrapped in special fragmentation packages rip apart and damage anything not directly harmed by the immediate explosion.


Length: 5m first stage, 2m second stage

Diameter: 25cm

Weight: 1500kg at Launch, 800 kg at second stage

Warhead: 500 Kg High Explosive

Propulsion: Standard Fuel & Rocketry

Guidance: Laser & Optical

Max Ceiling: 100 Km

Range: 1000Km

Cruising Speed: Mach 5

The High Propulsion High Accuracy Round is fired from a small rail gun. Computer targeting is utilized based on line of sight to launch a 3 Kg projectile at enemy aircraft with as much force as 10Mj of energy. If impacted the enemy aircraft is almost certainly destroyed. High accuracy ratings have been scored as computer targeting along with the LoS systems are capable of solving and projecting the simple calculations to deliver successful strikes. Twenty of such systems are generally located in each AA array.

B-50 AA HPHA Round

Weight of Round: 3 Kg

Targeting: Line of Sight

Rate of Fire: Twelves rounds per minute.

Range: Line of Sight

Fired from the same systems as the B-50's these are capable of targeting both enemy Aircraft and cruise Missiles. Upon reaching a particular proximity with their target they shatter and fling thousands of fletchette at the given target causing substantial damage if not destruction to the target. A single Fletchette round could target several missiles or aircraft in so far as they were clustered close enough together. Twenty of such systems are generally found per AA system.

J-37 Flechette Round

Weight of Round: 3 Kg

Targeting: Line of Sight

Rate of Fire: Twelves rounds per minute.

Range: Line of Sight

Number of Flechette: 10,000

The F-45 is a sort of weapon of last resort installed within the Anti-Air webs of the Kerguelens. They are designed to defend the long range anti-air systems they guard from close air units. Each one is automated with a a special Friend or Foe targeting system assigned by the central computers of the Alliance. When Activated they will shoot down any flying object within their range that is not emitting a special carrying signal of the Alliance. The cannons are generally arranged independently on special 360 by 180 degree mounts capable of giving the firing systems optimal targeting abilities. They are fed by individual magazines with roughly 100,000 rounds per magazine giving them roughly 16.5 seconds of prolonged firing time before a reload is required.

F-45 AA-30mm Cannon

Barrel Length: 3m

Number of Barrels: 10

Cartridge Size: 30x176mm

Caliber: 30mm

Rate of Fire: 6000 Rounds Per Minute.

Maximum Range: 10Km

Defensive Systems (Anti-Naval)
T-55 Heavy Rail Gun

This is the centerpiece of the Greater Alliance's anti-naval defense systems. The system utilizes the direct energy of the Greater Alliance's Geo-thermal, and SPS systems to launch a heavy round a high velocities at enemy ships. The systems launch such projectiles with such energy that upon impact the damage to the ship generally disables them, or sinks them all together.

Length of Barrel: 10m

Weight of Projectile: 5kg

Rate of Fire: 12 Rounds Per Minute

Range: Line of Sight

X-102 Guided Artillery

This is the secondary system to help assist the rail guns. As the rail guns are incapable of shooting beyond line of sight, or beyond the curvature of the earth these artillery systems can strike ships and targets before they reach line of sight. Using osiris systems upon firing the round will target the deck of the target ship and burry itself inside the hull where it will detonate causing massive internal damage. Special inertia rounds can be loaded which will bore all the way to the thick bottom of the hull and upon contact detonate internal shape charges cutting straight through the armor of the bottom. Rounds can also be loaded with poising gas, FOAB warheads, or even small tactical nukes.

Length of Barrel: 30m

Range: 500km

Rate of Fire: 20 Rounds per Minute.

X-155 Anti-Naval Missile

A mid to long ranged solution to water based platforms. Based some what on Nordic anti-ship ballistic missile systems it is guided by a series of radar, and optical space based systems allowing it to track and target moving ships at sea. Upon reaching low orbit the system spliters into five smaller warheads which may either all target a single large ship, or target multiple smaller crafts. The falling bodies accelerate all the way to their target and upon impact bore straight through the decks of their target and detonate within the crafts gennerally rendering them disabled or destroyed altogether. Launched from land based silos around the Greater Alliance.

Weight: 14,000 kg

Length: 11m

Diameter: 1.5m

Warhead: Five MIRV's

Effective Range: 4000km

Speed: Mach 9.5


Article published.

The Alliance has recently launched a new addition to its Osiris Sky-surveillance network. This will be a series of satellites which will position themselves above each of the Alliance's territories. These satellites will be equipped with a new E-35 terrain mapping radar that will constantly take images of the surface below them. This will be part of our anti-stealth web designed to detect stealth aircraft. As craft's invisible to radar will appear as a blank spot on the radar imaging of the surface. Existing Osiris systems will pinpoint altitude and altitude and position of the craft as well as paint it with on board laser systems allowing ground based defense systems to dispatch it.

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AR-225 - The Scorpion

The AR-225 is the standard issue weapon for alliance Infantry.

Primary: Standard Ballistics

Weight: 3.58Kg

Barrel Length: 500mm

Cartridge Size: 7.62x51mm

Action: Gas Operated

Modes: Semi-Burst-Automatic

Rounds Per minute: 600

Secondary: Grenade Launcher

Cartrige: 3.05x10mm

Action: Pressure

Mode: Semi-Automatic


A-10 Infantry Anti-Tank Weapon

The A-10 is composed of two barrels and an interchangeable magazine port where two small rocket propelled shape charges can be inserted. The aiming system is more or less point and click where it then has a limited heat seeking capability. Once ignited the P-24 rocket engines ignite using hydrogen fuel and propels the device toward the target. Using a proximity system the device once within five inches of the target activates detonating the internal charge and propelling a 1kg slug of molten copper at the presumably thick armor of any target. Upon impact the armor is quickly destroyed after which a secondary charge of the device now either within the target itself, or embedded within its internal systems detonates a second charge completely destroy the likely already disabled target.

Barrel length: .75m

Total Length: 1.5m

Maximum Range: .75km

Effective Range: .5km

Cartridge Size: 10cmx 250cm


B-5: Sniper Rifle

The B-5 is the long ranged rifle of the Alliance. An experienced shooter is capable of hitting small targets from 2 kilometer. It fires 13x71 mm armor piercing bullets cored with depleted uranium. The system is bolt action.

Barrel Length: 1m

Maximum Range: 2km

Action: Bolt Action

Cartridge Size: 13mmx71mm

Weight: 4.0kg


HK-555 - The Hammer

Magazine fed, short range/long range, optional silencer, auto/semi-automatic, standard issue to all military/police units.


Body Armor

Standard issue to all infantry and police units, upper military field units are issued slightly altered suits.

Chemical Weapons
Compound Orange (gas)

Description: Compound Orange is the head piece of the Alliance's Chemical weapons program. It is stored as two harmless binary agents that are liquid at room temperature. Upon mixing they quickly react and form Compound Orange at a high ratio of gas to unit liquid. Meaning a small amount of liquid generally results in a large amount of gas with a proportional increase with both volumes. The compound in its gas state has major several strategic effects as a weapon.

1. The Weapon has an extrodinarily long effect time staying in a stable cloud form for approximately four days. This makes it an effective denial of area weapon. After four days the compound breaks down, it may also be converted into a series of benign compounds with the proper application of a very complex neutralizing agent. Meaning, it can be controlled by the collective deploying it.

2. Initial releases of the gas during the first two hours of its deployment are transparent and free of odor. This allow the gas to fully disburse within its area of effect without detection after a full two hours it reacts with UV rays of the sun causing it to opaque. This heavily reduces visibility to ten feet and makes operations within it near impossible.

3. The gas is highly energetic and is denser than the atmosphere. As a result it essentially pushes the majority of breathable atmosphere out of its path, and creates an environment almost entirely made up of the compound. As a result any filtering systems are rendered useless and individuals or facilities using them will asphyxiate without their own independent air supplies. The compound has a static charge allowing it to maintain its form and preventing it from disbursing too quickly. Air pressure will help to push it downward but once reaching a particular area of effect the charge will slow the rate of disbursal, and eventually level off.

4. The gas itself has a minute lethal dose, and upon contracting it, unlike other nerve agents, has no known counter agent. Its effects are immediate, usually within three seconds, and are characterized by initial disorientation and confusion followed by immediate brain death. The gas itself functions by interrupting neural activity and bonding with receptor sites rendering neural transmitters useless. It can be ingested both through direct inhalation, and absorbed through the skin.

M-35 Titan Delivery System

Length: 30m

Width: 3m

Range: International

Entry: MIRV (10)

Description: The Titan is used exclusively for the Alliance's Chemical Weapons program as a delivery system for Compound Orange. The MIRV capabilities are used as a mechanism to widen the area of effect and more even disburse the Compound. Each MIRV holds a total of Fifty liters of the compound's binary substance's which are stored at a high pressure. Once over a particular target the re-entry vehicle deploys a wide area parachute and begins to mix the binary substances and deploying the compound. Altitude of parachute deployment is set in advanced or can be initiated remotely. The fall of the deployment system is designed to fall straight through the already deployed cloud reinforcing the existing cloud ensuring maximum spread and coverage.

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